yeah, that is the reason of the creation of this kind of giveaway, that nice thing, and blablabla...
a lot of people are making now contributor giveaqways just to say "look at me, i'm better than you, i'm part of the circle"
the main idea is great, the teory is nice but the people suck, and that usually ruin good ideas
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"...instead of just leeching"
I don't understand the point of giving stuff away to strangers on the Internet for free, and then acting hostile about it towards them. Having more money to throw away is a good thing for anyone, but it's a pretty awful thing to wave in people's faces and act superior about.
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Oh yeah? My bank account can beat up YOUR bank account!*
*since I have Bank of America it's just as likely they'll beat up some innocent person down the street by mistake instead of you.
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I understand that, but if it comes with people acting superior about it, it might be more like punishment than encouragement. Especially if we're constantly opening giveaways for games we want, only to find we can't enter them because we don't have enough income to spare. It gets frustrating when there's no way to just conveniently filter them out - I know they're still there, of course, but at the same time they're not bugging me.
Also, don't contributor giveaways only measure the amount given away at the time they're created? If I see a contributor giveaway I'm ineligible for, I can't even go out and give something away to make myself eligible for it, so why not make a way to remove them from my list?
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What bugs me is the really low ones of like a cent. Ok call me mean not having done any give aways but i dont have money to be throwing around. usually when i get money i buy a game i want to play i dont buy a game then give it away (thanks to the people who do though). what im trying to get at is maybe there should be a seperate part of the site for contributers where they can laugh at us (people who havent done giveaways) from there own corner, where only they can see the contributer give aways.
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Numerous Steam/Amazon sales have had games in the $2-3 range. Are you seriously claiming that you are so destitute, so broke, that even that amount would drive you to be homeless? Give me a break. You, like most people, probably wasted 10x that amount on Starbucks, fast food, smart phone apps and other stupid crap in the last week alone.
Don't sit here and complain about the contributor limit, because the more you do, the more likely it is every one who has contributed will start using it for all their giveaways.
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im 16 i dont have a job cut some slack will you. its people like you waving there money around thinking they are so much better than everyone because they can afford to do giveaways. Also i dont have starbucks where i live, dont eat fast food because im sporty and healthy and the only app i ever bought was idj for the iphone cos i love DJ'ing. Idont waste my money on crap but i cant afford to be buying games for strangers on the internet when i dont even have they game or myself.
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Wow - another pompous, holier-than-thou contributor who smugly replies that everyone should forgo their Starbucks ways and take the same vow of poverty that they did.
Why do you think you have the ability - not even the right, but the ability, to judge what other people spend their money on as being frivolous or stupid when you know absolutely nothing about them? How could you possibly delude yourself into thinking you know what random strangers do with their finances, or in what shape those finances are?
Also, the "Are you $2 from homelessness?" argument assumes that someone would, could, or should give away until they're at the brink of homelessness. Which is exceedingly silly.
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It's not about laughing at you, but wanting to reward fellow contributors. After all, they're the reason people who are here to leech or those who simply can't afford them do receive games for free. If you hide them, a lot of people won't even know they exists and it will not act as a incentive to get more people to participate in the community.
If it truly annoys you to see them, why don't you just use the browser enhancement add-on to filter them out. That way the site keeps it's purpose and you don't see what you don't want to see. Everybody wins.
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yes contributers should be rewarded, people like moneyhypemike just keep giving, but lately people are doing small giveaways to join the contributer list just to look cool. then contributer only giveaways are made really small so only they can enter and then laugh at us because they think there better. I propose that for tommorow every giveaway should be for people with over 100$ worth of giveaways, that would reward the real contributers.
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That is such a ridiculous way of looking at it. It has nothing to with "laughing" at those who can't afford to contribute nor to "look cool" it because there are people who don't want their giveaway to end up in the hands of someone who is never going to add anything to the community. While maybe you are unable to give something back to the community there are plenty of people who absolutely could but choose not to and are only here to get free stuff.
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They don't do it 'just to look cool', where has that even been stated? Personally, all my giveaways from now on will only be for private groups or contributors, because every game that I have given away, as stated by naberdy, ends up in the hands of people that never intend on giving back to the community. There's always other ways to give back to the site.
