Have you ever been bullied or didn't react when seeing other people getting bullied?
I was never bullied and never witnessed bullying that I could interfere with.
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Well, that sounds strange. Well, first of all, bullying isn't just putting someone's head in the toilet, just saying. :P It can simply be someone mocking someone else for being different. And I've seen a lot of people bullying others, but I didn't always try to protect them from being bullied. :/
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Eh, I was home-schooled so I guess this is one of the main reason I never experienced bullying.
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:O Didn't know that. But I haven't seen bullies only during school. I have seen bullies bullying other people in my university too, in the navy, in jobs, even in my neighborhood. Stupidity is everywhere.
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It also depends on the environment. I can claim the same thing as jbond. I was never bullied or witnesses bullying in any form. I did get teased by my best friends for being a chubby kid but none of it was malicious and it was banter between us, my "chubbiness" and their quirks like one of them always used a ruler while writing because he wanted all his letters to in a perfect straight line.
The schools I went to were quite close knit and things like bullying are rare. To be honest, as kid, seeing bullying in Movies and other media left me confused as it was something I didn't understand. Always end up wondering what exactly was the point of it all.
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It's better that you never had to witness bullying. But yeah, I know about the existence of "friendly" bullying. :P
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I dont think you cant fight bullying. A lot of people are insecure and try to make themselves feel better by bullying others. That is just how the world works, and not only in schools, but also on the job and on other places. Its a sad world......
Great song btw, love Rise Against :)
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Yep, great song, but very sad too. :/ Bullies can stop being bullies if they understand their mistake. Till then, if you're getting bullied, you can stand against them and "beat" them. Bullies prefer to bully people that never react.
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Not really. Maybe some, but most of them mock people only because they think that they are weak and that they will never react. They see them as an easy target.
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Ok, some may not understand and need a beating, but not all of them. xD
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So where exactly is bullying still a thing?
Such things didn't happen in my country back when I was in school.
We were one community and thus we sticked together.
You gotta be pretty dumb to bully other people for no apparent reason whatsoever.
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Well, I've heard that bullies are even more harsh in USA, but I can't really know, because I don't live there.
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This is an age where the rest of the world tries their hardest to imitate the USA because they're "superior". That being said, bullying happens in my (african) country in elementary school without the USA having to do with anything. It's common enough...
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They're considered superior? xD Why? :P Pfff, The Netherlands is one of the few countries that look superior to me, because their people are much more free than in other countries. And no, I'm not from The Netherlands, if you were gonna ask. :P
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Bullying happens everywhere. You only think it's more common in USA because it's a whole continent and millions of people (sry canada] with one language.
And tons of news coverage.
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Bully hasn't really been a thing at my schools, besides a couple times some of the people with mental disorders got picked on. Adults have always been worse than other kids.
There are a couple things that happen that some may consider bullying, we don't really, but most can adapt and ignore other kids, especially here where it's not bad, but can't really do the same with people who have power over you.
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I think the best thing is to react from the first moment you're getting picked on. But yeah, "light" bullying isn't always something that annoys us. That's why I've said that we may not even remember getting bullied, but we probably all have been bullied at some point in our life.
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I don't really see how you're supposed to react when teachers, parents, and other adults are the problem.
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http://www.stopbullying.gov . US-centric, no doubt, but here are a bunch of resources & info on the topic.
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Bullied alot as a kid, go figure, I grew up to handle assholes/meatheads easily.
I personally believe these anti-bullying crusades are very much a double-edged sword.
What happens when all these children grow up thinking someone else is gonna take care of their battles?
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You can either react or ask for help. And help can come, no matter your age. I think that both options work fine. :/ Also, bravo for handling the bullies. :)
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What happens when all these children grow up thinking nobody will ever assist them?
