um... my parent doesn't want need me to spend any money..
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Probably the dumbest idea ever.
First thing a (good) parent would say would be "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU WASTING IN GAMES AT SUCH AN AGE?"
This is from my own experience, i always wanted to save my pocket money and the little things i earn as time went on and buy games i wanted for console. Then this switched over to steam store, which made me buy ~6 games 4 years ago (had less than 20 steam games back then, all valve), then i ended up buying dozens of deals from steam all the way up to 517 games, then i hopped into the bundle-wagon 3 months ago and i'm already over 600 games on steam.
See where i am going? I ignored their advice and followed my own path, if he started that young too, which is basically 1 year younger than myself when i started buying things online, he might end up worst than me.
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Yes i know, but my parents are already on the 50's and their youth was pratically rough compared to ours, there was colonial wars back then and they were thought to value money and save it when possible, even today they try to do it each time i get paid for my work, it's just getting annoying >_>
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The dumbest reply ever.
A good parent would support the idea of earning with work whatever the son wants, as long as he has control of what is going to buy and how is going to get those money. You bought 600 games because your parents didn't give a shit about it.
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Dumbest conclusion you ever took.
A good parent would worry about their kids and try and put a stop to things that could end up bad in the future, even for their career. There are alot of people in this world who get to the point of dropping everything over gaming. And no it's not my current situation, but i did see a few steam users in the last few years getting real life problems because of gaming (dropping out school, missing classes).
Don't come and tell me buying games is nowhere related to those consequences.
Also i "bought" 600 games and they don't even know about it, i used some of their money to start off basically, i received pocket money once in a while when i was 14-16, saved up money rather than waste it on partying every week. The first ~50 games i got on steam were thanks to them, everything else i paid with my own money from working.
Also your opinion differs from mine probably because i live in a country that is in deep sh*t right now unlike you. So salary here is kinda short, prices of things keep going up, so it's only logical that one should think of saving money rather than throw it away, right?
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I live in Italy, so i'm not exactly swimming in the money, don't take out the "I'm poor" argument because it's a different topic. If you keep wasting money on videogames while you need it for something else, then you have a problem.
Here we are talking about educating a kid, we are talking about communicating with a kid and that's what every parent should do when raising a son: education and communication. A good parent would not try to stop the interest in something just because he doesn't like it, he would take control over it so he could put brakes on you or, more easily, saying those words "you can play videogames, but just for one hour" or "you can play only after your homework". It seems that you and your friends lacked these sentences and as i suspected, your parents don't even know nothing about it. That is plain wrong.
Also thanks to videogames i developed an interest to an IT career and i personally know some people that started developing after years of gaming, so i could say that it's not gaming itself that is bad, is how you grow up with.
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Compared to Portugal i'm pretty sure you are doing at least two times better than us in terms of living, if not more, just a fyi.
Only UE country i would accept a comparision from would be Greece, both of them are or used to be in a very big sh*thole and are slowly getting out of it.
And educating a kid has everything to do with how much money he will be earning in his first job, nowadays, your first jobs are always crap ones unrelated to your professional field, this is a common transaction in early adult life.
Again i do think you are wrong, a good parent would try and stop his kid from throwing around money at things he wouldn't need in life, it's the samething as partying and buying booze or drugs, good parenting always stays in the way of those, they are addictions. Just because you made a career for initially being a gamer that doesn't mean everyone is entitled to become like you.
Oh and, it was gaming that developed my English language to what it is now at such an early stage in life, i used to be better a few years ago, loosing the charm slowly.
And for last, you keep on throwing idiotic things at my face like if you knew me in real life and how i went through in my childhood or teen life, even about my friends. I would advise dropping that tone of yours otherwise this could end up ugly, just another fyi. The things you are saying are the same as "Did your mother drop you when she first held you into her arms in birth?", please do think about it (the things you say obviously).
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Short story short, you didn't got educated well, that's all. Also you're comparing videogames to drugs, i say that is more like listening music or watching a movie. Again, the problem is not on games, but in how you approach to it since crossing the limit is always a bad thing to do and, believe it or not, it has something to do with your education.
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Videogames are an addiction just like drugs, not on the same degree, but still comparable since both have the potential to ruin one's life if not taking caution when playing around with either of them. Not the best things to compare but they are related in long term, ruining one's life if necessary.
Keep on going with those ignorant claims saying my parents gave me a bad education just because you can't accept different points of view and you know me that well to say those things (i'm surprised you didn't include my friends this time). I remember when i used to skip homework to play playstation all night untill bed (with dinner in between), my mother used to get pissed at this and basically took the console away from me and my older brother at the time for about a week as a lesson, because of me. And then you say that's bad parenting? Roflrofl.
At some point she gave up on trying to control things, but i never went overboard with gaming untill my middle brother left my parents home. Basically got free reign over the computer when he left, started seeing things differently.
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Your parents tried to force you to stay away from videogames, you are saying that they were doing the right thing, but you were also complaining that you wasted time and money over videogames. I'm not judging you and your family, but looks like your parent did a really good job.
Also my parents tried to do the same thing and i never cared about, i own and played a lot of videogames just like you, but unlike you i grew up with a sense of measure and i know when i'm pushing over the limits. Again, i'm not saying that playing videogames is harmless, everything can become a serious problem if you don't have enough self-control to know when to stop and have a break. It's a matter of education.
I'm just saying that if your parents maybe accepted that gaming is an hobby like another and educated you to put yourself a limit, maybe, and i'm saying maybe, you would grew up with a different way to see and live with things.
Lastly, if you can't take a critic you should stop going on internet at all. You're being the douche here, not me.
