People hate winner! Creator of giveaway: "Arghh! Again it wasn't me who won!"
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And that moment when you forget to say thanks....WHABAM U IS A RUDE DUDE
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In my group one person won 7 of the other person's giveaways within 5 minutes. Each giveaway had around 5 entries and I didn't win a single one.
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I read the whole thread before and all I can say is: When I create a giveaway and let it end an hour before another one ends with almost the same people that entered, I barely ever had seen the same person winning both. But when they end at the same time there's a higher chance the same person wins it looks to me.
What I can say is: I like to believe in my conspiracy muhahaha!
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The conversation you were involved was about the same person winning two giveaways and the odds of that no matter when the giveaway ends. There's no word about the TIME.. I mean how would that possibly affect the odds? My theory is that they included time (time of entry and/or end of giveaway) as a factor in the algorithm. Sure chances get higher, don't have to repeat all the comments but tell me how odds are getting higher if 2 giveaway end at the same time for a person winning both...
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"Trains always end up at the same time" - Nope. My boyfriend and me did trains, we noticed when we let them end at the same time there was always at least one person out of hundreds that won twice. If we left time between ending giveaways, there wasn't. And sure as hell all the giveaways had many of the same people that entered.
Maybe just a huge coincidence, who knows, we certainly don't for sure as you said yourself that we didn't develop this site. And I'm also not talking about feeling cheated.
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Let's test the hypothesis with the 2k16 train: 2016 GAs all ending at the exact same time!
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Makes sense. I've seen some people GAs have streaky winners. haha
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Almost everyone who made a train or let giveaways end at the same time noticed that. >>
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Yeah I've noticed it too with my GAs especialy public ones.
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I notice it even more when I check the winners of my public giveaways and find a high number of people who won the same game multiple times :D While others, for example me, joined all of the giveaways and didn't win it once. Not complaining about that at all, I just find it odd, I've seen it too many times.
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Okay now that I pasted a link 3 times I stop doing it here again, but you can see it if you scroll up a bit. I'm not the only conspiracy theorist :D
And I never used snap.. I only played Pokémon Snap on N64 but that's all I have to do with the word haha.
I can't resist.. click
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But maybe the guy who won your GA's doesn't win anything else and by blacklisting him and giving the chance to others you are in fact not balancing things at all
Hey some people are just lucky in GA's, maybe they are unlucky in other things like condoms and jobs and life....maybe they had a shitty day, maybe by taking away their one thing where they "succeeded" is killing them apart
Just live chances/odds/luck to their job ;)
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Well, he did warn that he will blacklist whoever posts a thanks message before winning... Wait, or was it another giveaway?
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I don't get this one.
Oke, i think i know what do you mean, thats past, i'm talking about something that happend today.
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Sorry, I'm confused about what happened. I thought it was the giveaway you won half an hour before, but I don't see your comment there (I was under the impression from your post that you already left one comment, before the giveaway ended)
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Doesn't even make sense to make a bot say "thanks" under every giveaway. Does it even make sense using a bot, when there is extension with autojoin function (at least I think I saw someone mentioning it)?
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Isn't calling out applied just to cases where it's not certain? And he already called it out, just didn't specify.
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I can see another suicidal thread. (facepalm)
I found out the reason, too. <3 SGTools
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If you are talking about your most recent win, there indeed is two lines in the description warning people that thanking will get you blacklisted.
Edit: Hold on, I just thought the same thing as SexyBudgie. I suppose it can't be that giveaway then.
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Is from this game:
Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic
Can't read the description because im blacklisted XD
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The description says:
Please do NOT post "Thanks" comments (unless you win)...I will probably blacklist you if you do, Mr. Robot Script.
This is part of my big push to level 5. Enjoy!
Did you read the first line? "Thanks" posts will probably get you BLACKLISTED by me. Fair warning.
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Well but he put "unless you win", maybe sarcasm anyway it's interpretable
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This again? whats so hard to understand?