It's great for a person to overcome bullying and become stronger as a result, but what about those who don't fully 'overcome' it, and instead integrate it as part of their worldview? If bullying existed in a vacuum it would be much easier to take a passive approach to, but on top of the other crap that life throws at you, it can be a pretty heavy burden. In my case, a horrible domestic life and the onset of clinical depression created some really fertile ground for lasting neurosis. That shit is still with me today, no matter how illogical it is, it's an ingrained part of me and has an effect unless my mental/emotional health is at a smooth 100% top shape.
The funny thing too, is that in the adult world, if someone does actually threaten or attack you, other people DO take care of your battles. It's kind of why we have police and the court system, and violence (or the threat of) is treated very seriously. However as a child, it often gets brushed off, told to just toughen up, or shrugged at with "meh, kids can be cruel". Hell, even bullying on just a verbal level can have a shitty effect if constant and severe enough. Otherwise grown, mature adults can get utterly eroded down to a husk by being in a toxic relationship with even a single sustainedly shitty person, then switch out the equation so the target is far younger and doesn't have a full arsenal of well-practiced coping mechanisms, retorts or a strong sense of self/identity, and then factor in the numbers thing. Bullying isn't often just a 1-to-1 exchange.
It helps to try compare bullying in childhood to analogs in relationships as adults, while being mindful of the far lesser coping skills of the child. Some people can happily laugh off even the worst of abusive long-term marriage partners, glad to have the divorce, and chalk it up to "They were assholes, I'm better off without them" with barely a scratch. Others take away some massive baggage and come away deeply changed. Even the most resilient person can find themselves in a situation where their defenses mean little, and even the weakest person can find themselves surprisingly invincible in the face of certain people or events.
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I have been bullied, I saw bullying, I bullied others... I don't know if things will someday change in our societies, but in my country's schools it's pretty much "the law of the jungle", only the strongest survive and it's a horrible cycle to continue.
Then again, the gangs problem is at an historic high with dozens of deaths each single day, so living in the midst of such violence will either make things worse or get people to stop being so violent (at least in traffic people have stopped cursing and honking each other most of the time).
Well, I might have kids in school in 10 years or less, I might find out then if things are getting better or not :/
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Why would you bully though? I know that violence begets violence, but violence is never the answer. Still, if I would see a bullied kid beating a bully, I wouldn't mind. xD Anyway, society has made us totally insensitive. I'm insensitive too. Still, I would never bully anyone, because I know that this would be utterly stupid. Maybe they'll find a way to stop all this violence. Till then, it's important to take a stand against bullies.
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It wasn't physical bullying, but making fun of others you know, that's bullying too. Of course that in my final high school years I didn't pick on the little kids, I was also relieved that I didn't have much bigger kids anymore to bully me.
But it's standard human behavior too you know, if your boss treats you badly at work you might yell at your kids or being aggressive to them and they will be aggressive to their schoolmates too, and they will try to pick on other kids who are littler or who have less friends, ad infinitum.
If we don't fight against this instinct of inflicting pain if you have been hurt then things will never change, so yeah, hopefully there won't be more bullying.
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Yeah, I know. Still, it's not good to bully, even if it's verbal bullying. And no, even it's standard human behavior, you shouldn't do it. Think before acting, hotbullet8. ;)
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If we don't fight against this instinct of inflicting pain if you have been hurt then things will never change, so yeah, hopefully there won't be more bullying.
Yup! Bullies target the weaker and the the socially awkward who have less friend to stand up with them, if kids learn to love themselves for who they are they might stop trying to stand out by showing their superiority by picking up on other kids.
They might always be some aggressive kids though, and then the questions is: Should you punish them or try to give them love to change their mindset? Of course most people will chose to try to reeducate them, but if that "second chance" fails, what then?
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Everyone deserves a second chance. A bit of scolding is always needed, in order for them to understand that what they did was a mistake, but love should follow, in order for them to see that it's better this way. If the second chance fails, then maybe a harsher re-education would be needed sadly. :(
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Teachers don't always care (there are some that care though) because they have become insensitive and they are just bored of their job. There are a lot of people that care though and will help you against bullies. I've seen a lot of good people through my life, protecting other people from bullies.
