5 years ago*

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Metro Exodus? Please answer only if you ever had any interest in the game whatsoever.

View Results
I prepurchased it on Steam and won't refund it.
I prepurchased it on Steam and will refund it / have already refunded it. I will not buy it anywhere.
I prepurchased it on Steam and will refund it / have refunded it. I will buy it again on Steam next year.
I prepurchased it on Steam and will refund it / have refunded it. I will buy it / have bought it on Epic instead.
I prepuchased it on Steam and will also prepurchase it / have prepuchased it on Epic.
I prepuchased it on Steam and refunded it / will refund it. I prepurchased / will buy it on Epic and will also buy it on Steam when it comes back next year.
I didn't prepuchase it and I will buy it on Steam when it comes back next year.
I didn't prepurchase it and will buy / have bought it on Epic soon.
I didn't prepurchase it. I bought it on Epic and will also buy it on Steam when it comes back next year.
I didn't prepurchase it and I won't buy it anywhere.

Where is the "fuck Metro Exodus, this is the fourth topic about Epic and this today and it is annoying" option?

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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Where's the "prepurchased on other website (not steam/epic) option?

Or the "Screw these guys i'm pirating it" option?

5 years ago

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I won't lie, I'm looking forward to the well deserved backlash hitting both Deep Silver and Epic :D This exlusivity shit is neither wanted nor needed, in my opinion.

View attached image.
5 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by viaI.