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of course you dont do it just to look cool, you have over 100$ in giveaways. its the poeple doing one giveaway of 5$ or less just to join the group, just so they have access to more giveaways. There mind set isnt to do giveaways to help this community its to do giveaways so they can enter more giveaways. Anyone who gives away games regulary is a contributer and that status should be an honour to get.
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Agreed I feel guilty that I haven't given away anything :(
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Yeah, I can see the reason behind leaving contributor giveaways in the list. But what about removing or hiding games you already own from the list of giveaways? The system already knows what they are, because if you go to a giveaway for an item you own, it won't let you enter it. So why list them at all?
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I agree. I have a large collection of games and at least 3/4 of the giveaways listed are unavailable to me and they make up 10-11 pages worth of the giveaways. It would be so much better if we could filter them out.
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Yes, briefly, but as I recall, it made some changes I didn't really like so I disabled it. The ability to hide games you own seems pretty basic -- the Android apps have it as a feature, so why not the site by default? Is this really a feature that should require a browser add-on?
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Maybe you could give to the site to get a chance to get in a giveaway? Just maybe...
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When I came to steamgifts, I was kind of suspicious. After all, pretty much anything on the internet that says "Free [stuff worth money], just sign in with your login information from another site!" is an automatic scam. I'm glad I did try it, mostly because it did use Steam's API, but you have to admit it's perfectly reasonable to be suspicious at first.
Can you imagine what most people might think if the site comes off as "Well, you have to give other people stuff first, and THEN you get a chance to win any real giveaway!" Yeah. No.
I'm not opposed to contributor giveaways, people should be allowed to give away on whatever (legal) terms they wish; I just don't see why ineligible giveaways can't be automatically hidden.
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Then the problem would be separating the contributor giveaways he can enter from those he can't. Which would be a better problem to solve, as any solution to it would also satisfy those with no giveaways.
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Yup, its hard times for a lot of us, I personally give what I can but I would like to give more...if only I had a steady job...damn.
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indeed, i'm not even buying games for my self at the moment (and is a bit complicated add money to paypal rigth now in my coutry) i dont have a job, i'm looking for one, and yes, when i could, i'm going to give.away free things, because the idea of the site (SHARING, and dont being a "int the circle" dick)...
the idea of "giveaway things or FUCK-YOU, you damn leech" is not the idea of this site (or that is what i think, probably i'm wrong)... so hold on your horses...
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Assuming that everyone is fully employed in this economy is astoundingly shortsighted. Try not playing steamgifts police and monitoring everyone's join dates.
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I'm just saying it's perfectly reasonable to assume that someone might not have regular income for four months.
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The sense of contributor giveaways is to make people giving away games. You should start doing that.
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There are giveaways that are only eligible for people who give away hundreds or thousands of dollars' worth of games. Expecting the average person to give away that much money to relative strangers on the internet just to be able to enter more giveaways is absurd. I WISH I had enough money to give that much away.
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I'm not talking about giving away like $2000 games. But I think everyone should have at least 2 bucks he can give to this community. And honestly, is it really SO annoying to see some giveaways you can't enter?
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Yes, it is. Especially since it seems rather easy to implement. Also, cg posted in this thread that they're already planning on implementing the filter.
Why is it SO annoying to some people that others would want to filter giveaways they're ineligible for? Just look at the vitrol that some members have spewed in this thread towards the "selfish" "greedy" "leechers" who need to "quit bitchin" and blah blah blah something about Starbucks. Is all that really necessary? Nobody, that I saw, is calling for contributor giveaways to be banned, just that they be filterable exactly like other restricted giveaways (group, private, exists-in-your-account) are. Is that really such an outlandish desire?
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If Steamgifts presented itself as "You have to spend money giving other people stuff in order to have good chances of winning" from the start, I really would've closed that tab right then and there and never come back to this site again.
"Maybe you should just give away more money!" is the most pompous advice I've ever seen in these forums.
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I'm of the opinion that you should only see the Contributor giveaways that you're able to enter.
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I agree with this, it doesn't seem like it would be hard to do anyway since the front page already shows whether or not you're eligible. I'm just not used to looking there before opening the giveaway in a new tab to check it out.