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Since this is pretty western centric, I'd like to know some asian perspective.
I really didn't experience or witnessed bullying. I think instead of bullying, we either shun out people we don't like in our group circle and just ignore/interact less with them. And if someone is even being bullied in a western sense where people bandwagon on 1 person, calling him names, It's normally in a friendly sense I.E: you're the last in the race, most useless person in basketball team, feeder in a MP video game, etc.
The only close definition of bullying I can see was is in gangs when someone had a fight with a member of the gang and they bully that person back. Or when someone was trying to steal their girl lol.
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I'm not from USA, but let's just say that things are a lot worse there. Here's a documentary about bullying in USA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzhVdc7aQv8. It's the trailer, not the whole movie. Of course, bullying happens in European countries too and everywhere probably. If you're different, you're getting bullied. That's how it usually goes.
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Bullying (ijime in Japanese) is a big topic currently in the Japanese media. There have been several notable cases where bullying has led to suicide or even homicide in some instances.
Here's a decent blog post on the topic of bullying in Japan:
It is a broad topic that can not be so easily resolved, but certainly opening discussion is a step in the right direction.
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I was around 7, when somebody attempt to bully me, I got really pissed and punched them in face really hard, he ran crying.
Nobody ever tried to bully me after that.
So yeah, don't be shy, if somebody messes with you, give them a good taste of punch in face.
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You left your "mark". ;P Bravo, it's awesome to stand against bullying. And it's also nice to help kids that are being bullied.
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I went to a small school in a small town when i was growing up so i never seen bullies at a yong age, My first experience with bullies came at the age of 12/13 when i changed to a school 10 times that size and at first i didn't know how to deal with them , then i started using humor to get close to the bullies but at the same time far enough not to become a bully , it worked for me and it help everyone in my class since they wouldnt mess with them because they were in my class. I never needed to get in a fight and was always able to reason with most of them sometimes using humor , sometimes a soccer ball , sometimes anything else that would interest them. In big schools a " Us VS them" culture is easy to become a reality and promoting activities where kids can work together really helps , they won't bullie a guy that plays soccer with them , they won't bully a guy that helps them in a school project , i guess if you keep kids working together with a common goal you will eventually keep everyone safe. Problem is , schools are not funded the way they should , teachers don't pay enough attention and the ones that do are overwhelmed.
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True, true. Still, it's important to help other people that are being bullied. So, even though you try being a friend with them, it's important to also not let them bully others.
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Yeah but everyone fights with the weapons they have, at age 12/13 i was a 50 kg kid, and i was known as "Fininho" and "Cruzeta" because i was really thin and with wide shoulders so i looked like a coat hanger, stop bullying with physical strength wasn't an option at least not for me at the time , i could keep my class mates safe because everyone liked me but keeping everyone safe in a school with 800 students was an impossible mission for me alone and reporting bullies used to make more harm than good since nobody would do anything about it and the victims would pay the price. I'm talking about the early 1990 , bullying was not hip like it is now and physical bullying was much more common , there were no cellphones , no internet for most kids.
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Don't think like that. Asking for help is the best thing to do, if you can't take a stand against bullies. You don't want to talk to the teachers? Then talk to someone else. You can even leave an anonymous message to the bully's parents or something.
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This was over 25 years ago, teachers couldn't care less , they had 10 classes to teach and over 300 students to teach, grade and all sorts of stuff. Like i mentioned before, bullying was not a big issue like it is now.
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When I was younger I was bullied a little, but I stopped it pretty fast when I became hostile towards anyone who annoyed me. (It's a negative trait I've never really gotten rid of, sadly.)
