Will you trust me ?
I trust your dedication, however, I don't think it is necessary for you to promise those things. Promise is a strong word, and some may not find things you promised. But have a thumbs up for me anyways. I am interested to see how it turns out. Good luck!
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thanks, make sure to join my 2 GAs (they're going to expire soon) :D
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i love fractales, upvote... <3
(changing date\time of your PC)
but this should be changed to an ingame feature... i have several reason why i don't want to change my system clock... :/
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There will be an option, don't worry it will be like real and emulator mode, real mode will be more immerse than emulator mode, but it will be made for players like you, that don't want to change their PC clock. In emulator mode, you will input time parameters directly in-game.
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Good to know, that was the only thing i didn't feel comfy with about the game. Anyways i voted a couple days ago, i already love SAM; keep the good work.
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Bump. I love the name, and I'm glad that you as previously stated will have a game mode where us who are reluctant to mess with our PC clock don't have to. Is the game gonna have achievements? Might make some giveaways to promote this event, I'll get back to you regarding that.
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I don't usually do this, but the game actually sounds like something that could be very good. Voted up.
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Well, I don't know you but we all should help each other make dreams come true so I've created SOMETHING and SOMETHING EXTRA to help a little bit... Good luck with your game!
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I agree with StopStalking that it might not be in your best interest to promise so many things so fast, though perhaps for different reasons. I just don't want you to feel like you have too high a bar, or that your game has to be perfect(which will never be) and end up collapsing under the pressure, or just really over-working yourself in an unhealthy way.
Either way, though, I think you are a good and upstanding member of this community and as such I am quite excited to see what you can come up with! Voted yes.
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Thanks for your opinion, I am promising what I am capable of, I have spent a lot of time on scenario, It took me a huge effort to find voice actors that I can trust and work with, and for other thing that I promise - are things everyone should do, but our world is not ideal, so I have to assure people that I won't do scummy things towards them.
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Mm, I just remembered something I read once, "When people give advice, they're often just talking to themselves in the past"(or something along those lines). I guess I've just started so many projects with huge goals that I never could reach, that I was worried you'd face the same. Especially when it comes to writing good characters/scenarios, I have quite some experience with how hard that can be despite someone's best intentions :s
BUT, it seems from what you're saying then that you've actually worked this through quite a bit, and have most of it figured out! In that case I am just hopeful. Best of luck, friend :)
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I like the idea and your desire to experiment. To be honest, I won't buy a game where I am forced to change my actual PC time, though — I feel like too many things are tied to it, so that's simply risky. Could this be an in-game mechanic? Other people may not have my concern, though.
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You should not change the PC clock. Even having the option not to is not enough.
Because people don't know how their own computers work. And if your game screw's up something, they will be upset at you.
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330 Comments - Last post 5 minutes ago by aquatorrent
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This topic is locked, to count all those who participated, new topic is here - samsara - greenlit!
Samsara - greenlight page update (trailer, screenshots, info) March - 6th
As I promised - better quality polished trailer that is recorded from latest game build.
Also "cleaner" screenshots and completely new and updated information page.
Thank you very much for supporting!
I know that some of you know me for quite some time already, some don't, so I am addressing this message for everyone, so feel free to spread it.
I have always wanted to create a GAME, you know, something you can be proud of, something unique that could be remembered.
Spending a lot of time choosing right setting and concept, I wanted to combine puzzles, and good storytelling.
Testing and creating puzzles, I have invented a neat concept of puzzle, that is based on literally time travel.
So your clock becomes a key - to solve puzzles, I have tested created numerous concepts and puzzles how you can use to create interesting puzzles, that can be both easy and entertaining and mindbogglingly hard.
A lot of time I have devoted for the story, designing characters and their intentions, moods, and interactions with player - so it won't be just another puzzle game without a story.
As for visuals - at first, my design was be solely text based game, but after few concept demos and mock-ups, I have decided to use pre-rendered 3D Fractals for videos and backgrounds. And I don't use them - 'just as a placeholder' I create animate and guide them, to be visually comparable with things going on in game as - databases, gates, cluster and other visual representations of abstract things you can't see as objects - but as code only.
Who doesn't want to change their PC clock, there will be an alternative direct in-game input mode, that is less immerse, but not in any other way less than standard.
I was slowly making my game, hoping to make a Greenlight page later this year, when I had more levels and story to show, but unfortunately due to Greenlight closing I have done it now. I have very small chances of passing Greenlight, due to the lack of things to show, because I was creating story, script, puzzles and rendering and adjusting visuals. I know how hard it is now, to pass Greenlight my friend still can't even pass it despite having made great games previously, so...
I am telling you this right now - I am betting my reputation on steam and steamgifts:
I PROMISE Provide good story with interesting plot-twists, and characters you will care for.
I PROMISE that all dialogs voiced, to understand feelings and mood of the characters.
I PROMISE to create interesting and not repetitive puzzles.
I PROMISE to make quality product without typos, graphical glitches, and other unpleasant things
I PROMISE to rely on community trust, and not deleting any negative comments and criticism
I will NOT make horrible product just to bank on cards
I will NOT use any asset flips or unlicensed materials
I will NOT release game and imminently bundle it, to sell for 10 cents or free
I will NOT use any boosting groups
So please trust me, and give me chance
I will create giveaways promoting this event, thanking you for your time, and for trusting me.
I will soon update Greenlight page with better description, trailer, and screenshots.
Current Giveaways: (some ended, and some are still available)
Stardew ValleyDay of the Tentacle RemasteredNuclear ThroneSuper Meat BoyOctodad: Dadliest CatchVVVVVVThe SwapperGuacamelee! Super Turbo Championship EditionSpiritsShantae and the Pirate's CurseElse Heart.Break()Robot Roller-Derby Disco DodgeballRetro Game CrunchEvoland 2Monster Loves YouBeat Hazard UltraMegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS ZombiesOne Piece Pirate Warriors 3The WitnessPrivate:
World of goo OPXcfMushroom-11 PXODANo time to explain remastered T3g7zSuperbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP WjrCVSuper Hexagon U39GeThe Stanley Parable kugqkHuman Resource Machine nGQF32064: Read Only Memories eNJScROCKETSROCKETSROCKETS j1WbrDay of the Tentacle Remastered HQ5jdARCADE GAME SERIES 3-in-1 Pack TVdXI7 Grand Steps hUbUoSystem Shock Pack mCFLQA Virus Named TOM EwFuoWaking Mars GB6O8Hand of Fate Y1cf3Girls Like Robots gL5v2Dangerous High School Girls in Trouble bQk9tTeam Indie CE8rTSuper Galaxy Squadron EX 1humrGRAV MA2wdChroma Squad ywU1uGIVEAWAY CONTRIBUTORS:
(If I forgot to mention and add you in this list within considerable time, please wright to me)
Additionally to normal giveaways, You will have a chance to win something special - your own personal scene in game.
At the end of the event - 3 winners will be randomly chosen
I will contact them and will make their own small puzzle scene in game! more info on this soon
(Regardless of game passing Greenlight or not - I will still do scenes for winners)
3 separate winners will be chosen:
You can participate at all three by:
Commenting on Greenlight page (voting, is not obligatory in any way!)
Commenting in this thread
Creating a giveaway/giveaways with link to this thread.
Why I am doing this? To thank people that helped me, and to give them something unique and unforgettable
Thank you for reading this, this is very important for me.
I hope you understand my situation, will trust me by voting on Greenlight
Regardless of game passing Greenlight or not - I will still make it!
C A K E event 😜
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