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And now that I see that contributor giveaways have the red box around them if you can't enter them, I really don't mind anymore.
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I agree with the OP, with the caveat that I'd like to just filter out contributor giveaways we're ineligible for.
The people snidely responding something along the lines of "Just give away more!" really should come back with where they get off judging other peoples' finances. Some people can afford to give away things, others can't. Besides, isn't telling other people to give away more just an indirect means of begging?
Besides, some of these giveaways require literally hundreds of dollars in giveaways. And I'd argue that most people here might not be able to spend hundreds of dollars giving away games to random strangers on the Internet. So no, it really isn't unreasonable to wish we could filter out giveaways we're ineligible for.
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No, I do contrib giveaways to encourage people giving away, if you can't go with one less cup of coffee or happy meal in your week to give back to the community then you should have to suffer. Most weeks I go by with just enough cash to buy cup noodles at the dollar store or a loaf of bread for the week with some vegetables and I'm still happy to give what I have to the community.
/my douchebag opinion.
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Douchebag indeed. Try living in a country that has worthless currency and high prices, where your only chance to buy a game for a normal price are those -75% sales, especially 'actual' games like Half Life 2 and not obscure indie titles (Which are fun too, mind you) or what have you, and then we'll talk.
I still have to buy medicine and pay them bills you know.
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I live in that type of a country and there are other ways how to buy games and contribute here. If someone after 5 months here can't spare a single dollar for community then I'm glad he can't join my giveaways. And before you go "zomg wutt ken ai bai fur uan dalr" Some cheap DLC in -75%, or even some games directly on Steam goes for 1$.
/another douchebag's opinion.
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From your profile:
Value $2,971.82
And from your Steam profile:
Games (806)
I'm not going to be a hypocrite about judging other people's finances, but damn I wish I could give as much money as you've spent on this site. Even factoring in the extent of the discounts one can find on Steam titles, you've been incredibly generous and that's a very noble thing...but isn't it a little wrong to assume other people have the same ability to give back that you've shown?
For some of us, it's not a matter of "one less cup of coffee in your week." You're right about one thing - it is a pretty d-bag opinion to assume that it is.
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Honestly, I would find it kind of hard to believe that someone who can give away THAT many games/that much money would only have enough money to buy a loaf of bread in a week. Unless they really have some kind of mental problem that is causing them to give away 90+% of their earnings. Lol. Cause like.. if you're having trouble affording food or paying rent, you definitely shouldn't buy so many games. :X
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Eh, like I said - it's not wise to judge strangers' finances and spending. All I can do is point out what's publically available information.
I for one have a rather large Steam library too, but I'd say people are mistaken if that means I'm "rich" or otherwise have the resources to buy other people a lot of games. And I do have a good reason, IMO, for this discrepancy, but the reason (incredibly generous grandparents, in my case) isn't really the point. My point was just that criticising others for not giving as much as you do is wrong.
I mean...Torian's given away just shy of three thousand dollars face-value of giveaways. Which is admirable, really. But it makes the argument of how others should give like he does seem...out of touch with reality, to put it politely. Not everyone has that kind of cash.
I try not to call people liars on things I can't really prove - maybe Torian really is living on cup noodles and bread because of generosity. Thus, I only point at what I can actually prove, such as the posted value of their giveaways.
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I have 80-ish games in my steam account I think.. most/all were gifts or bundles I think? Haven't really bought myself any games otherwise in years due to debt and living situations. I really have no argument against the contribute-gifts or whatever. Though I do think some are a little ridiculous but I don't care, doesn't really affect me. The general comment of "happy meals and coffee" rubbed me the wrong way though. I wish sometimes I could convince myself to spare some room on my credit card to go out for happy meals and coffee. :|
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Also, I'm saying if they ARE telling the truth, they should probably not do so many giveaways and take care of themselves. ^^; I don't think people should contribute if they don't have the spare money.. Go buy some food before you give away some games.. it's understandable. If you have the extra cash and want to be nice instead of buying some fast food :P, go for it. Also, I recognize that there are very cheap games/dlc/etc but maybe people would rather donate something when they have the money that they feel people would REALLY want. As for the ridiculous limits.. it seems kind of useless to set such high limits on really cheap games (or even bundles) because imo, the people entering don't really want the game that bad. Wouldn't it be better to give people that might really want it a chance?
