Please add sorting to My Giveaways pages. I want to be able to sort entered giveaways by "Date Entered".

8 years ago

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Why though?

8 years ago

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Why would you need that filter?

8 years ago

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It is not filter, sorting is basic operation on grid data view. I just want to sort entered giveaways to be able remove last entered games for example. I have 3+ pages of entries and I'm not able to easy find out last entries because of stupid default "time remaining" sort.

8 years ago

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the name of that feature is called "sort filter" or "sorting filter" therefore it is a filter ;)

8 years ago

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Sorting is NOT filtering ;-)

8 years ago

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regardless, why would you be interested to remove entries from certain giveaway who started sooner or later, based on the join date, when the majority of us are only interested about the ending date, since that is the only one that is impact, and not the join or start date of the giveaway. Are you trying to say you just want a reverse order of the current one to much easily reach that third page of giveaways who will end in more than a few days to simply do a permutation some points from some lengthy giveaways to some short ones?.

8 years ago

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More sort option, more happy people. Default sort should be the same. But I just want to be able click on "Entered Date" column to sort by entered date. I don't want to reverse current view. And entered date has nothing to do with remaining time. I should enter 1 hour giveaway and 4 days giveaway. They will be on different pages.

Let's say I entered 10 giveaways with different remain time. Then I found all games are from some bundle. I buy that bundle than I want to see games I just entered to easy remove entrie. I don't want to filter games one by one by name to check entries and remove them.

BTW why do you think that "majority of us are only interested about the ending date"? :-)

8 years ago

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if the majority wanted anything else we'd of seen this suggestion a lot more often.. that is a far better description on why though =)
personally i'd add that to the top so support can see that "why" and when/if they ever take a look at it that very well might help them consider it even more.

8 years ago

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Maybe you should check how many users is active on SG and how many is active on discussions. Majority just want keys and doesn't care about other parts of site ;-) Maybe there should be separated vote system on all suggestions and people can just upvote.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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Could you please provide me link to some scripts, that are able to resort entries page? If there is any kind of that script, it will create more traffic and load to server, then my feat request, because script will need to load all "alive" entries than sort it and render a new html. problem is, that "Entries" page display all entries. Alive and finished. So you can simply get so many useless pages just to generate traffic to server.

8 years ago

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i think if it were presented a little better and had a poll on topic or maybe a strawpoll, then yes the majority probably actually would want the same as you.. but it certainly would need to be presented better with the compelling reasons that even made me pretty much change my mind.. though like tristetea said too, there are some things that should take higher priority, but maybe they might still get around to it eventually =)

as for scripts, i don't think there is one for this precise need, but i could be wrong. here is a list of some of the popular used scripts.

8 years ago

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Yes, yes, I see now what you are saying and the utility you are searching for here. And yes, I do agree that the more functions, the better, it's nice to have diversity, but, we also need to keep in mind we mustn't clutter it and still keep it user-friendly, even if your request I do not find it to be in any way confusing, just something extra, but,

allow me to raise the bar here since I understand your concern: What if I joined multiple giveaways from the one bundle I decided to get later and therefor I would already have those games and need not to still be participating in those giveaways, only problem is I joined randomly those giveaways (one today, two tomorrow etc. in between some other unrelated games) and the giveaways start and end all at different periods of times, same with the join dates...doing just that sorting option by joined isn't sufficient to this particular situation. What I do thou is a bit more tedious, I know, and less smart, but I would just manually check (or ctrl+f) those 2-3 pages.

I know someone already suggested for an option for games we joined in a giveaway and we got ownership in the meantime, to get those entries automatically removed, or something around those lines. I can't remember exactly.

I guess something I consider useful, this is just a general suggestion, would be a notification system of sorts or highlighting, like a sort of warning after a sync where it would compare the list of joined giveaways with the games currently owned list, that way we'd all avoid sorting and searching for the giveaways ourselves, the system would notify us about it.

8 years ago

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"I know someone already suggested for an option for games we joined in a giveaway and we got ownership in the meantime, to get those entries automatically removed, or something around those lines."
I did :-)

Only benefit from sorting by entered date for me is that I can see my activity history. In view sorted by this value I don't care about remaining time, I just know, that yesterday I entered some games and I want to check them them, and for example remove. That's all. There is simply no EASY way how to find all games you entered before. All you can do is search by game name. But if you don't know game name? Or if you want to see all entered games in simple list in chronological order?

