Did support seriously say that? Spoiling the game is as bad as spoiling answers
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You could have hidden the (censored) tagging as well, or just shown the lock of text needed.
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I guess opinion differs from mod to mod unfortunately. I'm pretty sure some would definitely ban on site for this though.
At any rate, you can always add the leaker to your blacklist.
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Well, it's either Crossbourne or Rinarin.
EDIT: Actually, that could be classified as calling out. Fair enough. I'm still saying it's one of those two, though.
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I was about to edit my post and say that it was most likely one of the mods who doesnt have any experience with making or solving puzzles.
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Bloody hell, I'm really calling out?
Well, it has to be one of those two because they're the only mods on this site, everyone else is support.
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It's even worse. It's killing the fun and thrill of finding out what game it is after you answer all that snitnitz. I made a puzzle for it to be a fun ride, for people to play. I could have easily made another public ga and not care! But I guess the problem is that it was Fortix and not Skyrim or Tomb Raider or whatever!
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I completely concur. Also it kills the magic of discovering what it is.
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Think of a puzzle like a movie. Spoiling the answers is like spoiling the journey. Spoiling the game title is like spoiling the ending. Which one is worse? That's arguable, but I think we can both agree that both are unwelcome.
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Let me ask a question: do you do puzzles if you know what the game is and you have it already?
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There are so many quizzes released every day that most people only do the puzzles that either advertise a game they don't own or don't have the game listed at all. It's not feasible to finish all puzzles - there just simply isn't enough time in a day unless you're unemployed or on break or something.
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Which is why it is perfectly reasonable to know what you're getting in to before you start pouring time in to a puzzle, especially if the game is Fortix, a game just about everyone and his dead grandma have. Some of them take ages.
Whether or not you enjoy solving puzzles, the giveaway at the end is a definite payoff / reward for completing them, especially when there's so many puzzles on the site that you have to choose a small part of them to do rather than trying them all. I'd much rather spend time on puzzles for games I don't own, thereby both enjoying the puzzle as well as the reward at the end. Even if I don't win the giveaway (I've actually not won any giveaways from completed puzzles), at least I have a sense that my time spent on the puzzle was more worthwhile than if I'd spent an hour on a puzzle, only to see a game I already own at the end of it, thereby taking time away from trying to complete other puzzles that might have a good game I don't own as the reward - which would be just as fun to try and finish.
Anyway, in this case, if bull21 asked the poster to delete his post and he didn't, or refused to, that's a different story - decisions like that should be the puzzle makers', no one else's. I definitely agree on that. All the effort it takes to make a puzzle kind of gives the maker the right to decide all factors concerning that puzzle. Did bull21 ask the guy who posted it was Fortix to delete his post? Or did bull21 instantly report him? If there was no request made to the poster to delete his post first, I can understand supports' decision far better as indeed, as they say, the information posted doesn't inherently break site rules, in that it doesn't give any info that in any way helps solve the puzzle.
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Still - my puzzle my rules. If I decide for whatever reason not to tell what game I am giving away (it may be a part of multistage puzzle or it may be used in my future puzzles). It's up to the one providing a game to decide what rules suits him the best - not up to user that dislike them.
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I think you might have missed my edit. F5 and read my post again. I agree with you on that. But my point is that unless the maker explicitly asks for someone to not reveal what game's being given away (or to delete a post saying so), there should be no issue with revealing the game given away - it still is not an actual part of the puzzle that in any way helps you solve it. All knowing what game is being given away does is help decide whether to put time in to this puzzle, or that one, and I honestly don't understand why you'd even want to keep what game you're giving away secret to begin with.
If I ever make a puzzle (or rather when - I have had some ideas in my head for a while now), I'll clearly state what game it's for, always, exactly because of what I say - I don't want to waste peoples' time with my super hard puzzle only to reveal to them the game was something 80% of the site owns, when there's other puzzles around with maybe a game they would like a shot at. I see it as kind of a dick move to have people waste their time on hard puzzles (purely because of there being so many around).
If your logic is "but solving the puzzle should be fun in itself and not related to the giveaway at the end", make a fun puzzle with no giveaway reward at the end then. That would be a puzzle for the sake of a puzzle. When you're promising the reward of a giveaway for beating the puzzle, it is unrealistic and absolutely illogical to expect people to not be annoyed when they complete your puzzle, then see it's for either a troll game like Bad Rats, or something most already own.
I want to ask though - what do you mean by "it may be used in future puzzles"? You mean that one question in a future puzzle might ask people about a game that was part of a previous puzzle giveaway? Wouldn't that mean that solving that puzzle is impossible unless you either a) know and remember the previous puzzle, and the giveaway at its' end (which would be kind of random, arbitrary, and unfair), or b) know the previous puzzles thread (which you might not), and have to spend time finishing that puzzle first to get to what game was given away then? (unnecessary double effort and once more unfair to people that weren't there for the first puzzle)?
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I see your edit now, so yeah, forgot about this 1st part.
As for the socond part for example many of my puzzles have recurring theme, its not about a game i was giving away, but I can easily see possible usage for this.
