8 years ago*

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Why would you need to do that?
WhY woULd yOU neeD to Do tHat?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Eh, I just separate my giveaways usually, so there is no issue putting the same 'CHECK-YOUR-EMAIL' "key" into them. ^-^

8 years ago

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But that costs more points to enter and you clutter the site and why are you even making giveaways :D

8 years ago

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Heh, you remember that one? =)

8 years ago

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To clutter the site, what else? p

8 years ago

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Even after I've read it like a dozen times (I really did) I still don't know what are you talking about. Keys in which part of the creation? Alternating caps for what, and why? :|

8 years ago

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Quite some of us use a variation of the "Read-your-fucking-emails" "key" in giveaways to reduce the rerolls due to winner inactivity as many never check their emails or spam folder for the sent key, they expect all to be revealed here.

8 years ago

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Ah, for those messages then. Alright, now I understand it, thanks :D

8 years ago

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I understood the first part of what you said, used "check-your-email" or "sent-via-steam" messages myself before, but would you kindly elaborate on how these messages reduce rerolls due to inactivity? If somebody is inactive it wouldn't matter if i send them an email or just reveal the key, no? Inactive is inactive. But when they are inactive, how did they manage to enter for the giveaway in the first place?

8 years ago

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would you kindly elaborate on how these messages reduce rerolls due to inactivity?

I'd like to know as well.

when they are inactive, how did they manage to enter for the giveaway in the first place?

I've had winners the entered my GA, then apparently didn't visit the site anymore. It happens, especially if you have GAs that run for more than a week.

8 years ago

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I believe talgaby was talking about winners that just keep waiting and waiting and waiting until finally the key shows up on SG. But if you chose "Gift" upon GA creation, ofc there will never be a key. The creator will have to contact the winner or reroll after 7 days. To avoid that, there is this "check-your-email". At least that is how I got that, maybe I am totally wrong here.

8 years ago

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Most expect to see the key and that's it. They never write a message, never check emails, don't even bother to open Steam to see if a gift was sent. Before I started using this faux key, I had to reroll one out of three email-sent keys on average, because the winner never saw the initial or the reminder emails. Even in most other cases they only saw it because they had Steam profile comments enabled and I could write there.
Ever since I started using this fake key, I had two rerolls due to not being able to contact the person and three forced activations out more than 200 keys now. The response time on winner feedback also went down to under 2 days, which is like lightning fast on level 0 public ones.

8 years ago*

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I see. Like in a message is a message, and better than no message at all. Makes sense to me.
Thanks for explaining!

8 years ago

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I've had to use it before as well to get users to check their e-mail [despite such being openly detailed in the giveaway description] (and the users in question later openly (and extremely rudely) admitted to using autojoining bots for their entries). A better fix would just be for cg to add in a 'Sent by e-mail/Steam' toggle, to alert people more efficiently [then again, one would assume that 'Sent' would indicate that in itself- so for such users, perhaps its an unsalvagable situation].

7 years ago

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Why not instead request some sort of automatic message that goes where the key would normally appear if the giveaway creator selected "gift"?

That seems better because that way, non-key giveaways are genuinely marked as non-key in the system (which seems cleaner from a code / database perspective and could support other features that depend on it). And it requires less work from giveaway creators, since now you'd just choose "gift" and the system would automatically display a generic "this is a gift giveaway; check your email and Steam account to see if the giveaway creator has contacted you."

Possibly "gift" giveaways could let you enter a single customized message that replaces that for all recipients in the giveaway. (So you could put "check your email" or "contact me on Steam" or "I will add you on Steam" or whatever.)

7 years ago

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Your idea is good, yes, but it needs to be implemented first. What I described above is a little more pragmatic of cooking with what we have right now. =)

7 years ago

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I'm confused too. "permit duplicate keys in giveaway creation so I don't have to use alternating caps like a 12-y/o" you can't duplicate the same steam key inside a giveaway, what purpose would that have? But you're not a new user so... that's probably not what you're asking... and this is not in puzzles...

8 years ago

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Check talgaby's answer for my question one above

8 years ago

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Oh. Still not sure why OP didn't explain what they mean instead of assuming we all know about it.

Also, I'm sure permitting duplicate key for that "unintended use" would make more problems than good.

8 years ago

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alTeRNatinG CapS iS waY OF lifE

8 years ago

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store a text document with many different variants of the "key" somewhere. When creating GAs, copy and paste the fitting amount into the text field. No need for a change that would probably create many more problems than it would solve.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Probably the easiest solution. ^^

8 years ago

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People would wonder what those numbers were for.

8 years ago

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lol happy cake day

7 years ago

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How about something like: sent-to-username-at-domaintld, where username-at-domaintld stands for their email address?

8 years ago

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Suggestion: If "Gift" is selected (as I presume in this situation) and the GA host selects "Sent Gift" the site automatically shows something useful instead of just a minus sign

8 years ago

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This would be useful I think.

8 years ago

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A much better suggestion that should solve the issue !

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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One guy sent me this once :-D

View attached image.
8 years ago

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8 years ago

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7 years ago

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So now you remove all text from OP and make this whole thread even more confusing?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Ok, then just so you know proper description in OP would make it whole lot less confusing.

7 years ago

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Title and comments didn't match..
I must be missing something here...

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Ohh.. okay, so that's "permit duplicate keys in giveaway creation" means..

7 years ago

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if you want I can make a little program so you would put the number of gifts and it would give you N variation of check your email.
It's really easy to do actually(everybody can make something like this), but I don't know if I'm allowed to share .exe

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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