8 years ago

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I would like to have this function too but I am afraid no one will make it.

I think it could also be made using an user script.

8 years ago

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It could be done by a user script for sure. ambidot's script already messes with the order giveaways are displayed, though unintentionally and without purpose (in that hindsight). ;)

8 years ago*

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Please stop suggesting user scripts from basic functions. I want to be able simply sort in any browser without installing extensions and scripts. Everything should be replaced with scripts, but then you don't need this website, right?

8 years ago

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I wrote it because I think it is the only possible solution for us. Of course I would be happier if SG implemented it normally. Better an userscript than nothing.

8 years ago

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Well, use scripts if you want. I just put this suggestion/feat request. Nothing more.

8 years ago

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I am on your side. Thanks for the suggestion.

8 years ago

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People like me like that kinda stuff! +upvote! more stats functions! ^^

8 years ago

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2 "why's" & 2 "i want also's"... 0 answers as to the "why"... mmmkk then......

8 years ago

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It is hard, if you need explanation why to implement basic sorting to grid data ;-)

8 years ago

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i do not think SG would even remotely consider it unless you can give them a compelling reason as to why this feature would be useful.. so if you want to toss the idea out there, you may want to include a good reason.

8 years ago

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I can think of a reason why SG would not implement it though: It would increase the number of database queries, thus potential for site slowdown. SG has been changed in the past to decrease the number of database queries for this very reason.

8 years ago

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Are you dev, or is there any official info about removing sort feature?

8 years ago

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About this particular feature, no, but there has been talk about related features in the past. And no, I'm not a dev, I just read what SG and other staff members say, and have a working understanding of how databases work.

Did you know that you can't easily get to the page with your earliest giveaways? There's no "last" button only a "next" one on this page? That's for a similar reason. (It used to be there)

8 years ago*

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I did, please read above ;-) But i think there is no need to explain this basic feature request. But if any dev will need better explanation, I will provide "longer version" ;-)

8 years ago

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I think the reason for this not being here would be similar to the reason why other things you've suggested in the past not getting implemented at this point: number of database queries. It slows down the site.

8 years ago

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So then DB has wrong schema, or is badly optimized for reading :-) Refreshing page with F5 runs the same query just with different sorting (remaining time). Indexes, cache, anything. It is not so hard.

8 years ago

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SG does not store information about your older giveaways in "memory", every time you're trying to access older giveaways or go through the archive, a database query is needed. And no, refreshing the page with F5 does not run the same query, because this part is stored in memory.

8 years ago

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So it is another thing. There are many ways how to optimize/upgrade SG pages. There should be section for older entries and only for alive entries etc. Old entries should be cached different way then live entries etc. There will be always things that can be changed or enhanced. There is always so many "NO, this can't be done".

8 years ago

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But older and more recent entries are handled differently. That's why you can access recent entries faster, while older entries requires more database digging. And yes, changes can of course be made, but there's a tradeoff. Considering changes have been made to increase site speed and decrease the number of database entries being made, CG and the SG staff value that over having a database that can easily be accessed and searched through, and would probably not want to implement features that would require more database queries, even if they made them more effective than it currently is. It's not a "No, it can't be done", it's a "it's not being done because..."

8 years ago

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You are right in many things. But as I said, there is always a way how to implement something new, just many users say simple "No". Just devs and some other people know more about SG and should say "No, because...".

8 years ago

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i saw that, u added that after i initially asked though.

8 years ago

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Sometimes you don§t need say "why". Some features are just self-descriptive.

8 years ago

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what is self descriptive is that you want it. and that it would rearrange stuff.. there is still absolutely no compelling reason for it to actually be done though. in fact as Fnord pointed out, there is in fact compelling reason not to add said feature instead..

8 years ago

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Doesn't just searching for the game on the entries page solve your problem?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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thats what i do personally.. but i do now see how it could be beneficial.. just not sure its worth the trouble to implement though personally.. though if the case were presented correctly, the odds would be much higher.

8 years ago

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And related to other posts there, more games to find means more db queries and traffic than just simple 1 sorting db query ;-)

8 years ago

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there i can agree 100%.. it would cause less query then multiple searches..

8 years ago

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