I have a suggestion to help prevent winning a game twice or winning a game while one already has it in their library.

When someone wins a certain game. Please do a check for his other entered giveaways and remove his entry from other giveaways that are for the same game.
Also when someone buys the game (or otherwise have it added to his game library) please remove them as well from giveaways he is entered in for this game (One thing to watch out for though are free weekends to play a game).

This should lower support requests for rerolls and bans by a lot. And also is nice for the users so they don't accidentally win a game twice.

A good example of a disaster waiting to happen, are the dozen Euro Truck - Irish skin giveaways that are up right now. They all end at the same time, so very easily to win two.

10 years ago

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Should SG remove users automaticly from other giveaways when they win a game?

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I'm not sure if the current code infrastructure could support such a feature, but I'll support it under the assumption that it does.

10 years ago

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The main problem is that newer users will often mark a giveaway as received before they actually get the game, with the thought that they get the game by clicking it.

10 years ago

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So you put clarification text on the button or whatever, telling them to check that they did actually receive it and it is in their steam, before actually clicking the accept button.

10 years ago

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You are assuming that the actions of people are dictated by intelligence and common sense. This fallacy is the root cause of much of the world's pain and misery.

10 years ago

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You speak the truth. Common sense is ironically quite uncommon.

10 years ago

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That's their problem then, isn't it?

10 years ago

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I don't see how this is a problem.
You can only mark a giveaway as received when you have won it.
Even if they are too quick to mark it as received, they are still the winner.

My suggestion is to remove their entries from other giveaways for the same game, to prevent people from winning it two times.

10 years ago

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As the to very rare occasion where both the winner marked the game as received too quickly and the creator doesn't actually come through in giving the game. That would indeed mean the user is removed from giveaways unneeded. However he can very easily correct this again himself. He can undo the 'received game' mark and he can enter the games again. I don't think this situation would happen often though.

In general I think it's a good idea to have more automatic checks in the site to prevent errors. This check to prevent someone from winning a game two times is one of the things that's easy to check for. I believe that this will save a lot of calls for support, leaving more time for the support staff to actually take care of the important cases like fraud, steam trade rep abuse or other bigger problems.

10 years ago

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If there was some private giveaway that the user was in he might not be able to find it again. Also, he might no longer have the points needed to enter multiple giveaways.

I had suggested something similar, but only preventing someone from joining any more giveaways for a particular game once it's been checked as received whether they have it in their library or not.

10 years ago

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but bobo, even when they click confirm beforehand , they alway can switch it back to not receive later , so what the problem ?

10 years ago

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Removing people from giveaways for games they have won before the user has checked the game as recieved is not a good idea.

10 years ago

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well then after checking received

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Why is so much people here concerned with every possible way to increase their chances to win something? Can't you just enjoy the community, puzzles, groups, and then, if you win something, great, if not... well, you had fun either way.

10 years ago

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This suggestion is about preventing someone making an error and having to contact support to fix it.

10 years ago

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Bought yes, won no.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Private groups is your answer.

10 years ago

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I've had it happen a couple times. Some DLC will have like 20 entries per giveaway, so enter it enough times and it's not impossible to win it twice. And yeah, private groups, or any other way you can get really low entry counts.

10 years ago

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I won the same DLC twice in less than an hour... good times

10 years ago

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That's a great idea! Once in the past I have entered two giveaways for the same game that ended close to each other but I knew I wasn't going to be up to see if I won the first one so I could delete my entry for the second. It hasn't happened to me yet, but now I refrain from doing that because I don't want to cause problems for people.

If you're worried that people will hit the received button because they don't understand the rules, then that is their problem. Maybe have the FAQ more prominent or have a ? button next to the received checkmark box thingy that leads to the FAQ.

Or else have the sync done automatically more often.

10 years ago

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WIth this number or of users and GAs... No... This means that the site will work several times slower, becouse of constan sync-ing acc-s and cross checking. Not a good idea.

10 years ago

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not necessary.

the chance of winning a game twice is very low, similar for buying a game.

number of rerolls for these issues should be quite small.

as for buying: if you know you have entries in givaways but want to buy the game while on discount, just buy as a gift and if you win ga for that game, make giveaway of the copy you bought (make sure to have screenshot of buying process ready to prove its not regifting)

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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where is the sense of waiting for giveaway ends instead just remove entry from giveaway?

10 years ago

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Well I'm in a very active private group.
And in the group the same games is offered many times, especially when a bundle is just released. So the chance for this to happen is much higher then you are thinking.
I've seen it happen a lot now that people win the same game twice. Resulting in having to contact SG support again to help fix this. It would be nice if there are system checks to prevent someone from winning twice.

10 years ago

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Very good idea. I like this 100%. Or at least show a warning of some sort when the account syncs that you have duplicate games and you can go back and manually remove your entry into the giveaway.

10 years ago

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That would also help.

10 years ago

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Well, to know if user has bought we need an extra sync... So it need some extra resources.
But, remove user from the giveaways of same game if he marked this game as received - would be nice.

