I can't find the lengthy post someone wrote about this policy, but two of the reasons for this rule that I can recall at the moment are that a) it's plain rude and b) it would completely ruin the CV system. (although it was in place before CV was implemented)
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Why did you mark both as "received" if you meant to give one back?
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where did i say i marked both received? i marked the first one as received when i got the code, then i left a message on the giveaway page suggesting a reroll but it was a 1pt dlc and i just thought nothing more of it, like the guy presumably did, and then i won a second copy of the thing in a giveaway id already entered, i wasnt even online to see the win, and i got suspended for a week.
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Hacker Evolution Duality: Hardcore Package Part 1 DL: Ended 3 months ago
Hacker Evolution Duality: Hardcore Package Part 1 DL: Ended 6 months ago
The time difference doesn't add up with your "i won a second copy of the thing in a giveaway id already entered".
More likely is you forgot that you already owned the DLC when you entered 3 month later after winning the first, which isn't such a huge mistake because I usually can't remember which DLCs I have and the site doesn't know which DLCs you have either, but I usually check manually before I enter.
And I don't mark both as received either like AtomicWoodchuck already said.
But you seem like a guy who joins everything he can join, just to have it. Why? Because you seem like the type when you start with calling the admins names like "cunt"
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actually yes, on steamgifts yes, i deserve respect for giving away significantly more games than someone else, in fact they signify the respect i deserve with a ranking system. and the manner in which you give away shows the "type" of person you are. hikkomi only gives away games to people in groups he knows, and still likes to take games from people he doesnt. i give away mostly to randoms, with no expectation of reciprocation.
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Just for your info: I don't need to buy friendship
And as for those groups in plural you mentioned, it's just one group as in singular and we are quite fine without gifts and have known eachother before those gifts and were friends before those gifts too.
Thats called "real friends" and not those pretend friends you think your gifts will buy you.
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Well its cool that you selfisly keep all your giveaways among your friends, yet take from strangers. and tbh, other than people saying thanks via steam, ive never tried to make friends with the people who won my games, i just say you're welcome and take care, i just want to make someones day better, without any of the reciprocal shit you obviously need.
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There is NO rule which says you have to create a public giveaway in order to be allowed to win a public giveaway but there is a rule against winning & keeping the same game/dlc twice like you did.
All you trying to do is to distract from the fact that YOU are the rulebreaker and namecaller.
But keep on coming with your silly excuses, atleast you are funny while doing this.
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no, unfortunately there is no rule to prevent greedy people like you hoarding things among your own friends yet taking from others, but accidentally clicking the same thing and forgetting you did, as the system doesnt log dlc you own despite syncing... lol, you are reaching a whole bunch to brown nose the admins sweetie. anyway stop crying greedy
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Well and if there were a rule against it, how effective would that be?
Just look at you, you break rules, call people names and you are still here too.
And my giving a way of gifts is more in the spirit of gifting than yours because CLEARLY you see it as some kind of penis size comparison instead of just being nice.
If you truly understand the spirit of gifting, you wouldn't care about how much someone is giving away or which people are allowed to participate.
You backed yourself very early into a corner and trying with clawing and biting everthing to get out of it and accuse other people of doing stuff which pales in comparison to your attitude.
Wouldn't be suprised if you landed on almost everyone's blacklist who read this thread just for being a douche.
And you are a liar too, as proven by your last post when you said:
"but accidentally clicking the same thing and forgetting you did, as the system doesnt log dlc you own"
Because earlier on you said:
"then i won a second copy of the thing in a giveaway id already entered"
Get your story straight!
