Ever since the release, I've been trying to sort out as much bias as I can from judgment of the game. As you might imagine, it's incredibly difficult. I'm a fan of the previous games (DMC4 not included), and I despise the new reboot. But I'm trying to figure out what I despise because of my fanship and what I despise from actual game design.

This has proven to be a monumental challenge. Anything I think might actually be a fair judgment of the game, someone else completely disagrees with. I don't like the new Dante because I liked the new Dante, but I do believe the dialogue and voice acting for the new Dante is bad - not in comparison to the old Dante, but on its own. Shouting "F- you" back and forth is surely not trying to be a deep narrative, right? But then people disagree and I have to reevaluate.

So I'm taking a new approach. I see a lot of people saying the player reception - i.e. Metacritic user scores - would be a lot higher if this was a new IP. I do agree with that. And from there, I'd like to make a few statements - to both the fans and the haters.

  • The user scores would be higher if the new DmC had been a new IP. However, the critic reviews would also have been significantly lower. There are far more flaws in the game than they would like to admit. For example, unskippable cutscenes? This game has released in 2013. The year 2013. How the heck can you forgive unskippable cutscenes and give the game a perfect score, as several critics already have? I don't necessarily believe they're trying to bandwagon or they're intentionally being lenient - perhaps some of them tried so hard to be unbiased that they ended up judging with a bias towards the game? Whatever the reason, I think it's fair for even fans of the new game to agree that maybe the critic scores and reviews are somewhat misleading. If this game had released as a new IP, reviewers would have been concerned by many more aspects of the game than they actually were.

  • Being a reboot does not grant a game diplomatic immunity to any comparison to previous games. Yes, you're free to adjust much of the game's content. That's why it's a reboot and not a sequel. The point of a reboot is to introduce new players to the series, correct? But at the same time, you don't want to alienate fans of the previous games. If that's the risk, you may as well make a new IP. The difference between a reboot and a new IP is that a reboot is actually expected to be similar to the previous games in some significant manner - whether it be in story, in gameplay, in spirit, etc. If the story is only similar in the names of the characters, you should call the game a spinoff, which does grant you far more leeway. A reboot, by definition, has to meet certain standards set by the previous games, in order to give it a reason not to be a new IP. Dark Souls can be considered a reboot of Demon's Souls, and it receives a lot of praise because it stayed true to the gameplay and dark aesthetic of the original (you can squabble over the execution, but the effort was still there). If you completely alienate any sense of correlation to the original games, you have no excuse to have not made a new IP in the first place, and even a fan should not ignore this. You're free to love the game all you want, just don't pretend other people weren't screwed over in the process.

  • On the flipside, being a reboot does mean things will change. I know a lot of fans of the original games would have preferred a true sequel, even after the reception DMC4 had. However, you got a reboot, and you should accept that things are going to change. Instead of judging the game as "it's different so it's worse," try to be more objective. As I had before, instead of saying, "The new Dante isn't as good as the old Dante," say, "The new Dante has a silly hairdo." I've seen a lot of people not taking this into account, and it really bothers me that this is the best argument those people can come up with. Of course you can compare the two Dantes, but if you don't try to explain why one is better or worse, you're just wasting everyone's time.

Can we please stop taking sides and arguing over whose opinion matters more? I've noticed this happening more and more within gaming communities, where people will stand up for their game or stand against it, and one or both sides will spread misinformation because it supports their cause. A recent example of this is the whole War Z trainwreck; I'm sure most of us remember those people who actually defended the game and simply shrugged aside any implication that the developers were being misleading. This is the kind of behavior I expect to see in politics - everybody fighting for their own political party, often regardless of what the actual facts are. And that's not a positive comparison to make. When gaming turns into politics, shit's gone and hit the fan pretty bad.

I personally don't care what games people enjoy playing. If you say Bad Rats is your favorite game, I may be confused, but I won't judge you or look down upon you for it. But if you say Bad Rats is the best game ever made, then you're going to get a lot of criticism, because you have to find a way to excuse all of the flaws people see in that game. I'll freely admit that Star Wars Episode 1 is my favorite Star Wars movie. Nobody can tell me I'm wrong, no matter the reasons why I feel that way. However, I'll never pretend Episode 1 is the best Star Wars movie - I'll also freely admit that the original trilogy is far superior. Why is this not the attitude of the majority of people? Why can't people say, "I like DmC, even though it has flaws," instead of saying, "I love DmC and anyone who tells you it's flawed is a douchebag fanboy who's lying to you because they're butthurt"? I can look at any of my favorite games and tell you what flaws they have. You can take whatever side you want, but please, please, actually admit when your game falls short of expectations.

