You are going to receive even more messages because of this thread.
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Yups. Getting a steam request from someone requesting the game they won within a few minutes of a giveaway ending is supremely annoying.
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Sure, but as of now there are over 1000 of us that have been waiting 4 days. I left a polite message after 2 days. Keys were also already send to a few people, I assume they were known personally. Let's just say the response we got back was not so polite.
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If I win a gift, when can I expect to receive it?
Giveaway creators are allowed one week to send the gift after the giveaway has ended. .... Please remain patient, and do not contact the giveaway creator during this time.
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Hmmm seems giveaway creators have all the power. If a winner does not mark a key as received on the 7th day they can automatically be rerolled or get in trouble if they activated the key and didn't mark it. No attempts to contact at all needed. A winner waits 7 days then can just mark s not received, causing the giver issues. But winners that don't get their key don't get anything, givers get a reroll and still get their cv, winners are just out of luck and have missed 7 days worth of chances to win a copy of the game. This can be particulary upsetting if it is a wishlisted game. It seems a polite discourse before 7 days makes more sense to prevent issues, I knew they had 7 days and I have no issues giving that, but then I see people complaining when games aren't marked as received within a day. I didn't know we weren't to talk to giveaway creators at all though, I will keep that in mind next time. I just feel but for the people that will end up with double wins on their account now preventing their access to some giveaways.
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I think after 7 days posting a comment in the giveaway should do the trick. If they ask for new winner, support will check the giveaway and notice your comment and ask the giveaway creator about the issue. You could even disguise it as a "OMG I won, thanks for the game! I'm eagerly awaiting it." or something.
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Actually if you want a reroll because the winner didn't activate the key after 7 days, you need to show that you attempted to reach them before it get marked received by support. Also if you win a second copy you can always asked for a reroll, it shouldn't be a huge problem. I have to say though that I don't see the big deal in having to wait 7 days (I mean 7 days without reentering the same GA). It's not that the creators have all the powers, but at the same time they're the one giving away a game, so sometime to have people asking for their key a day or two after the GA ended (quite rudely often, I might add) canbecome quite irritating, we all have life outside of SG...
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Yeah, I understand that now and am truly sorry. I removed my comment and it will never happen again. I wish some of the other giveaway creators I contacted would have told me sooner.
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make impatience a rule violation
Though it wouldn't be bad if asking for keys before the 7 days pass would be considered inappropiate behaviour as it's genuinely annoying, worse than not even reacting just activating the received key.
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I'm impatient and I find this offensive! :D
To be honest, I already hate it when the winner of my GA is online here AND on Steam for hours after getting the key and doesn't just fucking activate it, makes me itchy and anxious something isn't right with the key. Haven't experienced the other way around yet, since I'm new. But I'd NEVER contact anyone before seven days are over, that's just the rules. Is adding people on Steam because of this a thing? Guess I'm too socially awkward for this anyway...
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wait what? you want impatience to be against the rules while you are being impatient or someone else is being impatient?
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okay, that makes perfect sense to the topic actually too. i was confused why that was said. in those regards i agree then. ^^
but yeah, this crap you're getting on your profile from impatient people is total bullshit tho, and possibly is suspension worthy already.
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the downside of public lvl 0 gibs i guess?
left you a steam comment<3
but incase u are too flooded there
disable the ability for others to comment on ur profile until u get everything squared away
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I checked your profile and damn ☹. 2 weeks ago i had almost 60 reports for 270 gas and after first day i was only checking 3 months old infractions. With 1600 this must be pain in the ass.
Shame we have no calling out rule, because at least one of the winners won't get his key.
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Oh wow. Just checked your profile, what a fucking pile of ungrateful entitled bastards. And then again I'm being polite, here.
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Wait a minute. Why make so many low level giveaways from the start? :o
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Fair enough. Though why so many giveaways at once and not spread them out?
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It may be more fair, but it ends up with results like this more often than higher levels will
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Oh no it does not. I have had problems with every level (except a 10 yet), and even had a 9 perma-suspended. I have hit that 20 count more times then I can count, and yes, receiving messages is extremely common for lower levels, it doesn't magically disappear when you go higher though.
But I have dropped down to about 10 GAs a week so I don't hit this anymore. I'll go back up if it changes.