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im not a liar, the thing was such a complete irrelevance to me i couldnt remember what happened until some weirdo (and i just irl saw it was you, what a sad creep you are) went through the logs of what games id won and when. god what a sad fucker you are to actually go back through that shit. lol. but yeah, again i dont really give a fuck, it just seemed pertinent to this thread, then bootlick you jumped in, ready to get your tongue deep in bum chocolate.
and to the dick measuring metaphor, no i dont go around saying my steamgifts dick is bigger than anyone elses, thats until a peon like you tries to insult me with something real (and after multiple attempts at defining my character, STILL something you have failed to do).
and to the blacklist thing, i REALLY dont care if people blacklist me, REALLY. most people arent wailing cunts like you who cry on behalf of the admins hurt feelings and "unfriend" people based on comments in a thread like 13 year old girls on facebook. and again, even if they do, so what? im absolutely loaded i can buy any game i want dozens of times, funnily enough most of my giveaways i made were when i was broke and could least afford it, and i was actually looking forward to doing more giveaways now that i can, but reactionary bans from the admin turned me right off.
so there we go, thats all i can really be bothered to write to you any more. you are an exhausting drag of a person, just keep posting misfire attempts to nail my character, to "really get me" all you want, im utterly sick of this "discussion". keep making giveaways only for your friends and taking from strangers, its what you do. ive got other things.
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Everyone with have a brain can see from the wording you chose and the amount of text you wrote that I clearly hit exactly your soft spot and you were angry when you typed that, but you are too delusional to recognize that yourself and therefore there is no point in further continuing to reply to you.
This will be my last reply, but I know you still gonna reply to this because you can't help yourself and you are that type of person who needs to have the last word in everything.
I've figured you out even if you won't admit it.
With that said, stage free for you and your reply (with which you will only prove me correct once and for all)
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I'm pretty certain the folks who have blacklisted you thus far don't give a flying rat's ass how much you've given away on the site.
You've made your douchebaggery quite clear.
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honestly, do you think your hypothetical blacklisting you suspect i must have endured, do you think that hurts me in any way? it sounds like you are trying to be venomous but i cant tell.
ps, go and report me to the admins, im sure that was the next thing you were going to do
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You really didn't get what point I was making?
Ok, fine, I'll just spell out the subtext for you:
You are a whiny douche who is salty about getting a justified suspension, and thinks he has the right to be a dick to people just because he gave away more than them. Was that clear enough?
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I wasnt a dick to him, he was a dick to me, painting me as a "type" of person, which im not, so i outlined what type of person he actually was. not being a dick, responding to initial idiocy with facts.
also im not whining, a whiner assumes their complaint might get them somewhere. i just stated my opinion, if it gets me suspended so be it, id rather be someone who has the balls to say what they feel, than a bootlick like you. a whiny douche is someone who runs to admins crying like im sure you will.
but back to the facts i mentioned earlier, heres some about you, you are a taker. you have won more than twice what you have contributed, and all that was was bundle crap. again not being a dick, just responding to an idiot who started something, with reality.
:D love n cuddles!!xx
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No, a whiny douche is a douche who whines. It's a really simple definition which you fit. And I see no reason to involve admins when there is a perfectly functional blacklist button on your profile.
And yes, I won more than I gave. I'm sorry I am not like you, oh holy one, lord of giveaways and master of generosity. I hope to some day reach your position, where I will believe number of giveaways created is more important than being a decent human being. Until then, I guess I'll just have to ignore you and hope you go away :D
lov n kuddelssssss!!!!!xoxoxoxo
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why would i care if you blacklisted me? do you think the idea would have me in a panic about not being able to win the shit dlcs from humble bundles you give away once every kwanzaa? i think ill be able to hold back from slitting my wrists from the dread tbh
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why did you , a 1 year old member , but still don't know the rule
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Well I, for one, thank you for knowing the rules.....
.... unlike the person trying to give you advice.
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giveaway creator can do reroll (request new winner) for you (reason: winner rejected gift). just tell him about it.
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It doesn't matter if you thing that the rule is dumb or not. You agreed to the rules by using this site. If you don't follow them then the people that run the site have every reason to suspend or ban you.
Quit being an asshole. I'm pretty sure that most everyone who has participated in this thread has blacklisted you. If I were you I would STFU before your chances of being able to enter any giveaways are dramatically lower.
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It's easier to just blacklist idiots whom lie to other users though.
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...your head is wedged too firmly in your clenched sphincter?
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You are using a site for one year and didn't read the FAQ...what a shame.
