Oh my inner child is not having a fit over that. My inner child rages when they see Humble sell a bundle with 9 items in it and 2 of the items are coupons.
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It's not about the value, as I think it's a great bundle if you don't already have the games. I have most so, not so great for me.
It's about the sales tactics they are using.
First is adding the 2 coupons increases the number of items. So visually, most people see 9 items and think it's a better deal. Even if they count up 7. 9 is still stuck in the back of their minds. It's a visual tactic to trick the buyer.
Second, each coupon is a way to entice the buyer to spend more money from this bundle. So now your bundle goes from being $15 to up wards of around $35 (quick math may be off by a couple bucks). Even if you don't want those games. Some will feel obligated to buy them. Just to use the coupons they know they paid for.
Now it would be a different case if they had created the bundle as a 7 game package for $15 with 2 free/bonus coupons. No longer are you actually paying for the coupons or feel obligated to use them. Though that would probably lead to less profit for Humble that way. So, best to use the word play and real in the fish that flop for it.
Even if they only real in 10% of the buyers. That's a lot of money to be made.
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I can think of 100 reasons, especially if you aren't from EU and maaaybe USA
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Just like others, I'd love to hear even half of those hundred reasons tbh. Literally a company with a service that gets quality games for like less than 10€ (not even a mandatory sub and taking into account the 10% that goes to charity, meaning a game like Ghostwire Tokyo earned literally like 80% less per copy than any sale in the game's history), has the cheapest prices on the gaming market in their store (on par if you don't have a sub) and you to this day have a ton of customization available for who your money goes to for their decent bundles.
Finding 100 complaints from an above-board service/company that literally gives savings of 80-90% to consumers on a weekly basis when compared to any other white market store sounds kinda insane, but I'm glad you'll be laying like 50 of them out there without even thinking about it soon so I can be proven wrong.
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It's not about content. Complaints mostly comes from people who have run into issues of being locked out of accounts and lost access to purchases. People from EU can usually bring up customer rights and support usually have nothing to do but give in. In USA usually there is no protection for consumer rights and they can pretty much sell you to some third tier African nation to be a slave if you sign the small print. Of course that is just an exaggeration and many times the people who have problems truly have broken rules of Humble. But wanted to give the context of this USA/EU difference with Humble support.
As for value - of course mathematically every bundle is great value. But it should be perceived also from point of view of the buyer. I don't care it's the perfect deal if I will never play the games. So for the buyer it has no value.
I personally simply keep the sub open and get the bundle when I like the games. But I see where some people come from.
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Yeah, that's a fair point. I guess I tend to usually just take things as they come without really caring for potentially other things related to it. In this case, I see the following things:
Price is cheaper than ever before,
It's bundled with other games so the income each dev/publisher gets is miniscule per copy compared to before.
I do also tend to use "all of the meat" as much as I can with those bundles, so if someone wants a game that I don't care for, I just give them it and I'm happy that they're happy.
But obviously it's also depends on the philosophy one might have.
As to accounts being blocked, yeah, I don't know. I remember the wild craze people went in when traders got shut down, but it's blatantly against ToS, so with an extreme discount product such as that, I do get it from both sides. Yeah, would be neat to sell or trade away everything, but also usually deals like that only succeed if there's good faith that the store enforces its policies to not screw up the market for the company that took the leap.
I dunno, just odd to see people hate on the lineups when it's like objectively almost always literally the best deal on the market for multiple years to come.
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It's bundled with other games so the income each dev/publisher gets is miniscule per copy compared to before.
With this comes the "benefit", if you can call it that, for software and games. The licenses they create don't increase the cost of the game. As in - if you want to create 100 phones instead of 10, the cost will increase 10 times. If you want to generate 100 licenses instead of 10, the cost does not increase. So it doesn't really matter if they earn 100 bucks from 10 games or the same 100 bucks from 100 games. So IMO a decision to put a game in a bundle is most likely a strategic choice by developer to increase sales after the initial momentum after release has died down. That's why we usually see in the bundles a year or two old games, games that had rocky launch or those which need to bump up MP players. Hell, same with Epic freebies - devs receive money from epic, thy calculate whether they would earn that much from normal sales and if epic pays the same or more, doesn't really matter to them if the game goes for free or is sold for full price. They have cashflow covered. So basically its not only a good deal for the end user, but if strategically done, a good deal for the publisher.
