Usual story, won a giveaway that was for beta keys which had been revoked when the game launched. The giveaway creator was generous and gave winners a key to a different game.

The creator wrote back to say he was going to have admins delete it, and it was deleted because it doesn't even show on my giveaways won page. Even so I couldn't mark the giveaway as not-received because it hadn't been a week yet. Yet for some reason I was still auto-suspended over not activating the game in question. Can we have a common-sense fix for this please.

7 years ago

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There is no "auto-suspended" as far as I know.
You can always click on "received" again to un-receive a giveaway.

7 years ago

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Not a good situation mate, bump for visibility

7 years ago

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have you checked on SGtools to see if you have other games that are showing as not activated on your account?
as it may be another game that is showing, rather than one that has been deleted (once deleted I do not think you can be suspended for it) - worth checking the sgtools list against your account to make sure - better safe than sorry (otherwise maybe try what Oppenh4imer said)

7 years ago*

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The suspension mentions specifically the game in question. SGTools doesn't even show non-activations on my account (including Crimson Earth, the game I was suspended over).

7 years ago

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that is really odd - especially as it is all automated - best submit a ticket I guess :( sorry could not be more helpful !

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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If this an accurate account then it sounds like you got a raw deal. Also, invalid giveaways for beta keys like this should not just be deleted. The giveaway creator should have to live with the black mark(s) on their record, maybe even be subjected to a suspension themselves in a case where the circumstances are egregious enough. Way too many people expect the staff here to simply clean up their mistakes (some of which they may even make knowingly) and if you acquiesce to such requests then they can and will use that as a crutch and an excuse to do whatever they want and not follow the guidelines that were set forth.

7 years ago

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The issue is it was a 5-copy giveaway and the keys activated the game for users, and I'm sure several of them promptly marked the game as received. It activated on my Steam account without problem, but Steam notified me the game had been revoked from my steam account the next day.

It wouldn't surprise me if any of the other 4 people that won that same giveaway also got a suspension over this.

7 years ago

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When is giving away beta keys allowed?
Also check your previous wins

7 years ago

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They aren't, but it doesn't stop mass giveaways of pre-launch keys that are to be revoked at game launch. Usually I try to avoid entering giveaways when I suspect this is occurring, but I missed this one.

SGTools doesn't show any non-activations on my account (including Crimson Earth, the game I was suspended over)

7 years ago

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The ban specifically mentioned the game in question "Crimson Earth", and this game is not shown on my games won page at all. So I can't mark it as anything at this point.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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It was unchecked (I think. It may have been checked as the game did activate on my account). Users can't mark a game as non-received until a week has passed (which is stupid given the game was revoked from my steam account the very day after I had activated the game), and the giveaway was set to be deleted. The game doesn't even show on my games won page so I would assume it was deleted at some point.

7 years ago*

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...Users can't mark a game as non-received until a week has passed...

Doesn't matter. You could still have unchecked the received box and that would have avoided the problem.

There are three states to giveaway feedback:

  1. Received (Anytime) - Positive
  2. Nothing Checked (First 7 Days) - Neutral
  3. Not Received (After 7 Days) - Negative

If you don't have a game in your account, then it should either be 2 or 3.

When the game was revoked, did you go back and uncheck it as received (it doesn't matter that you couldn't mark it as "not received", you could still have unchecked the received box)? If it was still marked as received, and you were entering giveaways, someone obviously reported your account as having an unactivated game (the process is NOT automated, someone has to report your account). This happened before the giveaway was deleted, so no one was the wiser at the time. Your account is obviously clear now, but you should write support and see if they can have the previous suspension removed from your account record. It may be that only a higher level moderator or even cg can do that, so it may take while.

In the future, if any game gets revoked or removed from your account and you know you won it here, immediately uncheck it as received or mark it as not received ASAP, before you enter any more giveaways or win any other games.

Lastly, there is no way to "fix" this. This could happen with any game that gets revoked, not just your situation. It's always incumbent on us to immediately change the feedback whenever this happens.

7 years ago*

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DING DING DING, we have a winner.

7 years ago

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his winner entry was deleted by the staff
and somehow other support member dont see that happens and punish user.
you can check by hands in log first Crimson Earth (x5) ga

7 years ago

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If the giveaway had been deleted before he was reported, then he wouldn't have been suspended. He was suspended because his account was reported before the deletion.

7 years ago

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+1. Couldn't have said it better

7 years ago

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Interesting, didn't realize it could be unchecked again. I don't think that had always been the case, but I'll remember it for future reference. Thanks for the reply!

7 years ago

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When you get the chance, send me a link to that giveaway, please.

7 years ago

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As we all can see, giveaway is not deleted.

7 years ago

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First 5 seconds sums up my thoughts.

7 years ago

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we don't know what happened, only support.

7 years ago

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lack of support coordination - GA was 5 copies
but winners left only 2.

7 years ago*

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Did you contact support letting them know the game was revoked for being Beta as soon as it happened?I have never been part of support so all I can do is guess at what might have happened.

At this point, if it does not show in SG Tools and you served your time the best you can do is contact support to fix so you don't have to worry about it anymore in case it does show up in SG Tools check in the future.Maybe SG fixed it for false negatives or beta had a separate API but that does not explain why you got suspended then.Also if it was deleted then why would you be suspended anyhow I thought that would void it?

7 years ago

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I have a theory of support member not noticing that original giveaway was deleted and suspending you by a mistake. Could be SGT with still outdated data and the fact that support members can view deleted giveaways.

Only theory though.

7 years ago

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How could they suspend him on a deleted giveaway? If the giveaway is deleted, then there is no unactivated win, unless there is some bug that meant it was still showing as there? Maybe he needed to resync here or on SGTools?

7 years ago

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giveaway wasn't been deleted
it still alive :)
deleted just entry wins

7 years ago

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Dangit... Now I can't find that giveaway, again. P

7 years ago

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You keep forgetting that people suspending rule-breakers are still humans. There could be no bug, just somebody doing a mistake. Mistakes happen.

7 years ago

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He does not need to do anything on SGTools since SG is not related to that site.

7 years ago

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As was mentioned by SickTeddyBear,

  • If you have not redeemed the game to your account, the "received" box should NOT be checked.
  • If the game is later revoked, you should immediately change the "received" status to "not received."
  • If there is an issue with your win, it is best to post in the comments section of the giveaway as Mods check there for info.

Mods make mistakes, too. Your suspension should not have happened and has been expunged.

7 years ago

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i like when you say expunged.

sounds so sexy

7 years ago

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Thank you for the reply, and thanks for the mod action to fix!

7 years ago

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What I don't get is that I found a user that is not activating wins in Steam, but regifting them. Does kind of suck to see a game you gave away get regifted by the winner. I reported the user a week ago with evidence of 2 regifts, but nothing has happened. The ticket still sits on pending a week later.

7 years ago

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Because your report now sits at the end of this pile:
And when it takes 12-36 hours for a reroll ticket to go through when there are only 20-100 of them, imagine how long it will take to get around the end of THAT mountain. :)

7 years ago

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ahh - lol - ok - that explains it then. Surely there's enough experienced users on SG, that they could appoint a few more support/admin members?

7 years ago

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We are already past that, this is the fast mode now with the swelled ranks.

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Kougar7.