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Cannot remember then name, but remember the profile. I was a little surprised when it happened.
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Hmm. Maybe I've just been lucky then? I've been sitting in the sweet spot of 5-6 for a while. Not too low, not too high.
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Sorry some people were assholes but is it so wrong to ask politely? I just wanted to make sure there was not an issue with the keys. With keys that are worth so little I probably would not have bothered checking each person. Also, once a game is won all past entries are removed, but it does not prevent someone from entering more giveaways for the same game again until it is activated on Steam and the account is synced. Someone not paying attention may end up with a double win. That means more rerolls that you would need to do, which is a big headache with that large of a giveaway. I personally just blocked any more giveaways for the game from showing up but some people are not that smart.
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Someone not paying attention
From the website guidelines:
Allow the giveaway creator one week to send the gift. Please be patient and do not contact them during this time. If the gift is not received after one week, you may contact the giveaway creator on Steam to follow-up
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A misunderstanding of the rules that I now have been set straight on. I honestly do not ever want to have to mark an unreceived. I care a lot about making sure there are no issues, usually I wait 3 days to make sure everything is ok as it is about they halfway point but I had internet issues so I wanted to check while I still had access to the site so it was late on day 2. I have done this one or twice before and there was no issue, I had no clue I did something wrong. Now I do know. I thought everything had to be settled on day 7, apparently that is not the case.
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It's great that you were polite, but think about it from the giveaway creator's end. It can be overwhelming to receive so many messages, and frustrating that they're hitting the ticket limit per day. And winners are supposed to wait patiently for a week.
With keys that are worth so little I probably would not have bothered checking each person.
A support member made a PSA asking to check winners. It doesn't matter the worth of the keys. Also it's kind of rude that you're pointing out the value of the keys...
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Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to be rude about that. That was something that was sort of implied in the reply I got, nonbundled games were less work and more important. I gave away a few hundred bundled games a couple of months ago too, trust me if I had the money I would have already bought the game, but I honestly did not even have a dollar to my name at the time. I am really happy people make low value giveaway, they are actually my favorites, I rarely ever enter for expensive games at all.
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I would prefer the opposite - make being slow in activation won games rule violation. I hate to wait until winner marks as received, seeing him online every day, and even not leaving a message "sorry, I can't activate now, will do it %datetime%". If they don't want this game - why the hell they enter giveaway! I could only think of bots to explain this delays, but banning bots is a good initiative too.
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Could be on mobile with no access to computer. But yeah it is annoying
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and even not leaving a message "sorry, I can't activate now, will do it %datetime%"
You can leave a message from mobile, right? I'm ready to wait as much as needed, if winner is polite or at least interested in a game.
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Er, I was trying to explain the slow in activating the giveaway key since you need the Steam client. Not posting a message on the giveaway itself is irksome, you're right about that.
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Hmm...ok, should a message be required if i take 2 days to activate a key? Because i a a few right now :I
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Well, 2 days is not that much IMHO. But still, I believe if you visit the site during this time, it will be polite to warn a giveaway creator, so that they knew the reason why it takes time. Just put yourself in giveaway creator shoes - if you will be annoyed by the delay - probably they are annoyed too.
As for myself, I try to activate on the same day, or the day after, if it takes more time - I leave a message with apologies for the delay. And, accordingly, if winner of my giveaway marks it as received on the same day, or the day after - I consider this fast, and I'm quite satisfied.
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I just waited 6-7days so a suspended winner could receive his didnt even bother me the lack of a generic thanks
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Well, a suspended user can't leave message, so at least you know WHY he didn't activated the game. It's strange that suspended winner was able to win though, I thought they are automatically excluded from possible winners.
As for generic thanks - I don't care about it at all.
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But yeah it is annoying
Lol, sometimes i find you a little suspect
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Why did you create low level giveaways, why did they all end around the same time, why is your profile open to public, why is your comment section open to everyone, why are you not deleting the hateful comments? In fact I think you are actually kind of enjoying it, you seem to be that kind of GA creator. They couldn't help themselves it's just their nature but you on the other hand wanted it and completely led them on, who knows maybe you just want some attention or something. It's your fault.
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April Fools?
Did you see what he was wearing, he was asking for it!
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