With my huge vent over, feel free to tell me how unreasonable my ideas are. kthxbai

EDIT: I was trying to avoid talking about gameplay/story in too much depth because then people on one side or the other will pick a fight. The point of this thread was to find what is essentially a foundation, and say, "Can we at least agree to these things?" I don't like the story at all, and I find the gameplay pretty fun, but these opinions are irrelevant to the thread.

12 years ago*

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needs a tl;dr

but i do wanna check it out, never played the old dmc's so might like it

12 years ago

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I wasn't sure how to best sum it up in one sentence, short of "Fuck anarchy!"

12 years ago

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Not really, people who actually see a post like this and don't take the 4-6seconds it takes to read it should be ashamed and go back to school because otherwise they really are too stupid to live.

Pandering of fools shall not be tolerated!!! BURN THEM ALL!

12 years ago

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Wall. Of. Text. 0_o

12 years ago

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I hold out a slight bit of hope that at least one person will read it and appreciate it

12 years ago

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Unfortunately, intelligent discussion doesn't get you far with most people.

12 years ago

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I was stuck in a position where I had to get these ideas out because I felt like maybe someone could appreciate it. Quite frankly, if I change just a single person's attitude, then I consider something like this a success.

12 years ago

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Oh I understand, and in no way wish to deter people from expressing actual thought over the majority of mindless garbage that people spew forth. Just wanted to make sure your expectations were set accordingly.:)

12 years ago

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Don't worry, I'm well-grounded in reality right now XD

12 years ago

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Ic.... well, its unreasonable!

12 years ago

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"I'll freely admit that Star Wars Episode 1 is my favorite Star Wars movie. Nobody can tell me I'm wrong, no matter the reasons why I feel that way."

...I know it's not what you wanted to discuss in this topic, but I'm really curious about those reasons.

12 years ago

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In short, I love the Trade Federation. Personally, one of my favorite factions in any series or story. Plus, it might also be worth mentioning that I was really young when I first watched it, so I was more or less in the demographic of who the movie was supposed to cater to. And with that comes nostalgia later on.

12 years ago

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The Trade Federation is pretty cool... reminds me of the Hanseatic League, just, eviler.

12 years ago

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I just love the battle droid army. The AATs and MTTs were also very awesome. I loved the Droidekas, but definitely the appeal was with the seemingly endless swarms of battle droids. What they did in Episode 2 completely ruined them for me, though. Pink battle droids? Really? Plus, the addition of super battle droids and all the new vehicles ruined it for me. They added too much variety, which ruined the only reason I liked them in the first place. You can't have endless swarms of monotonous droids if they have all different kinds of droids. Which is why I prefer Episode 1 to Episode 2 - although Episode 1 has that annoying Tatooine section, as well as Jar Jar, so it has its ups and downs.

12 years ago

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I personally believe this is one of the better beat'em ups and the best since Bayonetta however even though the story is actually pretty decent the dialog and writing bring it down a ton but the game play is fantastic any past DmC fan should at least give it a try its a bit easier except on the harder difficulties.

12 years ago

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I haven't tried the harder difficulties (can't bring myself to watch any more of the cutscenes) but I've heard they were also pretty easy in comparison to the previous games. But the gameplay is still incredibly fun, and is really the only thing the game did right. I personally don't find it as satisfying as the originals, but I won't judge a reboot for being more accessible (isn't that the point of a reboot?)

12 years ago

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So comparisons to previous iterations aside, the biggest problems are unskippable cutscenes and some shoddy dialog?

If those are the worst things you can say about a game, it sounds like an above average game. No mention of actual gameplay being crappy, just fans bitching about aesthetics.

12 years ago

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I was trying to avoid talking about gameplay/story in too much depth because then people on one side or the other will pick a fight. The point of this thread was to find what is essentially a foundation, and say, "Can we at least agree to these things?" I don't like the story at all, and I find the gameplay pretty fun, but these opinions are irrelevant to the thread.