Let's imagine I would like add some part of a puzzle somewhen in a future asking about game from my previous puzzle. While it is slightly promoting users that are no strangers to my puzzles (just slightly, as my puzzles tend to be multi stages often with various ways leading to sollution), it's not exactly as you describe it - if the puzzle has already ended and even if user solving new puzzle wasn't a participant - he still have various ways of solving it. He may use SG forum search or do his research via google. he doesn not have to solve previous puzzles over again - he may, but also he may idk - look for comments from solvers and see what game they won from me. Or look for a private GA that ended in time the puzzle was ending. Or he may even if doesn't feel like researching at all try every private GA I ever made manually. Yet a single comment made by someone "it's not worth it, he's gaving away XYZ, destroy all possibilities from using this puzzle as a refference to future puzzles/events.
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oh and don't get me wrong - I usually tell what game is GA for OR hint it in the puzzle itself. Yet not always and like I said I can see the reason why someone may not like to tell what game he's giving away.
Oh and another example: Lets say I'm making a puzzle I'm willing to make oit 2 stage with Fortix as stage 1 reward and Metro Last Light as stage 2 reward. I hint that theres a hidden link in fortix description in any way. In this case I also don't want toi tall what game I'm giving away, cause if a) I tell I'm giving away Fortix and Metro Last Light people will be extra cautious and will easily spot hidden stage 2. If I say I'm giving away Fortix and don't mentoion Metro a lot of people won't even try solving a damn thing :>
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In that case, a mod should have given him a warning to delete his post, or get a nice 2 week suspension or so. Anyway, please read my two posts in this chain - curious what you think of them.
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I understand the frustration, some people don't like to play and that's okay. What I don't understand is why would you spoil the fun for others? What about the guy/gal who made that puzzle? How about this, try to think about things from my angle. This is how I see puzzles -> It's not about the destination, it's about the journey. (cheesy, I know)
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I would be pissed if someone said the game it was if I'd explicitally hidden it.
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No, that's out of line. Whichever mod decided they should get away with that is in the wrong.
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Well, now we know, in every puzzle as the last step, put separate itstoohard link with only one question, 'what game am I giving away?'.
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Yeah I was just out for a potty break and thought of this idea - put a second itstoohard up that's pretty easy, nothing that would take more than, say 10 / 20 minutes to solve (and anyone with half a brain can solve with max some google-fu :P), telling people it will give them the name of the game given away for completing the main puzzle. That way, people can decide for themselves whether or not they want to tackle the main puzzle blindly, or try and see what game is being given away first, while you're still keeping the giveaway's identity hidden behind something that takes some effort to finish to reveal the game. I understand that you want to avoid people who just cruise by your puzzle, take a look at what game's being given away, then cruise right on by and skip it (basically true leechy types) - but honestly, shouldn't, to some degree, knowing what they're getting themselves in to beforehand be the good right of people who do genuinely give a shit about your puzzle / doing puzzles (i.e. non-leechy, decent types)?
My point is just that the way I see it, when I make a giveaway or a puzzle (still not made one yet but have spent ages before on doing creatively hidden giveaways in some groups before) I am doing that for others' enjoyment, not to see how smart I am or how many people I can drive nuts with a hard puzzle. Considering that, I'd try to cater to the people who want to attempt my puzzle and make the process as transparent as possible - I'd state how hard the puzzle approximately is, and what game's being given as a reward for completing the puzzle (albeit hidden behind a simple little puzzle as I just came up with on the loo :P).
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Did you ask a confirm before of posting this thread? That clearly must be against the rules or else every puzzle maker can't do it anymore.
Maybe that guy has edited the post...
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kangarooster has the right idea. If spoiling the title of the game is not suspend-able, then make it one of the questions in your quiz and/or part of the puzzle somehow.
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I'm not sure what the support member think about this problem, but as I know cg made private giveaways not totally visible on profile while they are open for a good reason.
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I don't understand the logic behind this at all. 1) how are you supposed to be able to finish the puzzle then? Steam has 3000+ games on it.. 2) What, purely so that people would be breaking rules by revealing the game given away, you'd put that question in your puzzle? That's kind of weird, due to what I said after 1).
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After solving a difficult puzzle and discovered that i've wasted 30 minutes to get a fortix, i'd spoil the game too. I use your thread, but it's a general opinion: make your puzzles worth the challenge, nobody likes to spend 1 hour trying to crack a puzzle and find a bundle game as a reward.
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Sure i am an evil person, why nobody still called the police? Protect the kids and their precious perfect puzzles.
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After seeing some of the comments on this thread my answer is Yes. From now on, I'm gonna keep a nice, fat, big black book of all the people who are barred from entering any (let it be know that the "size" of the giveaway is insignificant) of my giveaways.
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Surely the book cant be that fat yet! I understand you're upset at what has happened, but surely if you've created a forum thread asking people's opinions, you shouldnt be surprised when some arent what you wanted. That being said, people should adhere to the rules of a puzzle if they are going to participate in them.
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Nah, it's only two guys from this thread and some other people. It's not that big. But, hey, you never know how many will crawl from under the rock so... I'll keep the tab open just in case.