Maybe there should be a max value that maybe is the average of what people have contributed?
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I'm not trying to disagree with your opinion or anything but saying "one less coffee or happy meal in a week" is definitely douchebag. I can't remember the last time I even left the house, let alone bought fast food or anything like that. :p
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People make contributor giveaway to show ''they are part of a circle?''
Is this a joke or is it serious? Human being at his best.
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Nah, a big part of of contributor giveaways is to encourage people to contribute. That doesn't happen if you can't see what you're missing.
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I don't see why anyone should feel they are missing anything.
This is supposed to be just something we try for fun. If anyone is seriously planning on getting the games they want through this site, they are seriously delusional. What are the chances of winning what we want.
The games that I really want, I buy them myself. This site is just to randomly click some stuff whenever I'm free. If I'm lucky, I get something. If not, it won't make any difference as I don't come here planning to get something.
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I don't think it's necessarily a benefit to make people feel like they're missing out because they don't have as much disposable income as others.
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That's missing the point. You shouldn't feel like you're missing out, because you're not. You're benefiting from giveaways that are encouraged by contributor giveaways. But if contributor giveaways are hidden then the only ones who benefit are those who have already contributed anyway - then you miss out.
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"But if contributor giveaways are hidden then the only ones who benefit are those who have already contributed anyway - then you miss out."
...isn't that the point of a contributor-only giveaway?
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No, the point is to cultivate the willingness to give, resulting in more giveaways for everyone - even non-givers (and I know that you yourself are a giver - good taste, by the way).
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"But if contributor giveaways are hidden then the only ones who benefit are those who have already contributed anyway - then you miss out."
...isn't that the point of a contributor-only giveaway?
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well, i think he is right, if i had the money to contribute $250.00, $500.00, $1,507.44 or $1,337.69 (some actual contributor giveaway limits just to join the giveaway), i wouldn't bother with this site or simply buy the game myself.
english is my second language so forgive me for grammatically mistakes
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and then they can play games once they have money and IDC if they come from Poor country , Im from Africa and still manage to give so I dont see whats wrong with them . (Not Directed at you TrinityGlasfille Im just adding to what you said)
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No, I want to see them. And no, I will never be able to enter all those crazy $1.000 contributor giveaways but I like to see them. It reminds me that there are people who contribute that much. Let them have some giveaways restricted only to them but let us see it. They are the reason this site/community is so amazing. And I don't mean people who are rich and don't mind giving away hundred bucks, there are those who give more than they should.
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But you don't just want to see it - you want everyone else to be forced to see it. What's wrong with including an optional filter to filter out all the giveaways you can't enter?
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It is kind of obnoxious, that's all. It's no different from group giveaways. Why should I have to see giveaways that I'll never be able to enter? Remember that contributor giveaways measure how much you've given away at the time they're made so it's not like you can just quickly make another giveaway to enter ones you were previously ineligible for.
I checked all the giveaways and there are a LOT more than two over your $10 limit, and this is filtering all the games I already own - which is a lot of them. But just in my own list are...
Fortix (5 copies) ($33.33)
Horrid Henry ($500 limit!)
Painkiller: Redemption ($99.99)
Lara Croft: GOL ($15)
Shogun 2: Fall of the Samurai ($200)
EVE Online: Inferno ($25)
Nation Red ($15)
Aliens vs Predator (2 copies) ($50)
RUSH ($100)
Horrid Henry ($500 limit!)
Worms Reloaded GOTY ($42.42)
Cities XL 2012 ($60)
Serious Sam: The Random Encounter ($50)
Saint's Row The Third ($75)
Crysis 2 ($100)
Alice Madness Returns ($100)
Saint's Row: The Third ($149)
Nation Red ($250)
Mount and Blade Collection ($75)
Fortix ($400 limit!)
Cities in Motion: Ulm ($100) is there really any good reason to fill my list of giveaways with 21 I'm not allowed to enter? What purpose does this serve? All I'm saying is that you should be allowed to opt out of having to sort through giveaways you can't enter, just like using the browser extension to filter games you already own. It's annoying for exactly the same reason.
