Is this a good deal? Thinking of getting. I have never played a dark souls game before. Should I get them before this?

7 years ago

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It's a good game, to be sure. The Dark Souls series is awesome. It's difficult but awesome. You CAN start with the third one and understand it just fine, but you'll want the rest too. That is a good deal, but it's just the base game and one DLC, that I can tell. I'd wait and see if the Steam Sale has it for a better deal (It should be starting really soon).

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Published by IndieGala, so will be on their bundles for cheap probably.

Doesn't seem like bad game tho.

7 years ago

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Doesn't seem like bad game tho.

Indiegala's particularly low quality as a company aside, they've got an array of fledgling indie developers signed up, so it's a bit early to tell how good such games'll be overall (though admittedly so far most don't seem to be particularly well received).

As far as bundling, while Blockstorm got shot straight to free and then spammed like mad, Tyler is the only other bundled game that I could find, and it only got the one bundle that I know of. So while it feels like an intuitive thing to assume Indiegala would rapidly spam bundle (as that's sort of their shtick otherwise), there's actually little indication of it so far.

7 years ago

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Bundlestars/Fanatical has a much better reputation as a site, as well, even if their recent name change is inexplicably silly.
That said, it looks like the Fanatical listing has a rather limited selection of regions where it'll activate- at the very least, the OP's region (as listed on Steam) is among those excluded.

This is Downward, by the way- it's not a DLC. :)
If the OP is interested in both games, it'd likely be a more cost-effective option, even if they could buy from Fanatical.
If they're only interested in Dark Souls 3, it looks like Gamersgate has that cheaper (at nearly the price Fanatical has it for- and with no region restrictions listed, that I can find).

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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Yeah- you'd expect that from GMG (with their reputation for sketchily obtained keys) or a similar site, but it feels a bit out of place on any respectable site (as their only purchase option). It's especially peculiar given that Fanatical has the DLCs without those restrictions (more specifically, they have the same restrictions as the IndieGala Dark Souls 3 game- valid everywhere but Japan).

7 years ago

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In Isthereanydeal dark souls was availabe for 5.99 some time in indiegala, was it a price error?
Does it go so low?

7 years ago

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IG listed it for $6, for what was apparently an extremely short duration. I can't find any indication that anyone actually managed to purchase it at that price. Generally speaking, if you see extreme lows like that on ITAD, assume price glitch or price reporting glitch.


As a future consideration, you can consider looking at Salenauts before ITAD, as Salenauts is a much more reliable quick price reference than ITAD- note, however, that it only lists regional pricing based off a selection of regions (check the pull-down in the top right corner, to the left of the Steam login button), tends to be more unreliable on bundle reporting (though it has several times listed more obscure bundles or Groupees bundles that IG has skipped over), and I believe it keeps tabs on noticably fewer stores than IG does.
Despite that, the historical low in the top right of any game's Salenauts page tends to be the actual accurate low for that game, with the US page typically being the most reliable indication of general trends if you're outside of one of the regions Salenauts specifically caters to.
Again, any extreme price drop on IG is going to be a glitch of some sort, so you should only trust its reporting of stores Salenauts doesn't cover if they're within a reasonable range of the game's typical sale prices. Indiegala specifically has a rather pronounced hot-mess reputation, so you can pretty much assume the company just screwed up their site again.

Do note that ITAD offers many other features over Salenauts, such as ITAD's ability to incorporate your account (notifying you by e-mail of sales) and its inclusion within the Enhanced Steam plugin, which lists ITAD sale prices on steam store pages. That later one can be very helpful for keeping alert of sales and lowest price value- though, of course, it'll list a glitch price for that latter one, if one exists for the game. Which, unfortunately, is actually a fairly common occurrence; especially notable are the many $0 Amazon reports. :P

(I apologize if any of this was already familiar to you. ^.^)

7 years ago*

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That was quite descriptive. Thank you for this but it does not support my region :(

7 years ago

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This bundle is going till 5th Jan so I can wait till steam sale to see if something good turns up.

7 years ago

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Steam sale starts today, so you won't have long to wait, either. :)

7 years ago

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Dark Souls III is a great game, totally recommend it. My first in the series but that hasn't been a problem.

Bear in mind Downward is not dlc to DS. It's another game, this game:

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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i cannot even beat the dark souls 2 i win from here xD

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Wasn't Dark Souls 2 supposed to be the easiest one, by a large margin? :X
May be best to give up on the other two, then. :P

7 years ago

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Season Pass is never on sale, you'll get screwed if you end up wanting games DLC.

7 years ago

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Oh gods. FromSoftware does the Bethesda/Paradox/SEGA/etc approach to DLC sales? I'll definitely have to keep that in mind if I start eyeing DS3 in the future. Of course, given how both the previous games had a much cheaper complete edition released later on, it feels best to wait on DS3's iteration of that, anyway.

7 years ago

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^ This. It was on sale a grand total of two times so far afaik (first time on HB, second time on gamebillet) - so I'd personally go for deluxe edition directly.

7 years ago

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Happy cake day :-)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I've played all Dark souls series and let me tell you that it's Totally worth it
i would recommend that you play the first 2 on the serie before you start this one.
and btw dont forget to Praise the sun! \[T]/

7 years ago*

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Dark Souls 3 is a pretty amazing game! Even if you are new to the series.
The base game already contains quite a lot of content.

7 years ago

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Did Dark Souls 3 become a bundled game, then? Now crappy traders can tell people that DS3 worths the same as Five Nights at Freddy's?

7 years ago

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every third webpage is selling that game at 13€ now, making profits everywhere with the people who doesnt know about humble bundle xD

7 years ago

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That comment is more than 1 month old, long before the DS3 monthly was revealed.

7 years ago

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thats why my comment says NOW

7 years ago

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Yea, but why bump a month and a half old thread? Its already confused 3 people XD

7 years ago

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dont ask me, ask them.
Nevermind, if the thread is not closed, it cant be revived xD

7 years ago

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Or you could purchase a single month of the humble monthly bundle, and also get a bunch of other (usually pretty cool) games too, for cheaper.

Note that this doesn't appear to include the DLC, and the current price (£50) is more expensive than just buying DS3 and Downward separately on steam without any sales. Buying DS3 by getting a one off single monthly bundle at humble and then buying Downward from any store is the biggest saving here, unless I'm totally missing something.

7 years ago

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Missing something? Yep! :P The thread is a month old, just revived by new comments :D

7 years ago

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Oh shit. Thanks for the heads up. I guess now it's been getting bumped we're all going to keep falling into that trap now, aheh

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Today,price is 69.99 euro for this at IG and DS3 is on humble monthly early unlock?!

7 years ago

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Look at the thread date.

7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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