Of course I don't expect everyone (or anyone for that matter, I'm always ready to discuss matters in a nice and civilised way) to agree with me, but when someone insults me or condones person who breaks rules or belittles me in any way, I'm gonna ignore you (not you = you but you = that person).
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there's a difference with someone stating his/her opinion and someone being offensive and telling he doesn't give a fuck if this is breaking rules, he'd do the same.
People who are offensive (or break other rules) end on my blacklist, not people who opinions I don't agree with ;p
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The hypocrisy of this thread... Troll whines that somebody destroyed his time wasting trap, how sad.
"Anycase, one dude spoiled what game it was (Fortix) and therefore many people probably decided not to enter as a result of that."
People decided to not waste their time for game that they already own / don't want and you got problem with that?
One time some troll created puzzle (maybe it was even you), told that it's for three very good games, which apparently were Revelations 2012, Horrid Henry and Fortix. After I warned people to not waste time, because games aren't that good (didn't say their names), creator threatened me that he will report me and I will get banned.
"mr. douchebag" is not the one mentioned in the thread.
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Another one! Keep it up! I'm gonna end up with bigger blacklist than I ever thought! Nice!
Oh, and why do you insult me? There was absolutely no need for name calling. I could call you names, but I won't. I'm done arguing over the internet. Thanks to whoever invented steagifts plus. I owe him a lot!
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Oh so you wasted your time with a completely optional puzzle which gave you the chance to win a free game and felt pissed? Please go on, tell me more.
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Yeah, when creator clearly states that it's 3 awesome games, which actually are not, then yes, every normal person wouldn't be happy.
Same like when somebody advertises "great job with high salary", you are interested, you go on an interview, just to see that in real it's canvassing with shitty money.
False advertising is always bad and FYI I don't solve puzzles without clear statement what is the prize.
The problem in this case is that creator is pissed, because he knows, that way less people would solve puzzles for Fortix, mostly because they already own it or don't want it. How anybody could be mad about that and call other user douche bag?
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Oh. Great so there's a invariable scale of awesomeness of games somewhere? I didn't know that, could you link it to me?
Also your analogies are worse every day. This one is almost as bad as the rape one.
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You are lacking common sense and logic in every your post.
You ran out of arguments so you make up ridiculous things like "scale of awesomeness" and other bullshit, while we know that e.g. Revelations 2012 is not great game by any way.
There is also no clear state when child turns into an old man, so for you it means there is nothing weird and misleading in calling newborns "elderly"? Oh, wait, you won't understand even that analogy... ;)
I would love to see you in real life, arguing over such things, and people would look on you like on freak ("show me the scale or didn't happen").
Also your analogies are worse every day.
Some people are just too stupid to understand even such simple analogies and some other understand, but are too deluded to simply agree.
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I get what you saying, and I get that he was obviously trolling - to be honest - fortix is a fun game xD I know a lot of people own it already, but it's not a reason to call it bad :> It's simplistic, but it's fun, not-bugged so why compare it to something like Revelations 2012? ;p
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OH GOD THE BLACKLIST, WHAT A DISHONOR. I feel pity for my ungrateful attitude, why am i still here, WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH MY LIFE?
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I'm surprised that me mods actually said that. A shame! I would have taken the Giveaway down, if it was mine ^_^
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"What's even worse I didn't care about people having fun and enjoying themselves! HOW AWFUL AM I!?"
IRONY. You are mad, because less of them will solve puzzles. Why? Because they DON'T LIKE to do it for such game.
Add even more drama and hypocrisy.
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No, I didn't have to assume, OP clearly proven that in topic:
"Anycase, one dude spoiled what game it was (Fortix) and therefore many people probably decided not to enter as a result of that."
Less people will solve puzzles, when they know the prize = OP is mad and call user douche bag.
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Totally fair. If I already own a game would be a total RAGE if that's prize after being hours solving a puzzle
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Hey, you're not allowed to express opinions here, you absolutely deserve a blacklist for being a douchebag.
(please note the sarcasm. The last user didn't)
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Id like to know what game the puzzle for unless its crucial to the puzzle itself (have the question where you need to figure out what game it is or something like that). If the puzzle is interesting enough then i can try to solve it even if i have the game, but if its bad or flawed or very hard and in the end its just some humblebundle key then it will be very disappointing.
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If there are lot more comments then entries on a puzzle giveaway, I usually don't bother to solve it (only if I really like the puzzle), ' cause probably I have that game already or don't really want.
But it is a nice gesture from a creator to say what game is it, it encourages those, who really want that game. :)
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So last week I made a puzzle, stupid me thought people would adhere to rules and not spoil it. Anycase, one dude spoiled what game it was (Fortix) and therefore many people probably decided not to enter as a result of that. Thinking he was breaking rules, I reported this certain mr. douchebag and lo-and-behold support does nothing because, according to them - spoiling what game it is (although it is a private, hidden puzzle) does not "contain any spoilers regarding the puzzle, or does not give anyone leverage regarding the puzzle."
So, puzzlers, whaddaya think? Is it fair to spoil what game it is? Or am I just being irrational when it comes to expectations?
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