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I'm still not contributing $500 to enter a Horrid Henry giveaway.
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Then I'll buy the game, rather than spending more money for a one in typically hundreds or thousands chance to win it. I'm not against contributing for the sake of contribution, but contributing to enter a specfic giveaway seems rather foolish.
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No one is asking you to contribute anything,
Except all the people calling others leeches for not contributing on this very thread?
You mean except those people.
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There are people who make fake giveaways, but the staff had to eventually ask people to stop calling them out in the comments because so many innocent giveaways were getting accused.
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It's true in the general sense that there are a lot of fake giveaways, but it's still rude and hurtful to accuse people of it.
Are there people who honestly just want to win free stuff? Yeah. But are there people who just can't or haven't yet but intend to in the future, who you're going to needlessly hurt by baselessly calling them ungrateful, selfish leeches? Yes, as well.
Thing is, you can't tell them apart, and you shouldn't delude yourself into thinking you can.
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God forbid you miss out on a bunch of mediocre games. There's countless giveaways that you can enter anyway, yet you choose to become irritated at a minority of giveaways that you can't enter because you effectively don't wish to contribute?
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Why can't I do both? Your wording implies that I'm not entering the giveaways that I can because of the ones that I can't.
Also, don't be a pompous ass, I don't contribute more because I can't. Some of those giveaways require more money than I literally have in my entire checking account. You have absolutely zero grounds to judge other peoples' finances and decide what they can or can't give.
Having more disposable income to give away than others is a pretty terrible thing to act superior about.
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Your first sentence doesn't really make sense.
If you're going to throw around insults to myself, just because I'm stating my opinion, then don't comment at all. And everyone can contribute. You can contribute to threads on the forum, talk in the community chat rooms, join groups oriented around the community, things like that. Hell, I've traded my way around Team Fortress for some games to giveaway to friends.
I was once a young teenager as well, I took some initiative in saving money that relatives and parents had given me and used alternate means to contribute to my friends and things online. I'm a poor uni student and can still afford to giveaway games. It's like what? $5 for me to give away a game on a sale?
You're more of less complaining due to a sense of self-entitlement.
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So, "don't be a pompous ass" is an insult, but calling other people ungrateful, entitled, and accusing them of not wanting to contribute is perfectly kosher.
Just to clarify - that makes sense to you?
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Are you trying to tell me that there are people on this site that aren't leeching? I'm not accusing everyone of being a leech. I just find it tragic that people use every excuse in the book.
But please, do tell me how it's okay to call me an ass but not okay for me to say that people should contribute to the website?
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That's a strawman argument - I never said that people shouldn't contribute to the website, nor did I say that it's not okay for you to say that.
I just think it's hypocritical to start insulting people, then call them out for being insulting.
And yes, I am trying to say that there are people on this site that aren't leeching. Might want to reconsider your wording there. ;)
Edit: But as a serious answer, I know there are people that came here just to score some free games. Quite honestly, I'd say that plenty of people, if not most people, first heard of steamgifts because they heard there were free games. But on the other hand there are also people who've given away literally thousands of dollars in gifts, who are then complaining about "selfish" people not giving as much as they do. Which is absurd.
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Calling me unwilling to contribute, ungrateful, selfish, and entitled came off as insulting. If that was not your intent, then my bad.
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All of the posts I was referring to were replies to my posts and the View Replies page is drowned in your replies (not that civil discussion is ever a bad thing!). I wouldn't say "targeted" is an appropriate word, but it does seem to be a reasonable assumption that you were addressing me by specifically replying to my posts. That is, after all, why the ability to reply to specific posts was implemented.
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I lol at the people above. So the basic idea is to force people to gift so that they can have something back in exchange. That kinda defeats the purpose right ?
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My friend, I am ok with contributor giveaways. But I see SandyGunfox here who has a good point and valid arguments, and everyone starts bashing him and being smug about how they are all great people and care, and the rest are leechers , a fact which must be "rubbed in their face" . It seems like you are the one who doesn't get it.