I switched schools for one school year before going back. I had this friend I stopped hanging out with for a few days because he always acted like a child whenever I accidentally bumped him too hard while we were playing (he would scream in my face, run off, and cry.. but in his defense we were probably around ten years old). Well, during this one time I stopped hanging out with him, I started hanging out with the kids who bullied him and halfway tried to bully me (it was actually pretty pathetic, tbh, especially since one was in a wheelchair..... no offense to the handicapped, but hey- anyone can be a bully). After one day of strutting around like we were tough shit, I got bored of it and their attitudes, so I went back to hanging out with my friend.
After apologizing, of course.
It was a small thing, but I did feel bad about it. I want to be clear, though, I'm mostly just sharing because you never know when it can help (and I like to vent things whether or not they bother me). I don't want or care about forgiveness. We all made dumb mistakes, especially when we're kids. What's important is that we learn from them and never let someone convince us what we know is wrong, is actually right. (Of course there are exceptions, but that's another matter entirely.)
Anyway... my friend and I stopped hanging out when I moved back to my old town and I haven't heard from him since. I can safely say, though, that bullying sticks with you. On one hand, I think it can make you stronger, but that doesn't mean it's alright or that we should let it happen. It's the simplest moral decision, no one should mistake it as a "necessary evil." It's wrong. Like stealing a candy bar, it's not complicated, but you shouldn't do it.
Except unlike that candy bar, there can be a seriously bad side effect of bullying even if you're not caught.
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True that. Kids don't know what's right and what's wrong. They need guidance to understand how bad bullying is. But when you get older, someone must finally let you know that bullying is wrong and that you shouldn't do it.
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I used to bullied a girl on my school, but was because a) when i was kiddou i was crazy as f**k, b) she was pretty and i liked her (was with like 7-8 y/o). Some time later i had some kind of romance with a girl from her class and she told me about that the other girl told her that i was some kind of monster... tried to apologize but she doesnt want to speak with me (tried on Facebook also a couple of years ago without success). Also in my first year of high school a guy from my class that was repeating the year was bullying me, we had some kind of fight and then he stopped.
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Ok, maybe I did something like that when I was very young, but I don't remember well. Anyway, well, love can come in the form of bullying sometimes. :P
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That's always been a strange kind of bullying. Kids/preteens don't know how to show their interest in each other and resort to picking on them to get their attention.
When I was in high school, I used to get a ridiculous amount of 5 chewing gum to give to this girl that rode my bus. I'd pretend I wanted it for myself, but honestly? I didn't buy whole packs of gum for myself. That would be ridiculous.
Of course we were a couple for one Friday before she said it wasn't a good time for a relationship. That's not why she really wanted to break up, but it's all irrelevant, now.
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Good for you. :P You must play Bully: Scholarship Edition then. It's my favorite game ever. ^_^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pi6A-JxQ7LY
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I won't try to check where you live, but I'll try to guess. Either Germany or Australia, right? It's a really awesome game and I want a sequel. xD
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What? That's strange. Do they ban a lot of games there too, like Germany and Australia?
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Pfff, why do they ban games? xD Games don't make people violent. People are the ones that make other people violent. :P
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You know, all of that info and all of that motivation above is really great, and this could be really moving force...until you face "them" again. You can say loudly "NO! STOP IT!" and you can be supported with dozens of people, but eventually you will meet "them" face-to-face in the toilet, and you're gonna be alone...and it would not just ruin everything that have been done before, but it would even make it worse, because it would give you this "no matter what you do, things won't change, your efforts and little victories are useless and nothing" feeling. In my opinion, all of these "Let ME explain to YOU how YOU should fight with YOUR problems - I'M supporting YOU from distance" almost never works. It's really great, that people keep talking about this problem, and some are actually trying to find solutions or ways to fight it, but as for me, it always looked like people trying to ban weapons after some mass shooting, you know, deal with weapons, not with person and reasons.
