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  1. Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle - Trailer / Behind the Scenes
  2. Assassin's Creed Origins: Mysteries of Egypt - Trailer
  3. The Crew 2 - Trailer / Motorsports Gameplay / Beta Signup
  4. South Park: The Fractured But Whole - Trailer / Steam / Gameplay
  5. Transference - Announcement Trailer
  6. Skull and Bones - Trailer / Multiplayer and PVP / "What you need to know" / You ARE A PIRATE
  7. Just Dance 2018 - Your time is valuable and you shouldn't waste it watching this trailer
  8. South Park: Phone DestroyerTM - Trailer
  9. Starlink: Battle for Atlas - Trailer
  10. Steep: Road to the Olympics Expansion - Trailer
  11. Far Cry 5 - Amazing Grace trailer / Gameplay
  12. Beyond Good and Evil 2 - Trailer / Trailer Breakdown with Michel Ancel
7 years ago*

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That Mario+Rabbids game looks better than expected

7 years ago

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Mario + Raving Rabbids + gameplay straight from XCOM

EDIT: I never really liked Raving Rabbids, but I'm curious how this will turn out.

7 years ago*

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Mario came out of left field

7 years ago

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Well, like one top comment on youtube said:

Top 10 Anime Crossovers 2017

Assassin's Creed trailer looks nice, but i hope the game is not a train wreck

7 years ago

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I hear Lorde singing :D

7 years ago

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We need a good new Beyond Good and Evil and Rayman!

7 years ago

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I can't believe AC Origins didn't even get a cinematic trailer. The Crew got one, why wouldn't their most popular franchise? I'm disappointed.

7 years ago

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The Crew 2? Really? How will they improve it? By removing the stupid item level system? Ditch out any kind of story and let us customize our own driver? Have higher quality songs on the radio?

7 years ago

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Skull and Bones looks really good and I would be super excited, except I don't trust Ubisoft with a good pirate game.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Obligatory dancing part

7 years ago

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South Park: Phone Destroyer...

7 years ago

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I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am about a Steep expansion and South Park mobile game.

7 years ago

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Mario looks nice .
The yearly AC nonsense .. no ty .
Racing games , Bleah .
South park Hype .
VR ...something.
A pretty pirate lady appears is all i got from that trailer :P ... a well made naval combat game would be awesome tho :x
More south park !
Any space game is doubted , then double doubted then 3ple doubted forever cause No man sky >.<
Ski ...yawn .
Walking around and climbing towers to turn on a fuse simulator 5
Please dont suck , Please dont suck , Please dont suck .

Thats pretty much it .

7 years ago*

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Mario looks awesome! But switch exclusive

7 years ago

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No i am lost in love! Beyond good and evil 2 !♥

7 years ago

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I just tuned in and thought it looked like Beyond Good and Evil 2, but then I heard all the "fuck" calls and thought, no way...but either way, I'm happy :)

7 years ago

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Me too! I thought Beyond good and evil 2 after a while i was confused and then i was sure again :D

7 years ago

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I'm taking it the first game was insanely popular? This game was announced in 2008, which is a crazy long time to work on something.

7 years ago

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Play it! Its available on steam.

7 years ago

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actually 1st one was way ahead of it's time. It got awesome critical reception, lots of GOTY titles, but all in all was commercial failure. But since then it gained the massive Cult Following. I'd say GGE2 is one of the most anticipated "never gonna happen" games of last decade.

7 years ago

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5€, $10 in us

uplay has it 50% off atm 2,5€/$5

7 years ago

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might be better deal to get it on uplay i guess then .

7 years ago

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The first game was a great game, which wasn't a great commercial hit as Ubisoft thought it was a good idea to launch it in the same timeframe as Prince of Persia: Sands of Time and Ghost Recon Island Thunder. And then taking away any chance of recovery later on in the first few months by launching Splinter Cell 2.

Yep, Ubisoft thought it was a good idea to put new IPs on the market at the same time as near-guaranteed blockbusters based on name alone. I mean, why rely on other companies to compete with you, when you can push yourself out of the market ? Right ?
it's something that nowadays would make a certain Brit-naturalized-to-American go "Oh, Ubisoft"

XII was also launched at the same time as Beyond Good and Evil as a new IP, and suffered the same fate. Except that one also didn't have much of a chance to become a cult classic, being an FPS with good-but-not-great gameplay at the time the FPS market was being really flooded.

7 years ago

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We just want another Rayman game like Legends.....

7 years ago

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This conference was actually full of surprises...

7 years ago

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That was a pretty trailer :x

7 years ago

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The Crew 2 received the Watch Dogs 2 treatment, of going from dark and serious to colorful and social media.
Two South Park games awesome.
The trailer of Skull and Bones got me real exited but then I lost it heavy focus on PVP. Maybe there will be a single player campaign.
Haven't played it yet (on my backlog), but isn't Beyond Good and Evil a game of a reporter and some aliens. The trailer looks more of a space opera like Mass Effect. Or do I need to play the first game first.