12 years ago

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Devil May Cry has always been a mediocre franchise in my eyes. Its love of lame one liners doesn't help its case either.

12 years ago

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The one liners in previous games usually had a lot more effort put into them than just "Fuck you!" back and forth. I won't pretend the previous games were great - I love them, but perhaps I'm biased in that regard due to nostalgia. I certainly wouldn't say they're subpar, though. At the very least, I'd say they're just niche titles.

12 years ago

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You skip cut scenes using the return feature of the back button on the xbox controller. Works even on first play through.

12 years ago

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I mean backspace. (i think if thats what the key would be if it was the back button on a xbox.)

12 years ago

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The only exposure I had with the game was with all the mechanics abuses (floating) and the funny videos that takes the cutscenes out of context. That one boss cursing Dante for being called 12000 years old is turned into a musical.

12 years ago

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That sounds like the only way to make the dialogue somewhat barely tolerable to me.

12 years ago

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Judging from the demo it is what I expected.
Decent fun, but not likely to be one of my favorite games.

Much better than Devil May Cry 3 though.
That is probably my most regretted game purchase.

I'm looking forward to getting and playing the full game.

12 years ago

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Is it better than DMC3, or did you enjoy it more than DMC3? This is the kind of problem I was trying to address with this thread.

12 years ago

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I believe it is indeed better and more enjoyable for me than Devil May Cry 3.

The combat is about the only thing I didn't dislike in Devil May Cry 3.

I can't say with certainty that I like DmC's combat more as it's been a
long time since I played Devil May Cry 3 and I haven't experienced all there is to DmC's.

The environments and enemy designs in particular are greatly improved in comparison.
I didn't despise the character I was playing as, so that was pretty big improvement for me too.

12 years ago

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I will just say that the F this and F that dialogue is a bit juvenile.

Also, I prefer the old Dante design over this new one, but (as far as I've heard) some of the design is relevant to the story, so alright, whatever.

I need to play more of it to weigh in on the other points.

12 years ago

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The design of the protagonist is almost always relevant to the story. In my opinion, the new Dante belongs in a skate park with other people with his attitude, not out fighting demons.

12 years ago

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I agree with all three of those points, even though I've never played any of the DmC games lol. This can be applied to any re-boot with mixed reception.

12 years ago

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Thanks - it's quite the compliment to tell someone their views can be applied to any similar context. I've said this before in this thread, but if I can change at least one person's mind or attitude, the post was a success.

12 years ago

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Alright, as someone who never played a DMC game for more than half an hour and thus doesnt really have a stake in it, here's my 2c:

It did seem very very odd to me that they did a "reboot" where Dante was so very very different from what he was before. Perhaps it would've been better if they called it a re-imagining... it sorta reminds me of the situation with the show Elementary, which is good, but only so long as you're not expecting it to be Sherlock. Personally I rather like that show... but then again, I don't usually like Sherlock Holmes.

But I don't think it's fair to say it's entirely illegit to do it as they did. There's a bit of mythworking going on when you take something to its bare bones and then look at it through an entirely different lens... similar to when old stories got split up geographically and people started telling them in very different ways, and personally I think it's very cool that we're still letting that kind of "wait, what? wasnt it very different?" story happen in an era when we've connected the whole world, information-wise.

12 years ago

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If you're going to strip it to the absolute barest of bones and then create something new, then make it a new IP and label it "Inspired by Devil May Cry!"

12 years ago

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You're logic, have to agree. Never played any DMC. Is the third the one to start? (because of availability).
This before breakfast, where's my achievement?

12 years ago

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Unfortunately, I'm not the best person to ask. Hopefully someone else who's a better judge of this sort of question can answer you.

12 years ago

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Way meta. Gameplay issues? UNSKIPPABLE CUTSCENES!!! (or are they really?) Plot issues? HAHAHA no. You gave it a bad review just because someone on the internet is a fanboy apparently.

But congratulations, you have achieved trying to seem intellectual with a wall of text.

12 years ago

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I said this in a previous reply, maybe should have added it to the main body of the thread.

"I was trying to avoid talking about gameplay/story in too much depth because then people on one side or the other will pick a fight. The point of this thread was to find what is essentially a foundation, and say, "Can we at least agree to these things?" I don't like the story at all, and I find the gameplay pretty fun, but these opinions are irrelevant to the thread."