Bullying is really bad, because it could (and most likely will) affect your whole life after. It's brings constant fear, lack of self freedom and so on. I've been bullied back then, can't say that I've grown it up completely, sometimes it still haunts me...
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As I said, if you're too afraid to take a stand against bullies, then you can just talk to someone that can help you. It may be your family, the principal, the teachers, your friends, or call some experts that will give you professional advice. Don't think that I'm pretending that I care about bullied people. I really care. I'm trying to find a solution, depending on each person's problem. If I was there with you, I would gladly help you. I've helped people in the past. I still do. Not all of them, sadly, but at least I DO something. I'm not only helping behind a screen, you know.
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Ufff.... This is blast form the past... I was one of smallest kids in my class; so, I was target of the bullies, few times. My class was also probably only one who bullied its classmates. Was attacked 3-4 times, but managed to escape a few, but I knew that it wouldn't stop. So, last time they tried to attack me, I tried running away again, but 7v1 is not really an option. When they caught up with me, I just had it enough so just grabbed first guy for the throat, nailed him to the wall, and said that I''l kill him and later all others if they don't stop. And that did the job, but few days later when bruises start showing and my parents noticed and they reported it to teacher. Bulling was still at its infancy at that time so teachers not other school staff didn't know how properly to react, but in general they managed to stop bulling in my class.
Luckily there weren't internet in my country at the time.
Little later, in high school some classmates tried to bully me, because, now not only that I was again one of smallest, I was professor's kid too. But this time I didn't wait for anything to happen to me before I react. So I just grab first guy for throat, and nailed him to school desk and keep him that way till professor didn't arrive to a class. They tried one more time again after classes, but I was meeting with my rowing friends, and most were last year of high school, so it was funny watching them sweat while my club-mates "bullied" them. XD
P.S. For those who don't believe me that I wouldn't just kill those bullies right there, you are right. I would first warn them with broken arm or leg and if that doesn't get to their tick head, then I would euthanize them.
P.S.S. I didn't stayed smallest kid, two years later grew to be one of top 10 tallest in my the class.
tl;dr Confront your bully, if he/she doesn't stop, make them fill what they are doing, then they usually stop.
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Yeah, because killing isn't a solution, so don't even say it, even you're saying it for fun. Anyway, it's always about reacting. If you never react, nothing will ever get solved. Usually, reacting during the first time you're getting bullied, is usually doing the trick. Yeah, maybe some "light" threats will work too. But not "heavy" threats. -_-
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I wasn't joking. If they would kept they would killed me first. And my own life is more valuable to me then theirs, and I'm sure it's true in other way around. Please just don't imagine some school shoot-out, because I'm not form USA, guns are pain to acquire, and I was 12-13. If you wish to imagine, then imagine some "Splinter Cell", surgical strike on selected individuals in dark street.
Also, I wasn't threatening, I was dead serious. I already had few friends gathered, on same day of last bulling, to beat leaving s*** out of them in few days when we could jump them alone. But as I said my parents reported to school, so I canceled beating.
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I hope you wouldn't think like that, but anyway, just please forget these things, because whatever happened, happened in the past. I hope you're a lot better now. People have learned more things about bullying, so there are lot of people that will help others in a time of need. Especially to prevent mass shootings.
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Oooo no, NEVER forget. People who forget are deemed to repeat it.
I was better just few days later, after the incident, and it taught me how to deal with that kind of people. As I previously wrote, had encounter in high school at beginning of first year, but that was deal with. Also, after during puberty I grew around 40 cm, and stopped being easy target. One draw back maybe is that my fuse is shorten quite a bit, but it does extends my life and my mental health.
As for the shootings, that is mainly USA territory. In my country we are taught to stand for ourselves so most bullies doesn't last long. Of course there are exceptions but they are rare. Also cyber-bulling is now major issue, but its easily fixable.... stop using stupid Facebook.
