You agree that the game change to bundle after you have been given?
It isn't grammatically incorrect because the reader isn't meant to read "ADM" as "A Dumb Machine", but instead as "A - D - M" (saying each letter of the acronym). Since the vowel sound of "A" is meant to be pronounced when reading the sentence, you would use the term "an" in front of it.
Regardless, I think "adm" in the original post was meant to be shorthand for "administrator", but I could be wrong.
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The site already works like this. However, the admin has the power to add the bundling retroactively, which always happens. You can't change that or people would abuse it by giving away the games as soon as the bundles were released. In other words, you need to judge by the time you create the giveaway whether the admin will (in the future) make the decision to bundle it or not.
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This is specifically addressed in the FAQ.
"Giveaways for bundle games created after the bundle date will always receive 15% of their value. For example, if you gift 2 copies of a $20 bundle game, you would receive $6 (3 + 3) in value towards your level. Keep in mind that changes to the list of bundle games will apply retroactively, so if a bundle begins today, attempting to gift the game before it's added to the list will offer no advantage. Games may also be added to the bundle list if they're available for free during a promotion, or if they're highly discounted in a sale."
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I've known the rules, more adm spoke to create the increasing discussion, because if you really had a lot of people unhappy with the situation they could think of something there about.
You know the game orcs must die 1 and 2? So, I donated both here and when I bought them were with the same discount, and the two could be purchased together in one package. So that only one of them turned bundle and the other not, I find it a little confusing because some times saw bundle and others not, and the two were in the same package.
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I think the problem your describing is due to the fact that one guy that maintains the bundle lists for the site, as far as I know. With all the bundles and deals that go on all the time, it would be reasonable to assume that a game or two gets missed here and there.
It's a lot easier to maintain one database with a small staff than it is to try and freeze values in place for what people donated at a prior time. That would be significant overhead for a minimal gain.
Personally, I just view it all as though I'm part of a community that believes that is a benefit to the gaming world if we all kick in and share titles with each other. I'm not going to be worried about my contributor level or the value attached to it.
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I'm sure this was asked somewhere before but why not use the CV it had when the user spent it? With Darksiders as an example. Pople who donated it beofre it went to the bundle list would keep the CV they got for it while people who'll spend it afterwards would get only the 15%.
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Pople who donated it beofre it went to the bundle list would keep the CV they got for it while people who'll spend it afterwards would get only the 15%.
It already works like this, but since there's only one guy maintaining the bundle list, he has to retro-actively add games to the list. If you give a game before it hits bundle-pricing levels, you get full CV for it.
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If you gave the game away before the humongous discount, you wouldn't lose CV. As it stands, you gain about the same CV (actually a tad more) than you paid. I'm not sure why you think this is unfair.
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I had a small problem where to donate 5 games worth $ 30, however eventually became bundle and costing only $ 7.50, I contacted the adm who said that this is because it takes the site to change. Then he asked me to make a suggestion here. I sugiriu that who donated before hold their value, and the price is so changed for those who donated after the modification.
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