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4 years ago

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Which game is your favorite of the four: Starbound, Terraria, My Time at Portia, or Stardew Valley?

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My Time at Portia
Stardew Valley

Graveyard Keeper?

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Man this game was total disappointment. You never felt progressing at anything. You just kept hitting barriers and the game felt like it never picked up any pace. There was so much back and forth movement for just about everything you had to do. It was bland and so boring.

4 years ago

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Those "unethical dilemmas" that were advertised in-game weren't really dilemmas. Thou must commit in order to progress.
Graveyard Keeper was a fun game, but the walls for progression went higher and higher. I also felt like some mechanics like alchemy and church sermons weren't explained well or didn't give you enough resources. Church sermons in particular were killer trouble if you missed the one day to do them on, and not to mention that you start off with meagre rewards and will continue to if you don't figure out how to up your production. I'm just glad zombie workers are a thing, even if it means having to pay attention to them now and then. Less back-and-forth this way.

4 years ago

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So many things were not explained well or not explained at all. You were bound to refer to a wiki in order to make most out of the stuff present in the game. And I agree that the requirements for progressing just kept piling up and made the pacing so slow all the time. In the initial hours, I always kept thinking that maybe if I do a few quests then I would have some equipment or tools that would help to speed things up. But I was so wrong. Also agree with the sermons and alchemy... It was all too vague. Same with the embalming. It was all too convoluted and stayed that way.

4 years ago

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Played only Starbound and Terraria and I liked Starbound more.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Only played Terraria and Stardew Valley, so my answer will be a little skewed :)

4 years ago

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Maybe Terraria or StarBound with friends, Stardew alone

4 years ago

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No one, only Slime Rancher.

4 years ago

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terraria rules em all

4 years ago

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Terraria just got another major free content update... 9 years after release.
I don't think I need to point out which one of those I think is the best.

4 years ago

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I've played through the content for all four of these. If you're playing alone, definitely Stardew; I've logged well over 100 hours in that alone across several playthroughs both by myself and with others. If you plan on playing with friends, Terraria hands down, of the four it provides the most entertainment with a group and has excellent replayability after completion. Starbound is also great, but I found it to be a little more tedious than Terraria and I personally had some connectivity issues when playing with friends (though that could have just been us). Finally, Portia is fun at first, but becomes something of a grind by then end and the story wasn't so engaging. It's still fun for a bit, but I'd recommend that one least of all.

4 years ago

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Thank you for the excellent summary. I got more from that than I did from reading all of the other reviews for the games. )

4 years ago

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I honestly can't decide. But I'd say the vote goes to the one that my friends decides to play.

4 years ago

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I think it would be more meaningful for the comparison to be done separately in groups of two, Terraria with Starbound and Stardew Valley with My Time At Portia. Probably the last group is harder to compare.

4 years ago

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I'm surprised by the result of the poll! Starbound is definitely my favorite.
Starbound vs Terraria - Starbound for me.
Stardew vs My Time At Portia - this one is hard for sure. I'm playing Portia right now. And it's fun. It definitely feels like a copy of Stardew, even music theme in the menu starts off similarly. Stardew is good, but I felt farming was somewhat of a chore. During my 30 hours I haven't managed to get to sprinklers. That's too slow / too long. Portia has some good ideas, but boy, does mining feel weird/clunky, huh?

4 years ago

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Sprinklers are quite easy to get. Try not to plant to much, so you have more energy left over for example going to the mine on a rainy day or going fishing.

The best sprinklers take a while, but upgrading the watercan for example is also a good strategy as you can water more plants. But therefor you need to go to the mines :)

4 years ago

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My two favorites lead the poll, you are good people.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Played Stardew, Starbound and Terraria. I liked the latter 2 more, and which of those 2 the most? Idk, they both scratched a different itch. Terraria for combat and art style, Starbound for exploring/building.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Haven't played My Time At Portia, but of the rest I enjoyed Terraria the most.

4 years ago

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No love for Rimworld? :')

4 years ago

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beats Rimworld with a stick

Sorry, but I couldn't resist making a joke, there. I've never played Rimworld.
(If only I had the skillz to make a GIF for that joke. Ah, well...)

4 years ago

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I don't played one of them...
but i think the others gave good "reviews" :o)

4 years ago

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Which one draws your attention the most?

4 years ago

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Stardew Valley from the art and Terraria because a few that i know play it and talk about it in a discord.

4 years ago

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I'm old, I play the "Harvest Moon" card, or the "Rune Factory" one...

4 years ago

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RF5 got pushed back, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO

4 years ago

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Well, almost every game is or will be delayed... What an ugly time period this is...

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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stardew valley is really lacking in content, unless you go for mods

4 years ago

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I'll call bs on this claim, with my ~300 hours in SV. And that was some years ago, with tons of content added meanwhile.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Almost all of the achievements within 2 days. There's no way you can get 75% of achievements in only 2 days in a legit way. 1M gold in his first day playing the game? (I have a few hours and I don't even have the 15K gold achievement) He cheated very hard and then complains not enough content.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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To be fair, you brought up their achievements to give their opinion credibility. If those achievements also lack credibility though, it absolutely makes sense to mention it in this context.
Not that it would really matter imho. The game has enough content, otherwise it wouldn't have such a reputation.And if Vahid thinks differently for whatever reason, that's up to him.We are still allowed to disagree though.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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That's a futile discussion which won't lead us anywhere. Just because someone doesn't unlock all achievements, doesn't mean that those achievements they got are all legit.
But as I already wrote, imho it doesn't matter anyway.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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I didn't bring up achievements. And I was trying to have a civil discussion as well, that's why I offered some context in the dialogue you two had.
I have no idea how "it doesn't really matter" is rude. All I try to communicate by that is that achievements aren't relevant in giving too simply expressed opinions more or less weight. So yes, achievements don't matter. If that is rude, so be it. I'm out.

4 years ago*

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I didn't deny them their opinion, I just evaluated their claim using my own right to express my opinion too.
And seriously, at the very least it is a too simplistic claim. If they had said something like "Stardew Valley offers less to explore than Terraria", that would have been fine. Those two games don't compete in that regard.
The way it was expressed though I don't have any other option than to consider it questionable. Aka bs. ;)

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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I like both Stardew and Portia. Haven't played the other 2

4 years ago

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I've played them all.

  1. Stardew Valley
  2. Terraria
  3. Starbound
  4. My Time At Portia
4 years ago

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4 years ago

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