Good thing I preordered then :P Is "Gaige"s talent tree posted online anywhere yet?
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Glad I preordered.
Hope the other 3 DLC aren't shit like this one.
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Nevermind then?
I had no idea......
Hmmmmmm, 5 DLCs?
No me gusta.
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W/e, atleast the DLCs aren't shit I'm cool with it.
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From the sounds of it, the Season Pass is 4 of the future DLC Expansion Packs for $29.99 (instead of $9.99x4/$39.96) and will not include the Mechromancer.
If you Preorder AND Season Pass, you'll save $20 if you buy everything ($90 USD).
If you Preorder OR Season Pass, you'll save $10 if you buy everything ($100 USD).
If you don't Preorder or Season Pass, you'll pay full retail for everything ($110 USD).
Prices based off retail, $59.99 game and $9.99 DLCs, and do not include discounts.
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From what I understand, no.
Everything has said the Season Pass includes the "4 unannounced DLCs". The Mechromancer has been announced already, plus the description of the Season Pass is this:
Includes access to four brand new individual add-on content campaigns for Borderlands 2 as they become available.
Each campaign will feature several hours of gameplay and introduce new adventures, allies, enemies and environments.
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Come to think about it... given that they're planning full content expansions for $9.99, charging the same price for a new char seems kind of a rip off :(
Admittedly, I've not been disappointed with their DLCs, and think they generally do DLC right, but this kind of bugs me a little bit.
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No offense, but.... Shocking.
You guessed that the fairly standard price of DLC would be applied to the DLC for Borderlands 2, when the previous game's DLC was all that same price.
Whether you (as in people in general) agree with the price or not is beside the point. $10 for a DLC isn't strange or new at this point. Plus, it's pretty obvious that the future DLC character was used to boost Presales (which I have no real problem with since it doesn't seem to be cut from launch just to sell).
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Still, the reasoning people used against not charging 10 bucks was simple. "It's just a character". Regardless if 10 bucks an average DLC price or not, even a damned 4 Map CoD pack is worth more than a class. I sure wouldn't preorder the game for a free class, when I can eventually buy it for half the original price with everything packed in.
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Or..... they bought the preorder cheap when it was "on sale" before.
Steam offers a 4 pack which saves you 25% each copy, bringing the price down to $45USD, and it was on sale for a while for those who owned the game dropping the price even further ($37.50 for each 4 pack copy I believe).
Greenman Gaming has it for $48, with a 25% off coupon bringing the price down to $36.
And I'll be playing it Day One.
If I wait til it goes for 50% off, I'll save a whopping $1 ($30 + 5 for the Mechromancer) and have no idea when I'll be able to play it.
Waiting for 75% off is not going to happen til AT LEAST next summer.
Oh... and had a similar pre-order deal where the single price was around $40 and the 4 pack was around $38. And those are just the retailers I know of that were cheap. I think GamersGate also has/had a similar cheap discount where you could get it for $40 or less.
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Lolwut, my point still stands, you can buy the game on sale with everything u get from preorder 75% in a sale later, don't like waiting? Too bad, i guess you can put up some extra hours to pay off the game in preorder form. You spend a sh!t ton of money now, later i'll likely buy borderlands 2 GOTY or something similiar for 20€ or less, which is about half of the preorder price, with everything included, the only difference is you need to wait for it.
Like i said on my other comment, if you preorder it, you are either rich, dumb or desperately dumb to wait for a sale. Now which one are you? x)
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Sorry... your point DOESN'T stand.
Pre-purchase Now and get an upgrade to the Premier Club Edition.
None of this can be obtained after the game's launch.
And how is $36 a "shit ton of money"? (PS. this is the internet, you can swear, we won't tell your mommy)
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What makes you think they will not release that later on...?
Most gaming companies do it, if it pulls out some extra money, they will likely do it.
The only difference is that you get access to it earlier compared to the people who didn't pre-order, it's like them giving you a shiny new medal to show off in the game just because you preordered.
And honestly i didn't want to come to this point, you are paying extra for items... This is like TF2, you don't really need hats to show off, nor do you need shiny rare guns to show off to play a game. It will hardly take any impact in the game, the only difference is that you will get better loot than other people but who gives a flying fuck about that when there are "87 BAZILLION" guns, honestly? Fuck, people these days...