12 years ago

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Then it's just a bunch of meta crap. "Please stop arguing over people arguing over people arguing".


12 years ago

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Another question is..have you even played the game? Did you play it on a console ? You don't own it on steam.

12 years ago

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Generally when a game is available for both PC and 360, I get it for 360, because it's more reliable - I have a fairly good laptop, but it's certainly not top-of-the-line. So, yes, I played it on a console.

12 years ago

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Adam Sessler's review is probably the most honest one I've seen for Devil May Cry.


12 years ago

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I'm not a huge fan of Adam Sessler, but I cannot stop agreeing with the "I would have preferred an emo Dante" line.

12 years ago

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Response to your points:

  1. I've never heard of a reviewer from a regular publication lowering a score due to unskippable cutscenes, (which is not something DMC even has). I haven't played DMC, but you're nuts.

  2. You can compare the game to previous games all you want, but that has no effect on what the game is. Comparisons should not actually lower a review score or overall valuing of the game.

  3. You're stating some very obvious things, but yes.

12 years ago

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  1. Someone else already told me this, it hasn't worked for me. Maybe it's some sort of bug? I know I'm not the only one who's made the argument. And I'm not saying a score should be lowered due to unskippable cutscenes - my argument in this bulletpoint was focusing on the 100-point reviews I've see on Metacritic. I'm of the opinion that if a game is to receive a perfect score, it has to have absolutely no technical faults whatsoever.

  2. It should have an effect. It's not a new IP. It's a reboot. That's an invitation for comparison. If you feared comparison, you would make a new IP. In the same way Command and Conquer 4 should get horrendously low reviews because it failed to live up to the previous games, you can lower the review of DmC if it's not up to par.

12 years ago

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  1. Uh, so you're saying that it shouldn't lower reviews but you're saying it should lower reviews? That's nonsense. Choose an option, but you can't have both. Also, you didn't say anything about 100 point reviews, so you are clearly not focusing on them. You can't focus on something and ignore it at the same time.

  2. That's a bad philosophy for reviews. Games should be reviewed on their own merit, every time. Now, assuming that's not true, I'd still argue that a reboot is not part of a series. For example, the new Spider-man movie is not part of the old Spider-man series. This is because it is a reboot. It's a new sort of movie, not like the other ones.

12 years ago

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  1. "How the heck can you forgive unskippable cutscenes and give the game a perfect score, as several critics already have?" But yeah, you're right, I didn't mention them enough. And I'm saying that if you think the game is a 95 already, you don't need to lower the score for unskippable cutscenes. I simply don't think a game can earn a 100 score if it has a technical flaw such as unskippable cutscenes.

  2. I disagree with your disagreement, but let's agree to disagree on differing philosophies. On the subject of a reboot, I deliberately addressed this in my original post. There's a difference between a reboot, a re-imagining, a spinoff, etc. You're essentially arguing that there's no difference between a new IP and a reboot, and that each should be treated as if they were separate from the series in question, which I will simply never be able to agree with. If you can never find yourself changing your mind, then it might be best to just agree to disagree before this becomes a back-and-forth squabble where nothing gets done.

12 years ago

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  1. Unskippable cutscenes are a design decision, not a technical flaw. (It might be a poor design decision, but it's a choice. If the cutscenes weren't skippable, it would be because they decided that they should force you to see their art, acting, and storytelling in order to be allowed to play the game, not because of a bug.)

  2. I know you deliberately addressed it in your post. I deliberately addressed it in my reply because it was in your post. Otherwise, I wouldn't be talking about it, would I? I was just disproving your zany idea that a reboot is part of the same series. The definition of a reboot is a new series based on old IP.

12 years ago

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  1. The point is, it's something to criticize. I don't think this discussion is going anywhere else though so, again, let's agree to disagree.

  2. If your new series completely alienates anybody who liked the old series, it's something to criticize. Maybe you value it as less important than other qualities of the game, but it's still a quality that can be judged. You can't say, "It doesn't matter to me, so it shouldn't matter to anyone else." I have no problem with you not giving a half crap about how it compares to the old games, but you can't hold everyone else up to your standards and perspectives and demand they all believe the same thing you believe.

12 years ago

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Only some are unskippable. Your statement on unskippable cut scenes is false.