10 years ago

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I don't think it's a bad thing to do a sync, just before the winner is determined.
On a single day, that wouldn't take too many extra sync calls.

10 years ago

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I suggested this in beta, but people say that this is a lot of load for severs, especially when there is many giveaways end in the same time (many groups do this kind of events). So now I'm not sure if it good idea or not.

10 years ago

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I agree, probably the site will have to synch your account more often.

10 years ago

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I received a ban when won two copies Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Scottish Paint Jobs Pack at one day

10 years ago

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Sorry to hear that.

10 years ago

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That requires the second winner to know you won it before -to report you/ask for a reroll- so that requires you marking as received or you activating the dlc. And you probably could ask to be unbanned and try to fix any inconvenience. Been there done that, probably is related on be faster than giver and involve as much as you can to correct the problem. I know keys are more complicated, more when now they may be uploaded and appear automatically on your won section, but I guess there's a way to know if you clicked or not on the "reveal button".

10 years ago*

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but..for this we have to force sync profile ....no?

10 years ago

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I'd say if you happen to sync, and you have games in your library that you're also entered in a giveaway for, you could be automatically removed from those giveaways. It's a smaller change, but I think anything beyond that is too far.

10 years ago

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Having this as an optional feature for both sync and when you win a giveaway would be nice, not so sure about it being marked as received. This is what I posted in another thread before I realized it was already requested:

If I win a giveaway, it would be great to have myself automatically removed from other giveaways that I entered of the same game, that way if I win in the middle of the night, I can get the points I've spent and use them on other giveaways. Granted, there's always the possibility that the code or URL you're given will be invalid. Personally, that's a risk I'm willing to take if it means saving points I would use elsewhere. Not everyone would want this, so make it a setting with it defaulted to being off.

10 years ago

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I'd say remove when you sync and see the game. The main reason for this isn't for winning multiple copies (which I think is pretty rare) but this situation:

"Oh, a giveaway for a game I want! I'll enter it. And another, and another, and another... wait a minute. " (goes and sees it's on sale insanely cheap, buys it.)

This happens to me all the time. At that point I have to go back and manually leave all the giveaways for that game, and occasionally I've missed one; it'd be much nicer if it removed you automatically after you synced.

10 years ago

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A couple of people here thought this idea was meant to get more chance on winning... seriously is there someone that cheap to use a really strange case to get a tiny little better odds on winning?

10 years ago

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I guess anything is fair game to take out the competition :P

10 years ago

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At first I thought you could do this but on sync but what about free weekends?

10 years ago

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Very good idea, but actually putting it into practice is not going to be easy.

10 years ago

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Here's a suggestion that could make this work:

  1. When someone marks as received, sync account with steam. -> users just need to make sure game is activated properly before marking as received, which you'll want to do anyway nowadays with extra region locks etc. being possible issues.

  2. When accouint is synced, check if there's any entries for newly found games in open GA's, and remove those. -> ideally, users would manually sync after adding games on steam. (I think this already happens btw)

Not going to be full-proof, but should cover most cases.

Also, a possible part 3:

  1. In case multiple GAs for the same game are won, automatically re-roll the other ones when the first is marked as received.
    -> Again: users just need to make sure game is activated properly before marking as received, which you'll want to do anyway nowadays with extra region locks etc. being possible issues.
10 years ago

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In case multiple GAs for the same game are won, automatically re-roll the other ones when the first is marked as received.
-> Again: users just need to make sure game is activated properly before marking as received, which you'll want to do anyway nowadays with extra region locks etc. being possible issues.

I like this one!

10 years ago

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I don't think users sync after each win. For one I prefer to auto sync on wednesday due to free weekends. Than there is problem with Steam not reporting all of the owned games.

Part 3 is bad idea, as it assumes that double winner received only one key. If multi-winner is not honest and activates second win on alt or gives it to a friend, new winner from reroll will get dupe key. Bad expirience for both new winner and GA creator

10 years ago

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in my opinion it would be more useful to just add option
where the 'winner' decide to 'give-up' his win and the SG does auto-draw of new winner
remember there is 1 week timeout before you can confirm the receive of win
and quite often the 'keys' aren't valid etc. thus removing someone auto from draw because he won nothing is fail ...

10 years ago

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Yes, an option for the winner to decline the gift (and start a reroll) could indeed also work.

10 years ago

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can SG make "forced" every min or every hour to sync with their steam account ?
So... If they already have the games, they will auto remove from GA entry what they already have it

Well, I just curious about new create GA concept (cd key, not gift type)...
What if someone already have the game what they entered and got cd-key of it because they didn't re-sync with their steam account then redeem on their second account & mark as received ?

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Ah, I see, thanks for your explanation about new GA system on SGv2 >.<

10 years ago

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that would be bad... i have won some things that the gifter doesn´t send.... and now?
also you get banned if you don´t activate a gift or if you win something twice. no Need for a Change here....

10 years ago

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