Shadow of Tomb Raider Definitive Edition is 82% off. It's the lowest historical price.

PS: Square Enix Publisher Weekend.
The developer Square Enix is promoting a weekend promotion on several games in your catalog. Prices will last until 03/03/2020.

5 years ago*

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Thanks for the heads up - it is the last title I'm missing, so it's very tempting...

5 years ago

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its not really a great deal tomb raider was in humble bundle without the dlcs .
and the game was before cheaper on steam with all the dlcs full price was 59.99 before and the price was like 14.99 if i remember right but the name was differents im from germany .
i guess atleast people from humble bundle arent as screwed as before unable to buy the dlcs . (if the bundle gets discounted if you own the base game )

5 years ago*

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That is a good point. I just recently "discovered" Tomb Raider for myself and haven't had an eye on the prices before.

Thanks for your explanations that lead me into another direction of just waiting for a better price.

5 years ago

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will wait for a 90 off.

5 years ago

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Still expensive and screw publishers who decide to remove the base game from sale and replace it with "complete gold editions" or whatever they call it only to raise the base price.

5 years ago

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Not bad, $8.89 to upgrade from the base Humble version to the full version with the season pass. Still not sure because backlog but it's a decent deal.

5 years ago

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If you don't own it at all, this appears to be the cheapest it's been (not by much), though I'm not sure it's any cheaper than the historical low if you already owned the base game.

5 years ago

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Great game, recommended for fans.

5 years ago

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Hmm for the upgrade, 96 thumbs up for 1 negative review.

5 years ago

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$8.89 for the 3 DLC after the HB monthly/choice base game
2 DLC = 3 outfits, 3 weapons, 1 soundtrack
1 DLC = expansion.

5 years ago*

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Thank you for the heads up. I dont think I'll be picking it up for now. Its a good price for a game its age. I still only has the base game of the 1st, I'll probably grab the DLCs for the 1st and play it at some point 1st and get the 2nd in the series. I was looking at the Fanatical deal and is close on purchasing that before this, so thanks again ^^

5 years ago

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Base game is worth it, but if you own it from HB & want to upgrade to Definitive Edition you only get 7 tombs to explore (can completed with less than hour) + other useless stuff, so I must say it's not great value for the money.

5 years ago

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I think I can live without that in the future, thanks for the info!

5 years ago

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Since I don't have the base game, it's looking like a good value.

5 years ago

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Tempting, I loved Rise so I know that I'd definitely play it soon-ish but I don't have enough wallet and steam limited the option for buying from my country last year, only certain credit cards worked last time I checked :/

5 years ago

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