Being nice and thankful is a bot trait, which we humans do not possess and gets you blacklisted...Just don't be rude about it, always say thanks, unless the creator doesnt want you to, in which case then dont
I hope i made things more clearer
EDIT: i'm being sarcastic, you can check Tzaar´s post for actual info
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i know, i saw Tzaar´s post, at this point i can say these threads are pretty consistent
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He said the forbidden word. :O Reported because you said thanks. :B :P
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He passed the GA creator's test but he failed sgtools. :3
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People can blacklist you because you are a low level user, or a high level user, or you said something they didn't like, or you said something that they liked too much, or you won in their giveaway, or you lost in their giveaway, or you did something against the rules, or they didn't like your profile picture, or they didn't like your username, or you wrote something incorrectly, or you wrote something correctly and you reminded them that they would be able to write something correctly too if they would have gone to school, etc. :P Blah, blah, blah, there are many reasons why someone may blacklist you. :B But what should you do about it? Nothing! :P
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I always thank when I win, but I never thank before then unless it's a whitelist or restricted giveaway and I thank them for whitelisting me and being so nice (unless they don't want thanks messages). :)
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Very handy tool when you come across these threads. ;)
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Not blaming, just wanna say thanks to the person that gifted me a game.
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The GA person probably blacklisted you because it appears that you are leaning toward the 'dark side' and are close to becoming a leecher.
My recommendation. Try to balance your wins/giveaways.
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It's not simply get money to gift without a job. I do some always i can.
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This conduit will discourage people from say thanks, this will be the only result.
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somewhat similar topic, i tried to enter someone's giveaway and noticed i was in their blacklist, yet they've entered half a dozen or more of mine that are pending and will end on jan 23rd.
is that by itself a valid reason to request a new winner? if not, what happens with the whole 'not received' deal (wouldn't send it anyway)?
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Should really show these ppl in a diff color or something if they enter one of your giveaways, then at least you'd be able to catch on to it early....
or it could simply be a 'feature' of blacklisting someone, re: not being able to enter their giveaways either.
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Well, to be fair, there is no warning for them either. You can accidently enter a giveaway from somebody you blacklisted because for some reason you want nothing to do with them, without realizing who it is, specially if the giveaway is public. Maybe you could ask the user to remove their entries.
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Yeah, that's true. Was thinking about it myself & I had a blacklist of two people & both had been on there for a couple months -- never would have recognized their names on giveaways.
Probably only logical that it'd work both ways though, anyway ... if you "blacklist" someone, you shouldn't be allowed to enter their giveaways, either.
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I sympathize.
The only person (as far as I know) who has blacklisted me did so right after I won their giveaway.
They left no description or instructions for their giveaway, so I simply left a thank you. Upon winning, I promptly activated the game and marked it as received. Then I went to tell them thanks again, since I'd won, and found out I was already blacklisted and therefor couldn't view the giveaway I'd just won.
The only thing they could have possibly had a problem with was my simple "Thank you, 'username-redacted'." But since they couldn't be bothered to leave instructions not to say thanks or what have you, and I'm not going to try and strike up an inane conversation with someone who can't be bothered to offer up a measly word or two as a topic to discuss, I don't see why that should have offended them. If you don't leave instructions, you can't really complain about how people choose to thank you (as long as it's reasonable).
I certainly didn't do anything that merited being blacklisted.
The experience left me feeling pretty damned angry, considering I try to be polite and always voice my gratitude. Granted, when you've entered over fourteen and a half thousand giveaways, a lot of those thank-yous will look alike - I can't write a unique love sonnet to everyone who makes a giveaway, especially when they don't bother to write a single word to kick-start the conversation.
Anyway, not knowing why they blacklisted me is more irritating to me than the fact that they did it in the first place.
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How dare you to win his game?! joke... i got the same experience, won a public giveaway and got blacklisted by the gifter. I got blacklisted by a few more people i never talked to and without knowing why, oh well, i guess i had to start using my blacklist too... so now they fill my blacklist..entirely :>
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I got blacklisted for thanking someone too! I also got blacklisted for not thanking someone. :/
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... blacklisted me when i was writing the comment, that was really fast. :/
Now i can't contact him so i will write the "Thanks" message here so he can read it.
Message before GA ends:
"Thanks for the chance (Ga creator name), love this kind of games with cool pixel art. Good luck everyone!"Message after GA end:
"Wow really thanks for the game, have nice day sir!"
And thats all...
Have nice day everyone! ^^
Edit: This is the message that appears on the GA.(I checked the GA loging out and going to GA page)
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