I've read the FAQ but i'm just a little confused about the leveling on this site.

When you create a GA for the first time, say the game costs 1€ , and you level up to level 1, that means to reach level 2, you will have to give a game or games worth 2€ .

1) Does that mean that if you create a GA worth 10€ for your level 1, you will have to spend 20€ for level 2?
2) Does that mean that if you give a game worth 2.50€ for the level 2 GA, (assuming that you gave 1€ to reach level 1 which is more than the double) to reach level 3 you have to give 5€?
3) How is a game valued? Does it count the base price or if you obtained it during a sale, will it's value decrease? e.g Gone Home is 19.99€ and after 80% off the price is 3.99€. So... if you create a GA for this game, what is it's value?

8 years ago

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You got it wrong.
Check this thread: https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/XaCbA/list-of-all-cv-levels-and-their-corresponding-real-cv

  1. It's all in that thread
  2. Same as above
  3. Games are valued accordingly to their price in the US Steam store
    • 15% of their value if they've been bundled, 100% if not
    • "bundled" is a misleading term, a game could be considered as such if it's been heavily discounted, but not if it's been in the highest tier of a bundle.
8 years ago*

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Oh, thank you very much. But the FAQ doesn't explain it this way... this simplifies everything!

8 years ago

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Yes, the FAQ is kinda lacking on some things, but luckily there're useful threads on the forum.
They've been gathered in a single thread, but I need to find it first...

8 years ago

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I lost some of my bookmarks when I upgraded to Windows 10...
Ironically, that thread is called "Steam Gifts Bookmarks"...
Here is it: https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/dsq6C/discussions-that-should-never-go-away-aka-sg-bookmarks

8 years ago

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Nice! I will mark this page. Again, thank you!

8 years ago

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Not at all. Level 1 just means you've made a contribution. You need to have given at least $25 to get to level 2. All games are at their full price value, unless they are on the bundle list, in which case they're at 15% of their initial value. If you want a way to track how close you are monetarily to the next level, check the real-cv tool on sgtools.info

8 years ago

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Ah! i guess it's the link the person below suggest? thanks!

8 years ago

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Ah, yes! I forgot it doesn't auto hyperlink. That should tell you how much more you'll need to get to your next SG level!

8 years ago

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What Mike90 said. Also see this site to check how much more CV do you need to level up:)

EDIT1: If you wanna check if a game is counted as bundled use this
EDIT2: Games can be retroactively added to bundle list, so check the games waiting in a queue for adding to - here

8 years ago*

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this is useful. tyvm!

8 years ago

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No problem, make sure you've read both edits I^v^I

8 years ago

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yep. thanks for the links

8 years ago

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You don't have to giveaway games with increasing value. You could give away 50 .50 cent games to reach level 2 so long as they weren't all the same game. After giving away a game 5 times it drops in CV.

8 years ago

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But say you give a game that is 50€ on level 0, will u jump levels? like insta level 2?

8 years ago

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As long as it wasn't bundled you would jump multiple levels. I think straight to level 3.

8 years ago

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Got it. I understand how it works now. thank you!

8 years ago

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