12 years ago

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I already responded to this in my first reply. None of them have been skippable for me. Are all of the skippable cutscenes at the end of the game? That would explain it.

12 years ago

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Nope. Your machine, controls, or mind is broken. One of those. When everyone else perceives a different reality than you, you should start questioning your facts.

12 years ago

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Like I said, I'm not the only one who's seen this to be a problem. Unless there was a swift patch that changed it soon after launch, cutscenes have been unskippable for me and for some others.

12 years ago

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I've been able to skip cut scenes even with out me even playing that section of game. So Yes cut scenes are skippable.

12 years ago

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  1. Done.

  2. You claimed that it's something to criticize and (and therefore that you can hold everyone up to those standards and demand they believe the same thing you believe about cutscenes.)

12 years ago

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I don't demand people believe what I believe on cutscenes. I just told you that I don't care if it doesn't matter what the previous games were like to you. If you say you don't care about the cutscenes, then fine, but saying it should be a non-issue for every single person is simply obnoxious. I don't like the story one bit, but if you love it, then go ahead, but you can't pretend it should appeal to most people. That's the idea behind this whole thread. Feel free to have opinions, just don't tone out anyone else who disagrees. I think your entire goal throughout this comment chain has been to nitpick certain aspects of my views without actually acknowledging my purpose at all.

12 years ago

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I think your entire goal throughout this part of the thread has been to ignore what I say and repeat what you said, though you sometimes contradict what you said instead. I never said that cutscenes should be a non-issue, so I have no idea what you're going on about there. I think I give up.

12 years ago

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That or maybe I'm just tired and confusing what your actual point is. I do that sometimes. Nothing personal.

12 years ago

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I didnt liked the new story, but the combat system is one of the best i have seen in the last time, They want to keep going with the reboot? just step up with the story and i will be k.

12 years ago

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I can get behind that. Or, I could, if Dante weren't so annoying to listen to. I guess they could have him mature in a sequel or something.

12 years ago

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On another subject, I would love to see this overall game design adapted for Hellblazer and given a good story.

12 years ago

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Never even heard of Hellblazer so I can't really say.

12 years ago

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The lead character is John Constantine, if you've heard of him.

12 years ago

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I googled it - it's a book series? That would explain why I haven't heard of it. I'm not that invested in reading books/comics/etc.

12 years ago

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It's a comic series and a (very inaccurate and silly but fun) movie.

12 years ago

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That explains my ignorance on the subject.

12 years ago

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I assumed you'd at least claim some sort of interest in books if you think people should read so much text. Quirky.

12 years ago

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I'm not against reading in general, just books. I was never into going out and buying a novel and sitting under a lamp to read it. I blame grade school for killing any interest I may have had in that sort of activity.

12 years ago

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Anytime people allow their critical thinking to be trashed by emotion, reasoning and analysis will take a back seat to "proving" whatever point people are emotionally invested in. These days, when so many people let their desires and emotions determine their actions, truly intellectual discussions are the exception rather than the rule.

You are not being unreasonable. Those who won't allow others to have an opinion different from their own are being unreasonable.

12 years ago

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Well said, sir. And thank you.

12 years ago

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Yeah, well, I'm not going to read it.

12 years ago

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Most honest statement I've read all day

12 years ago

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DMC is the worst game I've never played at all.

12 years ago

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This opinion is best opinion

12 years ago

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In comparison to the old games, yeah, there are plenty of problems in the game. I couldn't believe what they did to Virgil's personality... but on the plus side, the game has great gameplay and isn't nessesarily a bad game. Even better, it has the potential of becoming a great rebooted series.
It's funny, a lot of complaints I've heard about the game, in comparison to the old games, are just ridiculous. I was playing Devil May Cry 3, and I was getting SSS rankings like nothing, yet people complain about how easy they were to get in DmC. Now, I know it's REALLY easy in DmC because it only deducts style points when hit, but still, I laughed so hard after I got my third SSS ranking in Devil May Cry 3 within the few minutes into the game.
Boss fight was hard as hell though, one thing that I will agree that the boss fights in DmC were horrendous.

Honestly, DmC was pretty cool. And I agree, there are some things wrong with it, as well as things right. I actually made a thread on a forum somewhere similair to this.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Fenrakk101.