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I dont see how giving or not giving makes you a better or worse person I just dont think it fair to complain about there being a feature that gives the people who DO give a slighter better chance at winning , Sure there are some dicks here trying to make the guy feel bad but some of us who have been giving our of the goodness of our hearts and not cos we want contributor giveaways really like the feature cos it gives us a chance to win something for a chance but as always with anything on the internet someone will throw a conversation completely off course and start a flaming match and so thus is the world we live in , I am grateful for the games Ive won and I have always enjoyed giving even if what I gave was small , I do not see why people can get upset over something so silly as this contributor giveaways .
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But we're not complaining about a feature that gives back to those who do give.
We're just complaining that it effectively shoves it in the face of those who don't give "enough", with no option to opt out of viewing them.
I for one think people should be allowed to give their giveaways whatever (legal) rules they wish, and that obviously includes contributor giveaways. All I want is to not see the giveaways I'm not eligible to enter, for my convenience, just like how I filter out giveaways I can't enter because I already own the game. Just like that. That's all. I don't want to ban contributor giveaways and I'm not sure anyone else here does.
Also before anyone else gets more confused, I am not "the guy".
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Yeah , I am totally fine with contributor giveaways , and in fact I don't even mind having them showing although I understand the argument behind hiding them. What I don't like is the atitude of some people here which imo goes against the idea of giving away.
Also I quote you :
"it will constantly remind you that you leech and that you should stop being selfish and start giving" , "quit bitching about it .."
and then
"Sure there are some dicks here trying to make the guy feel bad"
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Right my comments conflict each other ! One was written out of anger and the other out of logic , and I will apologize to him . I do understand how he feels I really do but I like the contributor giveaways cos Ive given a lot of my spare cash to give others a chance at winning something even if I did group giveaways for than pub giveaways . I think his point is completely valid but he shouldnt be angry about a feature that gives the people who give a LOT to the community a chance to get something back , I hope that makes more sense than any of my previous Comments and SandyGunFox Im sorry for my rude comment Ill remove it !
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It's all good, if someone gets heated it only means they care about the issue and that's not a bad thing.
Two corrections, though:
1: There is no capital F in SandyGunfox
2: her. she.
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As I answered above, I understand that way of view . But people in the posts above seem to have a different opinion. He didn't say don't do cont. giveaways , instead he said hide them . And then everybody started playing good samaritan and implying these giveaways are the punishment for those who don't contribute and should make them gift games. Which is sad
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Its perfectly fine contributers get something else now and then.
You should be happy that we contributed to you in the first place.. that being said I agree with the (there is no need to feel suprior) I never expected others to contribute, just because I did. I contributed to make someone happy and trust me the guy that won "1 of them" was idd very very happy
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Sorry, but attitudes like this is one of the reasons i'm never going to contribute. While i applaud the people who give games, expecting others to return to favor is just... weird. And how can anyone leech when the point of this site is to gift games for free?
I just don't get it, no one is forcing you to contribute, you do it because you want to, so don't expect others to do it.
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Contributor giveaways have been turned into an exclusivity club on one occasion already with its threshold being set at $2,000 and the description stating that a specific SG user would win. There's no practical reason the gifter couldn't have made a private giveaway instead, and I'm sure it won't be the last time something like that happens. While I'd like to continue seeing all giveaways just out of curiosity, let those who don't want to see them all just see what they want.
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exactly...people should be allowed to give games away on whatever (legal) terms they wish. All I want is to filter out the giveaways I can't enter. That's all. I really don't see why this is such a huge deal for some people.
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Does it have to be a serious issue for someone to voice a complaint?
No, it isn't going to kill you, but you know, seeing all the listings for games I already own wouldn't kill me either - and it doesn't stop me from thinking the script that hides those is extremely convenient.
Does it have to kill you for someone to be able to complain about it without getting "DEAL WITH IT" as a reply?
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I think the generally-agreeable definition of a "leech" in this context would be someone who wins multiple giveaways, is in it purely for the free games, and does not intend to contribute back despite being able to do so.
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I gotta say I love reading people debating who will never settle for another person's opinion :)
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3,736 Comments - Last post 26 minutes ago by yugimax
29,611 Comments - Last post 43 minutes ago by Kingsajz
1,603 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Poisonorange
881 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by C3les
is it maybe possible to hide the gifts for contributors? or make at least a filter to separete it from the rest?
i hope there will be more structure when you can filter. the same goes for group giveways.
just a suggestion
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