you complain about getting too many giveaways? ^^
i think it's quite awesome. i hope i will win overture eventually.
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I haven't won either either... :(
I want to win Overture really bad, lol, I can't buy it I need to win it. ;)
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Gifts Won: 80 ($1,137.18)
Gifts Sent: 4 ($61.56)
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You hate bundles that give to charity? And indie games ... you just don't know what you're missing ... clearly you've only seen the crappy ones.
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But you enter and win giveaways for charity bundle and indie games that you hate?
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A missing win was more than enough reason for me. :P
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Don't trust that script that much. Anything with multiple copies, you'll have to manually check.
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Not there. Checked another user who won (Dhoomdealer, since I've seen them around), they had it.
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Wait, why in Other ?
Also, why not suspending OP immediately since you are here ?
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every support member can view other category and solve tickets that are there. Only Lina and cg can view user reports (or was it Lina, cg, bobo and Lorkhan? IDR :( ) so whichever option is true, only a fraction of staff can view user reports, so they pile up and usual support members cannot help with them, while they can help with tickets from "Other" cathegory :>
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well, looking at your real CV: you contributed 11$ and won 500$. do you really think you can attack people for their CV? your ratio is bad. really bad.
and we all know of course, that the ship copies you gave away were the free copies the game gave anyway...
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+1, actually i think i should spamm "+1" to every user who takes part in the discussion accept for the creator of it XD
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Another "bundle games contributor"? You think you have sent value $667.50 games? - No, maybe below $10
actually his real CV is 274.90$. your's is 11$...
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"I hate bundle era because everyone buys cheap games and never play them"
You do realize that you have taken 80 games for FREE, without even paying the low bundle price and you will probably never play what you've won right?
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That cheap DLC is free too, for the owners of IIRC
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For the first year or so of SG, you weren't allowed to give bundle keys at all.
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Says the person who enters GA that are a charity as that means to give in those of need and we need games.
Also coming from someone who has given very little and then says "charity bundle contributor" like you.
I suppose you could use less leeches like you also and the Ship was a bundle game and even if you bought it on Steam it multiplied like rabbits.
And most of the game you won are from "charity/indie bundles"
Gotta love those who complain about how something is done,but yet keeps on taking from it.
And no it is not a bug,those are usually developers making those GA.
Anyhow you do not like how things are on this site,nobody is making you come here,wait i figured it out,you hate the site but love the free games
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If you hate them so much, why are you giving away and entering giveaways for such games then?
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+1 and my thoughts also,and why i posted what i did.
Boggles the mind how someone can complain about how the site is run,but yet keeps using it.
Almost like complaining about how bad the food taste but keeps eating it.
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Wait, wait. Let me get this straight.
So basically, you're saying that you hate indie games. Yet, you've entered giveaways for them and won 80 games, of which the majority are indie games.
Am I missing something, or are you seriously entering a lots of giveaways for games you don't even plan to ever play?
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For him Steam Gifts isn't about getting new games to play and making others happy with giveaways, this site is basically just a lotto that pays out with games he won't touch.
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what does retail game era means?
some indie games are awesome, some are pure crap
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He means before Steam and online copies existed, regardless of what he's saying he's mostly just being a big stinky meanie head or just a troll. Don't really need to say much about this "such a coo' cat-" "b- back in m- muh time," guy when everyone said most of what needs to be said.
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Trying win that Ruzh Delta Z for about month now, no luck >.<
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Well I still haven't won a copy, so I'm okay.
Besides it generates a huge amount of points, so enjoy it.
Also add it to the filter if you hate it.
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Free games paradise. But so many giveaways and still no win. I want to regift so badly.
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"Dieses Video ist in Deutschland leider nicht verfügbar, da es Musik enthalten könnte, über deren Verwendung wir uns mit der GEMA bisher nicht einigen konnten."
can't watch because of copyright... #FirstWorldProblems
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I would like to have "Rush Delta Z" sooooouu.... no for me isn't at spam at at. :p
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It\s a trick from the devs. Everyone who lurked long enough on sg knows that people WILL BUY games they DO NOT WANT AT ALL just so they don't show up any longer on sg for them. Sure they could just hide it, but this has become kinda like a bad habbit.
Honestly though, why the heck does Overture need 3x50 giveaways all ending 1h after each other instead of just 1x150?
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Because SG shows 2 featured giveaways (unless you press that arrow to show all featured giveaways) and sometimes it can show other giveaways such as FaeVerse Alchemy (for example), so by making 3x50 giveaways there's more chance that the 2 featured giveaways are going to be either Overture and Ruzh. That simple.
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Or someone could simply click on the little eye icon beside the giveaway name and get rid of it for good without buying anything.
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Welcome to my blacklist, it's kinda like Hotel California :D.
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I thought this post was pretty dumb, but then I read your comments in the thread and wow, that's much worse. What an entitled asshole.
Congrats on being one of the very few people on my blacklist tagged with the word "douchebag".
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No problem bro, I won't spam you anymore bundle games. I just did you a favor and blacklisted you. You're welcome :)
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actually is not about contributor, is more like if i win somethin, why I shouldnt give somethin myself for the others? of course is not your case, with your bad ratio i will feel guilty , but of course is not your case u are a leecher and u have won crappy games so there is no need to give back somethin to the community, lets see u have won 80 crappy games so lets make just a bit of crappy giveaways this should balance the situation,
i think there were more people that would have enjoyed ur crappy won games.
I'm a collector so yeah i enter many games that probably i will not play, but i give back other games and make other chances of winning for the community , and i am happy with that, i dont mind if the games i give are bundle or non bundle, if i pay them less or retail price i just like to make new chances for the others because if i won somethin also the other ppl deserve somethin,
And somethimes there are really great games in bundles, and i dont think they should be called crappy only because they have been in a bundle or two, u CANT accuse others to be a "bundle games contributor" because u are not EVEN a contributor.
to end, form ur starting discussion point, if a developer makes many GAs for is game si because he wants to spread his product and make ppl happy whit it, he wont get an contributor value but he continues to give because is a generous person and I admire him/her.
(sorry to all for the bad english:) )
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"I hate all the bundle games here"
Enters and wins a bunch of bundle games.
各种凌乱 兰州烧饼
黑名单, 250屌丝你是脑残大陆人
Great idea to post this thread....不作不死
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