That is of course if you look at it objectively. So undoubtedly these bundles are great value. Any bundle is, if the price is lower then you'd pay for the games separately. But I still like to bring up the point of personal value in the bundle - if, for example, an anime bundle shows up with the most latest best AAA games from anime genre where every fan would drip wet from it - I would still not buy it and consider it worthless for me. Why should I spend 10 EUR for something that I wouldn't play as I simply don't care for the genre. Same for Metroidvanias bundle now active on humble.. Even if objectively the bundle has good value, I don't give even a second thought to it.
Well, I of course don't go in every bundle and shit on it, just because I personally don't like the games in it, so its definitely weird to have these constant complainers for everything, when obviously its an issue of preference. It is definitely odd, but then again - I understand why some would be disappointed. Its great when you have more diverse set of genres you play, but for more generic gamers its difficult to find value in the choice bundle if only one game is to their likings.
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I actually agree.
But when putting out discounts on stuff, generally the chances of people afterwards buying games at higher prices really reduces, I'd assume. At least that's the theory. That's why the sales creep down slowly rather than going -90% immediately. They definitely can pump out all the copies in the world for essentially free, but now that they've reduced their historical minimums by either 50% or 90% (depending on your philosophy on bundles and so on as we discussed), I doubt anyone's gonna pull the trigger on buying the game that was available for 9.99€ in a pack of 10 games for the current normal discounts of 20€. I guess it's more about potential profits that are potentially impacted, though who knows until those figures get shown. It still ends up being a hell of a shift in the market for those products, especially, ironically, specifically because it's a digital good. It's not just a local branch of some furniture store selling a hard-to-transport table for an insane price, meaning it'd stay within the very specific locale it was sold and purchased in, but instead with the online goods, those keys are instantly global (unless there are region restrictions of course).
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Ignorance is bliss :)
Their price is so low exactly because "it's a charity". That's why you have countless restrictions that most of them are illegal in parts of the world. I also had many friends from outside from EU(/US) that had sudden payment problems for absolutely no reason (no they aren't traders, no they broke some crazy rule). Others got locked out of their accs again with 0 explanation or having done something.
Asking the same price in different regions that have different or LESS games. And don't start with "but different economies/deals/if they don't like it they can stop". It can be avoided, it can change, it can everything buuut they don't care enough :) And our issue is why "hb haters" exist. "Injustice" clearly can make someone a "hater" regardless of if you agree with said "injustice".
Another issue is "healthy competition"/"publicity gains". Their prices are rock bottom because they buy them pretty much next to 0. The deals vary every time with the publishers and exactly because they don't buy their keys but "order" them as orders go depending on how the charity went, you see many times keys out of stock for MONTHS while YOU have ALREADY paid for it :) In this case patience isn't a virtue. Go pay for a pizza and wait the delivery guy a month :) gl. Or even better, pay UPFRONT for a year in the gym and allow them to kick you out every time you go while the gym still operates and offers services because they can. Because OH WHAT A SURPRISE they can terminate services to whoever they want for whatever reason. And if you aren't from EU (and US in some cases) you can't do ANYTHING at all. Any legal action against them must be in their base. gl
They aren't a charity. They give TO charities and keep a % as well. That's mostly a publicity stunt. HB gains, publishers gain but it breaks competition and no, you can't have 100 sites that do the same for various reasons including publicity! If it's the norm then it's not so.. glamorous anymore :)
And that's the very basics that I don't even care to analyze to you or someone else here. Go read their terms, go check their discord and public practices, ask around for the out-most ridiculous "support".
Not everything that shines is gold. And just because something has AND a good outcome doesn't make it a "saint" automatically. Actions-reactions-repercussions.
Anyway, I already wrote a loooot more than I wanted. Research before you speak in such a stupid tone again :) Just because you are ignorant, doesn't mean all are
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I dunno, you kind of embarrass yourself with trying to be sassy. Or maybe this is just an elaborate trolling effort, in which case you did a solid job lol. Throwing random ":)" and capitalized words everywhere while not grasping the basics of on-demand temp product launches, making accusations of the company skimming on top of dedicated contributions with no proof and random similes and pieces of old-timey wisdom to connect the threads.
