Judging from your favorites, I recommend Bulletstorm and Borderlands series.
Another nice RPG-ish shooters are Chrome series and Crysis series.
You wrote you don't like the TES series, but mentioned TES 3 as a game you enjoyed :P
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Saints Row The Third Rocks! Dont know why you dont like it.. Maybe its bad on PS3 but PC version is really nice!
Anyway, try Dont Starve =)
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Jade Empire - Bioware RPG, which you seem to like. Not quite on KOTOR's level, but still really good. KOTOR 2 is also definitely worth checking out despite its flaws, but you already mentioned that one.
Legend of Grimrock - Excellent old school dungeon crawler. I'm not seeing anything on either of your lists that convinces me you'll love or hate it, but it's really good, so I thought I'd throw it out there.
I'll add more if I think of them. I'm not sure how much help I'll be though, because like 3/4 of my favorite games are on your list of games you don't like. ;)
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Since you like KOTOR I would also recommend the Mass Effect series which is similar in gameplay, just a bit more evolved.
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If you enjoy games like Fallout:
Eschalon book 1 & 2
Geneforge 1-5
Avernum series
Nethergate Resurrection
And other games that probably will appeal to you based on that:
Legend of Grimrock
Arx fatalis
And some general recommendations:
Tachyon: The Fringe
Warlock: master of the arcane
Victoria 2
Hearts of iron 2 or 3
Crusader Kings 2
The Blackwell series
Gemini Rue
Civilization 2-5
Syberia 1-2
Penumbra series
Elven Legacy
IL-2 Sturmovik
Men of War-series
X-series (mainly X3: Terran Conflict & X3: Albion Prelude)
Overlord 1-2
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Hm, since you liked the YS Series maybe you'd like Chantelise and Recettear(Edit: Which turns out you already have... ^_^ ). They're similar(-ish).
Since you liked Metro 2033 maybe try the F.E.A.R. series.
You could try Deus Ex: Human Revolution. It pretty much has nothing to do with the original. Quite modernized compared to it. :P
Looks like you don't like platformers much but you haven't tried Trine.(Also I'd personally recommend Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams there.)
Also- no Half-Life series or Portal series?
Other great games: Serious Sam series, Painkiller(the first one, not it's "expansions"), Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes, Darksiders series, Devil May Cry series.
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Fallout, haha. In Fallout 3 most of the D.C. areas are only accessible via subway tunnels, and I simply found them to be a drag when I'd rather be out in the overworld, not some crumbled man-made tunnel filled with mole rats and ghouls. :P
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Portal series , The walking dead , Batman series , dead island.
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Dead Island (much like KoA) got boring.... FAST. Can't say the same thing for Walking Dead... I hear it's like the Sam and Max series though (it was produced by TellTale right?). Portal got kind of boring for me too (I only played Portal 2 though). I haven't tried any of the batman series before, unless you count Lego Batman.
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PAYDAY: The Heist (have it on PS3, pretty fun game, lots of replayability. The bad thing is that it doesn't have enough maps, and compared to L4D it's pretty short.)
Deus Ex: Human Revolution (The gameplay reminds me of Fallout 3 with cover-shooting mechanics. It's awesome!).
DmC: Devil May Cry (The new one. There's a demo on PS3 which should give you a good glimpse).
Ni No Kuni: Wrath Of The White Witch (Everyone is talking about it!. An RPG, PS3 exclusive. According to IGN, the reviewer said "Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is one of the best RPGs I’ve played in years.". I played the demo and i loved it, even it had the classic World Map like FF games used to have).
GoW: Saga, inFAMOUS Collection, Killzone Trilogy, Resistance Collection, Uncharted Dual Pack (If you still haven't these, go get them. Lots of value guaranteed!.)
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools Of Destruction & A Crack In Time (Beautiful games for the PS3. You need to have played the classic trilogy, so you can get R&C Collection if you haven't played them. It has good humor and they really use the Blu Ray Discs -25 GB each!-. And trust me, it's not childish to the extreme, it feels like a Pixar movie. Oh, and it has guns, which you can level up and make them much more destructive).
Red Dead Redemption (I know, you find GTA boring, but RDR is a masterpiece and i think you should give it a try. Just have it in mind).
Dead Space 1 & 2, and the upcoming Resident Evil Revelations.
PlayStation All Stars: Battle Royale (On February 12th there is going to be released free DLC: 2 characters and 1 stage.)
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I have played Dead Space 1, contemplating buying Dead Space 2 though.
not necessarily sure I'd want to try Ratchet & Clank, the new DMC, Deus EX or Payday, or Playstation: Battle Royale.. Just doesn't seem like my type.
I did not enjoy Red Dead Redemption at all, I have heard of Ni No Kuni, but I haven't played it. Didn't like InFAMOUS, Resistance, Uncharted, or God of War, too generic for me. Killzone is alright though.
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Maybe I just haven't played the right ones. The only games I can recall right now are GTA, SR3, and Just Cause 2 that are sandbox-like. Unless you want to include a game like Red Dead (which I didn't like too much either). It isn't as crazy as the others, but I think it's still a sandbox game.
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I'd consider Red Dead Redemption to be a sandbox. I do wish it was more designed that way, though. There's a few things you can do for fun, but honestly it could have had a lot more stuff. I mean, you can't even rob a train, although there is one mission that has you sort of do it. But I mean, you can't quite be the outlaw you want to be in some cases. If the game had more survival aspects and made living off the land or stealing money more of a necessity that would help.
and also let us rob and drive trains, gawd.
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It can be kinda slow paced with the way the stealth system works, but I found it an extremely enjoyable game. The only reason the slow-ish pace bothered me was because I had rented it for my 360, so I had a very limited span to play it. I would say play it next though.
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I've seen tons of threads already about "What games I should buy" (felt like feeding the flames) and this thread did not help me at all.
Would appreciate if you'd give me ideas, currently playing Fallout 1 and will play Fallout 2 right after I finish: wishlist & all games
Games I found boring/don't really want them:
Games I've enjoyed:
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