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The "rules of common sense" would require you to know under what conditions you are allowed to use this site. Failure to use your common sense and acquaint yourself with the rules of the site may lead to future difficulties, but you are free to choose..
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In those cases I'm not sure rerolls are appropriate. Dev giveaways auto reveal the keys once the winner is picked so unless they provided extra keys to cover rerolls then its just asking for more problems. Personally I think those specific giveaways amount to spam at this point and has done nothing but encourage me not to buy their products in the future. They should just do one mass giveaway for each game and be done with.
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Fortunately, devs can get any number of keys from Valve at no cost. If any key end up not working after a re-roll, they can easily replace it.
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Whatever you do, do not just give away the second copy like mettabird suggested.
I think the only thing you can do is wait for the creator of the giveaway to respond. Asking for a reroll is your only option, really.
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Post a fresh message in the giveaway thread. I had to do this twice with one mass giveaway, probably because he received so many Thanks messages he missed my re-roll request the first time.
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It's actually really easy to contact him. He's a very nice guy.
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You are basically doing it right. You activated one and mark it received. Contact the giveaway maker of the second one and ask them for a reroll to be done and explain what happened.
Also contacting support and tell them what happened can't hurt.
As long as you don't use or give out that second key you will be fine. Also don't mark it as received or as not received.
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Support will take care of it. Thank you for your cooperation. )
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We are in the same boat! I've just won an extra copy of Overture. I removed the rest of the entries for the other giveaways.
I've just sent a friend request to the developer and see if I can deal with that that way. I may also create a support ticket as many of you suggested.
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If you haven't done so, already, post a note in the Comments section of the giveaway. That way, Support can see that you are fine with re-rolling the winner (yourself).
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Same happen to me, he doesn't response so don't wait for him. Admin said wait 1 week and check not received. And of course don't use the key :D
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Did you actually contact support and they told you that? It's just that the same thing happened to me today.
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Great advice. Let me know how that works out for you.
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may be yes, mb not
Won gifts should be activated to the Steam account used during registration, and they should not be regifted, traded, or sold.
Allow the giveaway creator one week to send the gift. Please be patient and do not contact them during this time. If the gift is not received after one week, you may contact the giveaway creator on Steam to follow-up.
Winners should correctly mark their gift as received or not received within one week of the giveaway closing. This feedback should be kept up-to-date if the status of the gift changes."
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Any word about 7 days? Good luck with your ticket...
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Any word about 7 days?
Actually, they should be activated right away. But support won't take action until the whole week has passed.
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All, what not in rules - its against rules. 7 days not in rules. But
"Won gifts should be activated to the Steam account used during registration, and they should not be regifted, traded, or sold."
"Выигранные игры должны быть активированы на аккаунте Steam, который использовался при регистрации на нашем сайте, в течение недели после завершения раздачи. Их нельзя передаривать, продавать или обменивать на другие игры."
Rules cant be different, but they are... Descrimination, rasism? Lol
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Rules are the same for everyone, but in this case it would appear they are better explained in Russian. (At least, from what Google translate gave me.) The English guidelines should be updated as well to prevent confusion.
Anyway, I don't see why you insist on not activating the game you won in the first place.
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Beacase i only now read russian translated and updated rules. Default english not full and dont give full info. Because 4 years was removed from steamtrades, in this 6 month i sent gift/keys for winners, who have win 10 gifts/keys lke my(in win list) and me was dont care about. In this 4 years and 6 month i dont read discussions and me was dont care what about they writing, but now i see what many of them(mean users) childrens and rats and need continue stay away from this. I dont have other choise - activate this crap, hope you all will be happy. Sorry for my english, dont keep in mind.
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just for your info a week is 7 days....and the week is written in the rules...and not in heads.
And this is just aboud the time you have to give feedback, but you already gave feedback before without activating the game...
this would be -> Misuse of Giveaway Feedback = possible permanent ban
So you should be happy for activating it......
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Won gifts should be activated to the Steam account used during registration, and they should not be regifted, traded, or sold.
Allow the giveaway creator one week to send the gift. Please be patient and do not contact them during this time. If the gift is not received after one week, you may contact the giveaway creator on Steam to follow-up.