Hate to tell you this, but my point still stands, with some additional info that turns my POV even stronger, all thanks to you. :)
PS: "And how is $36 a "shit ton of money"?" Are you fucking kidding me? Dumbest question i've heard this week, incase you didn't know USA isn't the only country in the world. There are countries out there that give you a minimum salary of 400€ and you spent 10% of that salary preordering a game just because of those freaking retarded bonuses. Now think about it, if you were living in such a country with such a salary, would you enjoy spending 10% of your monthly earning in a freaking preorder? I think anyone with a damn brain would figure out there are better things to do with the money other than throw it away like that. Damn silly americans thinking the world is all about them, le sigh.
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Nope.avi, values are different depending on the source you buy them. Steam offers no % off when you buy the game and i'm speaking about that, not about random websites who sell the game with discount.
This conversation is getting you mad it seems, perhaps it's best to just stop replying.
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Thanks for proving my point, idiot.
Steam offers no % off when you buy the game
You should have quit while you were ahead instead of continuing to argue when you are so fucking wrong.
Buying the 4 pack from Steam gives you a 25% "discount" ($45ea).
Buying the 4 pack from Amazon gives you a 25% "discount" ($45ea).
For a limited time (i.e. A SALE), Steam had a 10% Pre-order discount for owners of Borderlands which, when combined with the 4 pack brought the price down to $40.50 each copy.
For a limited time (i.e. A SALE), Amazon had a $20 Pre-order discount if you bought Borderlands for $10 which, when combined with the 4 pack brought the price down to $42.50 each copy.
Or are you now going to argue that Steam and Amazon are "random websites"?
Just because YOU were too stupid to take advantage of a Pre-order sale doesn't make those who did are idiots.
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But but you are still an idiot... Go read my PS a few replies above to your "And how is $36 a "shit ton of money"?" Need more proof? It was an idiotic question.
If i did preorder the game why would i buy a 4 pack... Like i said, i'll wait for a sale and save about half(or more) the money spent on that game and it's dlc's. It's like instead of preordering the game for, let's say 36€, i would get to buy the game and all of the dlcs and probably still have money left.
And yes Amazon is a random website to me, i don't even use it and never cared to.
If you are hoping that i end up not replying, it won't happen as long as you keep it going. Yes, i know, i'm extremelly annoying. :D
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If i did preorder the game why would i buy a 4 pack...
Right, you'd need to have friends for that. Sorry, my mistake.
let's say 36€,
$36 =/= 36€
Also, you are STILL plugging your ears and IGNORING what has been said 20 times: Sure you can WAIT OVER ONE YEAR to get the game + DLC in the GoTY version at a discount, but I'll have it to play on day one for 40% off, and pick up the Season Pass cheap later on (I can buy the Season Pass RIGHT NOW for $22).
And yes Amazon is a random website to me
Right, because of zeus9860 doesn't use the site it's 'just some random website' despite the fact that it's most likely the biggest online retailer.
Jesus fucking christ you are seriously retarded.
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It's not going to be "GOTY" this coming Christmas.
My guess is, they'll have the 2nd DLC put out in time for Christmas, and the 4th will be sometime over Summer 2013. Meaning you're not going to see the GOTY version til Fall 2013 at the earliest.
For reference, Borderlands came out Oct 26th 2009, GOTY was put out Oct 8th 2010, nearly a year later, and it originally cost $50. A few months later (Dec 2010) it went on sale for 50% off down to $25
So really, have fun waiting a year or more for the GOTY version to save yourself a couple bucks.
I've spent my $36 for the game + preorder goodies (vault key) + mechromancer and will pick up the DLCs/Season Pass as they come out and/or goes on sale.
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Smart... this is why, when one's in doubt with himself about something. They either pirate the game first or wait for some sort of sale. You rushed it and seems like you took the "desperately dumb to wait for a sale" path.
And i agree with you, what a waste of money.
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It's the game I want to play more then any other this year. It's pre-ordered. I paid full price for a retail Borderlands and all the dlcs. And I don't regret it in the least, one of my fave games of the past few years. Borderlands 2 was worth the pre-order.
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Yeah i get that, it's my most wanted pc game aswell but i'm not going to preorder it with some crappy bonuses. The only bonus i was considering obtaining was the new class, but its going to end up as DLC, everything else is minor and not really important. So i'll be waiting for a sale on this game and buy it 50% off at least, i bought borderlands 75% off, it was cheap and totally worth it. But i wouldn't pay the full price for it on release.
