Do you like the new wishlist system?
I choose the "I don't care about the new wishlist system" option. :B
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But they didn't implement anything interesting. xD
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I'd say they did. The wishlist has now turned into a more functional version of IsThereAnyDeal. ITAD has the benefit of the multiple websites, but that's obvious. ITAD is pretty confusing to use and it's quite glitchy (if you use more detailed search methods).
So, overall, during a Steam sale, this would be immensely helpful. (I'd say so at least)
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I only have 6 games in my wishlist, so I'm kinda close too. ;_;
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Wasn't really planning on writing every possible answer because the question is a simple yes or no. Answering a poll has never been compulsory and the information about people using, not using, caring or not caring is unimportant and it would basically skew the results a lot.
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I liked that feature most of all :< not sure why they would take that away from us.
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Maybe because, that way, you was more inclined to buy a game you wanted less but costed less than a game you wanted more which costed more. Now it's more like "What game do you want? This one? It's 4 dollars. Bye."
I have 360 games in my wishlist, that feature was pivotal...
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I really miss a low to high sort option. Since I usually have my wishlist in that order. WIth a lot of games on my wishlist, it feels a bit chaotic now.. DOn't really feel like ordering 252 items myself.
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Hopefully they rethink this, not being able to sort by price is one stupid choice when you combine it with the awfully large design.
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The ranking is broken and makes no sense now.
They've removed a "sort by price" option.
The design is actually incredibly ugly in comparison to what existed prior.
No, I do not like these changes.
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After this change, I'm the only one with the wishlist at steamgift with 0 items?
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Yeah, Valve fucked up hard this one, very unfriendly UI, no way to sort by lowest to highest price, the old rankings are gone (I have 1025 on my wishlist, to you think I fell like ordering them again?) the boxes are too big, can't even CTRL+F to search for games because it only show like 50 at a time...
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They optimized it for touchscreen and that's kinda strange.
Every game take so much place and don't show any new infos.
Also ordering by price is gone and i hate this "only vr" filter everywhere. Why can't I have a "no VR" or "no EA" filter?
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It's crap, like practically every other Steam Store "enhancement" in recent times. Anyone who wants to complain, this is the announcement:
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It looks ugly and it's harder to see prices at a glance because they stand out less now. That's a pure step down.
The filters are a welcome improvement. But they could have done that with the old look, where prices stood out much more, and that would have been much better.
Edit: No order by price? Why valve.
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I have the options.
Order by: Ranking, Name, PRICE... but ranking is random every time i change the method.
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It is in no way an improvement over what existed previously...
With a possible SINGLE exception given, for being able to include ONLY discounted games.
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"Sort by price" is back. That's nice.
What's worrying is how the hell this got on live. Or maybe it didn't, and they had to hack it in at the last moment. I pity the team of two and a half people who are apparently all that's left of Valve's development team.
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the lack of translation (price is still in english while the "old" stuff is german) gives me the feeling, that they added it after it went live.
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In case they don't fix the broken rankings, I suggest to save SG's snapshot of Steam's wishlist:
It'll probably be gone the next time SG syncs with Steam, so better hurry up!
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I can't see mine either, it's empty. Maybe they are still updating.
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I think you might be too late. Check this page for when your account was last synced:
Look for "Synced with Steam XX hours ago"
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I know how this works, i've synced a few minutes ago (because i've added more games to library), but nothing yet =/
No big deal, i'll come back tomorrow, thanks!
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Personally, I like that they've added filters for things like "Less than current Steam Wallet balance" and "On sale" for those that view the wishlist.
Though, the design has enlarged the icons, meaning that you need to scroll more. Overall, I like it.
What about all of you?
I decided to list all of the differences I've noticed:
EDIT: The issue with SG's wishlist seem to now be fixed to an extent. Some titles seem to still be missing.
EDIT 2: Games removed from the store seem to be removed from your wishlist automatically now.
EDIT 3: A user has noted: "Just noticed that F2P DLC aren't showing up in the client anymore (website and app still do)."
EDIT 4: A compact mode has now been added! No need for buying 50 monitors just to see a single game's icon anymore!
EDIT 5: A thicc boi has noted that wishlists save automatically now.
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