7 years ago

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Play the first game. I mean she is some sort of reporter and there are aliens in it but that trailer does give off the same type of vibe as the first game, albeit a really updated + cursing included vibe of the original.

7 years ago

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'Beyond Good And Evil; was the game I loved with all my heart, but it story was directed not only to adult but to kids as well, so this trailer made my uncomfortable. Why? Let me explain: at first, I remembered good old 'Beyond...' with it's innocence (maybe?), taking photographs, collecting pearls and revealing conspiracy. After 4 years (10 years ago) there was this teaser and this trailer. I got use to little cartoonish, crooked and lopsided graphics, and now, bang, cinematic trailer of new 'Beyond... II'. What's my cons? It is totally different that first game and initial ideas of sequel - ultra graphics, explosions, imho too much F-words. I am afraid that this game will be new 'Far Cry' alike game, that lost its core. I am really afraid of this game :(

7 years ago

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This year was FAR better than last year for Ubisoft. I hardly believe I'm interesting in about half of the games shown this year, I will certainly not buy them all and definitely 0 pre-orders, but their content sure looks interesting! (as opposed to that turd of a new logo)

Now it's up to them to deliver complete games and good value.

7 years ago

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Here are my thoughts on these games according to what was shown. I will have an interest scale from 1 to 10 so that you can see how interested I am in these games:

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle: Honestly I missed this one in the live stream, so I need to go back and watch it before I make a review on it. Sounds cool though. Interest: 6/10

Assassin's Creed Origins: Mysteries of Egypt: This one looked pretty cool. I have never really gotten into the AC series, but I am very interested in this one. Interest: 7/10

The Crew 2: The trailer looked really good in my opinion. I never was really big into racing games, but I might buy this one. Will have to see gameplay though. Interest: 8/10

South Park: The Fractured But Whole: Honestly I am not interested in this at all, never got into the south park series, and probably never will. I found the humor poor and lacking. it did make me chuckle once or twice, but that's it. Also, they didn't have any sort of introduction, or anybody talk about it. I am pretty sure they just made it, threw it to the audience, and don't want to worry about it. Interest: 1/10

Transference: Umm... I am pretty confused... And it really didn't grab my attention at all. It looks like a horror movie in VR. Hopefully we see something that reveals more about it. Interest: 3/10

Skull and Bones: This is one of the bigger games I am looking forward to. Looks like it would be like blackwake, but more realistic instead of humerous. If it has a campaign, it would be awesome. Hopefully it does. I am intrigued, and actually signed up for the beta as soon as I saw that I could. Interest: 9/10

Just Dance 2018: #cringefest. they didn't show anything besides some guys in scorpion costumes dancing on stage, than panda showed up, along with some asian chicks, than some american wannabe popstar started singing and announced the game. like what the guys says, save your time and avoid this trailer. Interest: 1/10

South Park: Phone Destroyer: A mobile phone game at E3? Really? I mean, imagine clash of clans at E3, thats how I felt about this. And not only that I am totally lost on what you do. Not interested. Interest: 1/10

Starlink: Battle for Atlas: Perfect description that was given for it; No Man's Skylanders. You buy physical parts, make your own ship, than port it to the game. I call these games vampire games because all they do is suck the money right out of you. I think the concept is cool though, despite the fact you buy the parts. Will keep an eye on this one. Interest: 6/10

Steep: Road to the Olympics Expansion: Steep is fun, but I think this will get old. Kinda interesting. Idk how I think about this one. Interest: 5/10

Far Cry 5: we knew about everything it showed, so nothing super new besides an interesting new teaser trailer. not bad though. I am interested in this game. Interest: 6/10

Beyond Good and Evil 2: Didn't see this one coming, and I like the look of it! I never played the first one, and now I want to play it, and play this one as well. Looks fun, light hearted, and humorous. Great way to close it out! Interest: 9/10

So far, I like what I see! I am excited, and i think Ubisoft is doing a good job (I mean, besides their service and uplay) Overall, I though that the conference went well, and they didn't spend much time on things that nobody was really interested in, and showed more in depth the things people were interested in. I am excited for a good amount of what they showed, and will need to see more to be more convinced on some of these games. Hope this is an interesting read for some of you!

7 years ago

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Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle: Looks nice but Nintendo Switch exclusive.
South Park: The Fractured But Whole: It was announced in the past E3, and the date was given past month. They didn't need to talk more about it.
Transference: They showed nothing (Kojima style), just that it is a VR game.
Just Dance 2018: The same Just Dance with new songs. For those niche players.
South Park: Phone Destroyer: All companies announce mobile games, some give them more protagonist than others. Mobile games move a lot of money nowadays. Bethesda announced Elder Scrolls Legends for Android and iPhone, EA announced that Star Wars game, Microsoft has minecraft and announced cross-platform between all platforms...
Starlink: Not even with a pole. I like buying games I can play out of the box (that is why I also dislike trading card games).
Beyond Good and Evil 2: They just showed a concept cinematics. It will not be released until probably 2019, we can't judge it yet, we have seen 0 (zero) in-game nor even in-engine.

7 years ago*

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Closed 6 years ago by Fyantastic.