There is really only one exception to this for me, only game i pay full price is a 360 exclusive we all know about, the so called "Halo" series. It's an exclusive, given that it would take alot of years to see the price drop here, console exclusives here are expensive on release and manage to keep the same price for about 3 years, if not more. Borderlands 2 isn't exclusive and within 1 year it will have a few sales 50%+ off, so i'll be waiting untill then... i got plenty of games to try out anyways.
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Yeah glad I pre-ordered Borderlands 2 now I get a DLC worth £7.99, come to think of it how much money do you reckon you have saved by pre-ordering???, remember the pre-order comes with an extra 3 items which will end up as DLC at some point.
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Yeah, remember those times when you actually had to work to unlock new characters? Whatever happened to that? It's fucking stupid all this shit they expect you to pay for.
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Blame the people who bought horse armor and other shitty DLC. All the people who guy this DLC will only give way to more overpriced and worse DLC.
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They've already announced the price for the DLCs. So no, They will not be $15~20. You can even buy the "Season Pass" for $30 and get all 4 DLCs as they are made available, saving $10.
Do try to keep up with the topic when you make speculative comments.
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MW proves to be the best thing to ever happen to gaming.
That was the first sign he's a troll.
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I love how everyone in here's like "LOLOL I CNT BELEV U BOUT ITTT! UR SO STUPD!! LOL I JUST WAIT FOR GOTY N SAVE BIG $$$"
You people are fucking idiots.
If you want to wait for the Game of the Year edition, go right ahead. I'm going to enjoy playing this game for the next two years while you sit there with your thumb up your ass watching so many gameplay videos that when you finally do play the game you won't be able to enjoy it.
Seriously. You all seem to think that a GOTY Edition will be released 3 months after the game releases. I can almost guarantee that there won't even be a Game of the Year edition of Borderlands 2 out by NEXT Christmas, let alone this one. FFS, the first DLC from the Season Pass probably won't even be out by then. (Which, mind you, is NOT the Mechromancer)
On to my next point, I've seen a few of you saying that Gearbox is 'pulling an EA' because of releasing a new character shortly after launch. There is a LARGE difference between what EA/Bioware did with Mass Effect 3 and what Gearbox is doing here. The Extra Character for Mass Effect 3 was ready to be distributed on launch day. This means that they had all the data for it ready to go in time for it to be shipped on the disc with the game, but intentionally left it off to make money. It also only came free if you bought the Collector's Edition. (Which still costs over $100, I can't remember how much it costed on it's release day) Gearbox is giving it for free to ANYONE who preordered ANY edition of the game.(Which even includes buying the game from GreenManGaming for a ridiculously low price of $37.50)
And, lastly, to the people saying "What a ripoff! It's only a character!" You obviously have no idea what you're saying. If you've ever played Borderlands (the first one, which I'd hope you have, it's an awesome game) you should probably know that each character has an extremely varied style of play. So essentially you're paying for an entirely new experience for the game. If I hadn't preordered this game the day my local gamestop started accepting preorders, I would've gladly paid $10 for it! And, knowing Gearbox, they'll probably throw in some more goodies with the character in the DLC just because they can.
So, now that I've logically explained why I believe a vast majority of you are idiots, let the flaming begin.
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let the flaming begin.
I'll start: your attitude sucks.
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the day is coming when we will buy a game full priced and have to buy additional DLC to actually play it. the death of videogames is coming
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Day one DLC isn't always terrible if it's done correctly.
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That's the example they use on how it was done incorrectly :P The video posted references other games in a more general manner
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I stopped watching when they started talking about certification.
BULLSHIT. Given how many games FEEL rushed, because they WERE, either certification is a bullshit excuse or it's standards/requirements are incredibly low.
0-Day DLC is bad. DLC that is missing content or story is even worse.
Maybe the reason DLC 'attachment' rates drop off after a month is 90% of DLC is BULLSHIT maps, that only work with others who have bought said maps, provide no actual content and are obscenely priced.
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Ubisoft abandoned some of its more draconian DRM. Even major corporations are figuring shit out.
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Until they remove it from their old games, they really haven't learned anything.
Honestly, I think this is more of a "Let's say we're dropping the DRM, but really it's just going to be sort of a trial thing and when the games without DRM don't sell any better we can blame it on piracy and go back to the old ways".
I hope I'm wrong. I really do.
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I'll just say the most important part:
"The downloadable tinkerer, who Gearbox has revealed is called Gaige, will be free for those who pre-order but will otherwise cost $9.99/£7.99/800 MS Points."
Called it. Trololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololo.
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