Winners should correctly mark their gift as received or not received within one week of the giveaway closing. This feedback should be kept up-to-date if the status of the gift changes."
For my info can you screen me with bold text where yours "and the week is written in the rules...and not in heads."? All what i see it is stupid reply with threats.
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The person who made the Russian translation clearly noted that the game had to be activated within the 7 days while it is mostly implied in the English guidelines.
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Oh I know that, I've read his post. But with his attitude, he doesn't deserve a better reply.
Not obeying rules, trying to make other user make a mistake, acting like he's special and rules don't apply to him, and at the end calling in racism.. sure..
Now.. related to the FAQ, that should be fixed. Altho it does say that the creator has 7 days to send you the gift, and the gift needs to be activated on your account. So it's just about the way you read/understand it.
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like you quoted correct:
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"Won gifts should be activated to the Steam account used during registration, and they should not be regifted, traded, or sold."
If you get it, you have to activate it, if you mark it as received (what you did) you admit that you got it.
And if you then do not activate it...you break the rules.......this might be a bit complitacte for some people, cause it´s like 1+1=2
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If you get it, you have choice - activate right now or drop in inventory, what i do. I recive it and mark as recived. Nothing against rules, yes its like 1+1=2 for me. I dont see any 1 word in default English rule what it must be activated in first 7 days/week after reciving. Mb you with MinusNull815 bad understand what mean recieved and activated, try this
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sorry mr. supersmart....i still read "Won gifts should be activated to the Steam account used during registration"....there is no "you have choice - activate right now or drop in inventory" .....you still ride on the 7-day horse......
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"sorry mr. supersmart....i still read "Won gifts should be activated to the Steam account used during registration"....there is no "you have choice - activate right now or drop in inventory""
If it not in rule - it is not agains the rule.
"you still ride on the 7-day horse......"
1)Allow the giveaway creator one week to send the gift.
he send me gift.
2)Winners should correctly mark their gift as received or not received within one week of the giveaway closing.
-gift recieved and marked as gift.
Your feedbacks tell me you never trade before, still think you bad understand what mean gift, activation and inventory. Not will be surprise for me, if you think all games on your account yours, not just subscription.
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after seven days of your giveaway ending, and they have not yet activated or redeemed any keys or gifts you attempted to send, please contact support to request a new winner
just in case the winner didnt activeted or redeemed after 7 days
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my last 2 cents...
Suspension Permissions | Default Length |
Not Activating Won Gift | 5 days |
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Damn the same thing happened to me today. I've been entering giveaways for weeks for overture and now I managed to win 2 in the same day! :P
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That's why the reroll system is there for!
Contact the winner of the copy you didn't use, and explain to them what happened (even link to this thread if you wish). They can just ask for a reroll and bam, all done.
If that doesn't work (because someone else said that devs can't reroll), contact SteamGifts Support and explain it to them (even link here if you wish) and they'll be able to sort it out.
The worst thing you could do is giveaway the other key, or mark both as received.
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It would be great if the site had a feature where, if you win a copy of a game, all other giveaway entries for the same game are withdrawn and the points are "refunded" back to your account to enter other giveaways.
This would eliminate the very possibility of having Ikkimura's problem.
And that problem seems to be a real danger, given the number of giveaways that run simultaneously for the same game, especially the day a new bundle comes out and everybody dumps their extra copies...
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I can think of a few scenarios where this could then create a new problem (ie the first giveaway is a fake). Hiding the key until the winner actively reveals it would help though. That way at least the creator and support know if the winner has seen the 2nd key.
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That's a good point. At the very least I wish there were a feature where, if I sync my account with Steam, I'll be auto-withdrawn and get the points back for giveaways of games that I have activated in my account. The site already doesn't let you enter for games you have (with the glaring exception of bundles or collections), so this makes sense and shouldn't be too hard to implement. It would prevent double wins for redeemed/owned games, and nothing more.
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I won two copies of Overture in 30 minutes and now i don't know what to do.
I redeemed the first one and now I'm trying to contact the creator of the giveaway to give back the second one but is there any other thing i can do?
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