Although this is kinda the first time I've seen someone complain that prices are low due to streams of revenue being diverted away from both the producers and sellers while claiming that it's anti-competitive to negotiate prices.
It's like reading a cut Curb sketch.
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Mexican here, I also hate their stupid region locks, especially since they're charging me American prices on everything, bundles or store.
I'm fine with region locks if the prices are also changed to our regional ones. Some stores with region locks do it, like GamersGate, and that's fine.
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My main beef was when they flat out refused to replace not working keys cause i was Key-reseller for gifting them here :)
Then later on i bough a key that was supposed to be ROW but they gave me region locked key cause , we assume the people buy key for personal use ... it wasnt even a bundle just a DLC for borderlands i wanted to gift a friend so we play it together .
So yeah there is a bunch of reasons to not like them xD
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nahhh even if you hate HB for 12$ you get ghostwire and remnants full edition
great deal lol and some got it even for less ( 7$)
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Yeah, silly people accidentally probably made Ghostwire into one of the most wishlisted games in the entirety of Steam on its release. How silly of them, I guess they just got dazzled by the fact that it's made by well-known devs, published by a well-known publisher and was well received probably by accident lol.
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A game from a new IP with >4m sales after a year sounds like it did pretty well to me. Solid success, honestly.
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Interesting how that happened and yet no market (gray markets or marketplaces) ever got affected by it with no articles/pricetrackers also mentioning such a historic discount, which would be mentioned any other time too.
Sounds to me that it was a specific branch getting rid of copies for whatever weird reason while taking a loss, but perhaps this really is the biggest secret since Area 51.
For context, gaming outlets literally cover even when Walmart discounts the G102/203 by like $3 and when a game gets a slightly above average discount, so getting over 80% of a discount of a successful AAA release a few months after release in a brand-wide sale when the biggest discount it had had was like 15% by then is kind of historic.
But also... literally a console release, literally still more expensive, unless suddenly your story includes PC copies and 9 extra games that interns would beg you to take with Ghostwire. Which I'm sure happened too of course.
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Also interesting how steamgifts dont let to post screenshots so i cant shove the ticket here where the boxed deluxe edition cost me 20 euros three or four months since release in a pretty popular game retailer. And you can check i have the game with most trophies on my steam profile since gods knows when. But people on internet loves to antagonize you no matter what you say anyway.
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Won't lie, I'm glad to hear some pushback on the ridiculous expectations from this community. The games that have never been under 20€ (meaning that they earn like 15€ per copy) are suddenly in a position where they earn like 2€ per copy max, yet somehow it's Humble that's at fault for somehow finagling publishers to take an 80% cut on their lowest sources of income. And of course the 10% charity thing is a marketing gimmick, but that 10% going there is 10% more than the vast majority of "I totally donate to charities daily, yet a 95% discount on something I want is pathetic" crowd of people would ever give on their own volition.
And when looking at the key markets, it's almost always Humble or Fanatical that actually finally push down prices in the gray market, so even the people who get to complain literally get to do it solely for these deals happening.
Although I'll never buy this game for anything more than $0.22 since games are too expensive (ignore my 4 preorders for $80 each since Deluxe Editions are epic and the $20 I just blew on my subscription MMO and F2P game)
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Since you seem like such an ethical guy, why don't you go and report aaall those HB copies that shove the prices down in keyshops? Since it's 101% against their terms of service :)))
Activating such keys is also against their terms but it's a more grey area. You can get in trouble with them other this actually if found (as a key it's almost impossible -> ok not impossible.. just beyond illegal :) )which is and why people don't want to accept a gift link many times. Oh yeah.. "only traders/gifters can face an issue"........... Well.. Check your facts a little better :)))
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And you never will. Which makes this my last reply to you. bb
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He was just bored, with no time and wanted to start a bit of controversy. It worked.
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This is one of my orders from Amazon
I regret nothing, even though both Bethesda titles ended up in Humble Choice.
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Fanatical is selling for $20.
Any Humble haters interested?
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