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OP can either, according to the "dumbest idea ever":
a) Work and, earn enough cash to buy the games he wants, learning the value of money.
b) Avoid doing "a" because that'll obviously lead him to a life full of games, which will make him drop everything for the sake of more games, leading to a neverending cycle of games and bad stuff or whatever.
I for one, support the "dumbest idea ever", however, the OP cannot do that because his parents don't want him to spend any money so, I think he should choose what he thinks is (are) the best idea(s) and, discuss them with his parents.
In the end, it's all up to what his parents will allow him to do and, he should try to do that and not get into any trouble.
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paypal or visa or something if i can purchase for bundles (on website)
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As I remember, you don't need your ID card for registering on Paypal
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I'm 13, I opened an account with a good bank, linked it to paypal and BOOM I can buy anything online I want without a credit card, though I did get a debit card for offline purchases... I opened it originally to buy parts for my new pc, but now I have set it up with ebay to sell some stuff and with steam to buy things, although I haven't spent much yet...
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I'm not sure how it's called in English , but un my county you can buy something like prepaid cards ( maybe what I'm talking about iS prepaid cards ) so you just put like 60$ in and it's acting like visa card
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there are here in Australia aswell, they are prepaid credit cards, there non-topupable and topupable (screw gramar xD) the one first option you can put min of 20$ and use it online or the other is you put minimum 20$ and you can top up again minimum 20$. You can buy them at Safeway/Coles/Ospot (first 2 are supermarkets :P)
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Most convenience stores will sell a pre-paid Visa/Mastercard. Works the same as a normal credit card and anyone can get one.
You buy them with cash and you're good to go. Usually there is an admin fee of a few bucks so a $50 Visa card might cost you $52-$55~.
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yeah.... I'm using that... just like you said. "Usually there is an admin fee of a few bucks so a $50 Visa card might cost you $52-$55~."
it's not exactly $50.
that's why I'm trying to find get my own credit card..
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Credit cards aren't "Put 50 in and get 50 out" either. I'm thinking that you aren't really looking for a credit card but rather a debit card, because a credit card is essentially allowing you to make a loan to pay for items, and it wouldn't be very ideal if all you were going to buy is a few $5.00 bundles because you would need to scrap up enough money at the end of the month to pay that all back with interest.
A venue that you could also use if you don't want to set up a debit account is greendot moneypaks, which allow you to use your own cash to put on paypal; but be warned that you will be asked for a social security number to complete the transfer, which is something, as a 16 year old myself, that my parents weren't to happy about...
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your right
for my credit card
I put in $100 and get 101-103 out depending what I spend it on :p
yay for cash back and full balance auto pay :D
also credit cards don't charge interest if you pay it off in full on the first month, they make money by charging a % to the seller of the goods as well for those of us who don't let them collect interest
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Yeh, you won't be able to get your own credit card though. Credit card companies approve or deny you a card based on your credit history and minors are not permitted to apply for "credit" like this. Even once you turn 18 you might find it hard being approved for a card with no credit history.
The small fee associated with a pre-paid card is hardly anything. Well worth it if you consider what you save on games by buying bundles.
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No any credit card debt a minor accures in their name can easily be dismissed, as they are not allowed to sign legally binding contracts. This makes lending to a minor a almost sure loss to the lender.
Best you can do is get a debit card or become an authorized user on someone elses account.
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ask your parents. I have a 9yr old son and if he wants a game; i buy it for him; but he has to 'work' for the game. Chores and the money he saves up.
go to your bank and open a debit card and link that to paypal. (this is how i buy thru paypal)
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oh... solution #2 will work, I will try. thanks :)
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That should work but there's a slight delay between when you ask paypal for the money into your paypal account and when you can spend it from there, it's only 2-3 business days if you're in the states, up to a week and a half if you're not but it's something to note if you're trying to get something near the end.
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^ this. I had a debit card from quite a young age (way before 15, I'm sure...)
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You might be able to buy a Steam Wallet card from 7-Eleven or Gamestop.
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yup. but I want to buy bundles, like bundles on humblebundle
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I have a debit card with visa icon on it. Bank tell me it is visa debit card, it primarily is a debit card but has some visa features like purchasing online and so on. It is almost a credit card just daily limit might be lower but for buying games, it is enough.
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That's also known as a virtual debit card I believe (or another version of it is anyway) that would serve your needs perfectly as well if you can get it, it doesn't count towards your fees (transaction fees) and comes out of your bank account so there's no debt.
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Just get your parents to open a checking account for you that comes with a debit card. A lot of banks have checking accounts specifically for minors. You can use said card to buy anything online as long as it has a visa/mastercard logo, assuming you have the cash. You can also link your paypal account to your checking account or debit card and pay with paypal.
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Buy a prepaid card, or use Paypal. Or just ask your parents and then pay them back in cash aka allowance money.
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(sarcasm) yep, buy a fake ID, go to a bank and open a new account, depositing at least $500, they will offer you a card with a cap of $500 a month...
but in all seriousness just stick with the prepaids... i essentially live off of them for leisure expenses as it means i can't go over budget and there are easy enough ways to get the pre-paid VISA to a paypal account if you can't purchase it with a VISA card... trust me getting a normal credit card will put you in deep crap with fees, fixed and non-fixed rates, taxes, bills and that is only naming the brief overview of it
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paypal requires you to be 18 years and older, so if they decide to do a random check for your information like an ID or whatever. (which they do often lately) they will close your account. They will definetly check your information if you create a new account, so this isn't an option for the OP.
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Just like title. Is there any ways that 15 years old boy can get credit card?
Cuz I really want to buy bundles...
I've been used visa gift card for couple years. (have more than 5 gift cards now..) but I don't like it..
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