Have you bought from or plan to buy from Funstock digital
Lately all my duplicate key problems have come from Greenmangaming. They probably have some glitches in their key system, because I've bought quite a bit from funstock and had no issues with their support or keys. It happens everywhere except on steam directly.
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Really? I've only ever heard of it happening on shady sites like G2A-offshoots.
Not something I've heard of from GMG, either, despite their other notable flaws- so not sure if that's concerning for further quality decline, or just a weird aberrant glitch.
Certainly, you never hear of the reputable sites like Humble or Amazon having that issue, neh?
(v Or have I totally missed some things? :P)
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I've never heard of Humble or Amazon having problems, but I've heard of quite a bit from GMG lately. I received two bad keys of Vermintide and one bad Witcher 3 key. Apparently the Witcher 3 keys weren't from an official source though, because CDPR never authorized GMG to sell their keys. That said, I've never had a bad key from any grey market site in hundreds of purchases. G2A, Kinguin, cdkeys. Overall my luck has been good and my GMG problems were fixed so I'm not mad.
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during the blackops sale on gmg, i got 1 & 2 at the same time, 1 was invalid (not duplicate)
if we're specifically talking duplicates, nothing is particularly shady even from the key sites if they're major & have been around for years, the only thing shady is third party sellers (which g2a does have, marketplace sellers)
if there is a support system in place, you usually get a fixed key
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I sense confusion, there. The issue people have with sites like G2A [from a consumer viewpoint] isn't their risk of broken keys, but that unlike any remotely reputable site, they charge you an overpriced protection charge for getting a functioning product [which is less an issue for the market side of things, and more an issue when G2A forces it on you for their official sales, like HRK purchases/bundles.
Note however that all other 'free market' sites (like Ebay) offer free consumer protection, so you can't even excuse the market angle- that's pure shady, disreputable behavior, at least according to accepted standards].
Of course, from a non-consumer side of things, there's a good chance they're doing a lot of illegal things- but then, that's something more for the developers involved and courts to figure out, not us, eh?
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This from the same site that locked me out of my account because I brought up an overcharge, ignored my e-mails, twitter, and facebook messages for half a year, and then deleted my account with $35s of bundle keys.
Moreover, most everyone I know who has had key problems with IG hasn't gotten replies to their e-mails at any point.
Flip side, you two aren't the only ones who mention positive encounters.
IG support seems to be very.. capricious :X
Just, always remember to back up your keys off-site..
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Honestly at this point you should void them altogether . They've had serious issues with the last few big releases. Not to mention al the site downtime as well.
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Well this is where the proverbial rubber meets the road. If they're a legitimate retailer then you should just repeatedly contact support until they make it right, all for free. Charging for that kind of consumer protection is the realm of the grey market.
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Not bought a lot from there but never had a problem so far. Migh be just be one bad batch of keys for that one particular game?
Only ever had a problem with 1 key from what must be 4000+ either gifted, traded or activated from different places and that came from an Indie Gala bundle. On a hunch I managed to solve that myself by changing either a 0 to a o or a 1 to a l (can't remember which) and it worked. Somebody somehwere had typed it in incorrectly & it wasn't me as I copy/pasted directly from the IG page.
Thanks for the train!
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Oh wow...I've actually bought from them before (Mad Max twice). Both giveaways were good keys (or at least the winners didn't complain!).
Believe it or not, as I read your thread I had something in my cart from Funstock. Now I have to decide whether or not to click "Continue to Secure Checkout."
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That's odd.
I bought Mad Max there a while ago after asking users from SG if it's a reputable place. The answer came back yes, that they're authorized sellers, so I went ahead with it. It was noted as the base game, but it activated as a pre-order copy (no complaints here).
I bought Batman: Arkham Knight Premium Edition (the same you mentioned) as well as This War of Mine there last weekend. My order was processed and immediately approved, but they only gave me a key for Batman and nothing for This War. Batman activated flawlessly, but it took 2 days for their support to get me a key for This War (which also activated flawlessly).
My best advice: just be polite to their customer service and they should take good care of you. :)
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last week i made a GA with a key from fd without any problems. tonight im doing another one and tomorrow night we'll see the result, i hope it works :)
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I've bought from them and activated keys without any issues. However they do have an unwritten rule that they will not sell more than two keys for the same game to any account holder. Their shopping cart controls don't properly implement this invisible limit, so if you do manage to purchase more than two copies they will block your IP. Their support cleared up the problem but warned me against doing so again in the future as it violates their agreement with publishers.
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Bought Fallout 4 pre-order from them, first I was told that I'd get the game the 6th, when you were supposed to be able to start pre-loading it, then they changed the date to the 9th, the day before the release. But the 9th their whole site went down the whole day and wasn't up again until long after the release, ending up with me getting the cd key from an email a couple of hours after the release (after a couple of angry complaints sent to them, a friend who didn't complain on email got it a day later when their site was up temporarily again). So yes, I've bought from them and no I'll never do it again, sorry to hear about you also having problems with them though!
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All legit Steam key sellers have this problem; lately it's been a somewhat common complaint about Humble Bundle.
The more common issue with FunStock seems to be that their "Other DRM" and "Steam" badge is probably a little too similar, so people buy a game expecting a Steam code, but get a standalone version instead.
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I had a completely invalid key from FunStock a while back (must have been mistyped into their DB) - support completely ignored my requests for a replacement which meant I had to progress down the Paypal refund route. In the end I did get refunded, not just for the invalid key but the whole order, despite only requesting a partial refund. I will not order from Funstock again, which is a shame as their prices are sometimes competitive.
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I know it's not digital, but I did buy two copies of a physical game off them a while back and they were onto me straight away asking if ordered two by mistake and that they would reverse the transaction if I had only meant to order one.
As it happens I was buying two, but I thought that was pretty sound of them. Sad to hear things haven't been as positive for others.
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I recently purchased Batman : Arkham Knight Premium Edition from them as it was the best deal around (stupid me, I know), went to activate key
and BOOM duplicate serial. Next went through Paypal along with emailing Funstocks support, got a replacement key and still a duplicate,
so right now I'm just regretting ever even hearing about them. Waiting on another email or key right now. Just letting all of you know, do NOT buy from them.
Happy Holidays Guys! Risen From the Dead Train
(Update) They were very cordial and pretty prompt when it came to the refund, so now I have a refund in Paypal :)
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