Yes, you can call me grandpa.... XD
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Well, cyber bullying doesn't exist only on Facebook, but generally in the internet. But as you said, the solution is simple: stop using the internet. Anyway, all I'm saying is, even if you don't want to forget it, just don't let the past keep you sad. Although, by what you said, I think it became a life lesson to you and you didn't let it make you sad.
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Take a stand, NerdHouse, and they will stop. Or ask for help. That'll work too.
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Never regret helping others. It's even more awesome when you are helping others, because they will usually help you too. I used to support my, currently, best friend in the navy, and he also stood for me when my superiors were scolding me all the time. I will never regret helping people. I will only regret not helping them. :/ But it's nice that you took a stand, even if this happened only a few times.
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You can regret hanging out with them, but not helping them. Anyway, yeah, of course you are the one that can choose your friends.
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and they say violence is not the answer, no one dare to bully the one who dare to deliver a punch to the bully face, even when he know that he will fail to the differerent in number or strength
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Well, to be honest, violence is never the answer, because violence begets more violence. Still, if you have to, then yeah, you can try punching a bully in the face, because this will prove that you have courage and you're not a person to "fuck" with.
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That's nice of you. If you ever see a person getting bullied, please try to support them. :)
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My experience with bullying lasted years and was the worst point in my life. It was before doctors were able to find out I was disabled and still believed because I Was young I must be lazy (I was a bit out of shape) So getting used to constant pain weakened my resolve. In doing so I became withdrawn. Even more so when my friends from elementary no longer saw me as worthy of being in their clique. It was junior high and daily bullying was pushing me past the point I could handle. I kept talking about suicide too the few people I talked too. My only saving grace was everquest. In playing that mmo I made friends that helped at least mitigate the emotions I was experiencing.
It was not till my last year of junior high, not that i acted out of courage when confronting one of the bullys. It was more I had nothing left to lose, even being knocked on my back, feeling ashamed and embarrassed in front of all my peers while the teacher was out. I struggled and wrestled with him though the fight was brief. The others in his group suddenly acted friendly towards me. It may not work for everyone, but sticking up for myself was all that was needed. But I let myself be hurt and broken for so long. I had regretted not doing it sooner but it really taught me a lesson.
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Exactly. You don't have to win the physical fight. You just have to show that you're not someone to "fuck" with and that you have courage. I hope you're better now. :(
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Yes I am much better now :) Still disabled but have grown a lot inside and its made things much more manageable. :) By the way great post and very informational! Even a single connection with others can help to overcome obstacles in their life. Knowing that you are not alone is a very good lesson indeed.
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Thank you for your kind words. I hope that everyone will understand that bullied people are a lot more than the bullies, so they can always take a stand whenever they want. Most people would love to help bullied people. They just have to ask.
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I think at one point or another most of us have been both the victim & perpetrator. Most often than not the consistent bullies usually have issues at home, somewhere else, or feel inadequate for some reason or another &/or just do it for the attention.
P.S: I think the worst kind of bullying is that caused by peer pressure, where you are bullied into doing something, whether it's something you might not want to do (drugs, smoking, drinking, dare, etc) or the need to back up the person doing the bullying. Luckily I never caved into stuff like that, unlike a lot of my old friends from high school.
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When too young, kids don't realize the difference between right and wrong, so they need to be re-educated. :/ Maybe it's not even their fault, but their parents' fault. There are multiple reasons why people may act as bullies. Maybe I've also acted as a bully at some point in my life and haven't realized it. :/
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It's all part of the school experience (or so people say) - well maybe not all of it, but general name calling, a bit of peer pressure, bit of pushing & shoving & so on is one thing. There was some right nasty horrible gits at my old school though.
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Kids can't understand. Young people are even worse than adults, mostly because they haven't been educated yet. :/
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I have been bullied most of my child/teen years, I have bullied some people in my child years, trying to cope with being bullied.
In my teen years I have protected other people being bullied by trying to become the target, since I would defend myself not like the others I would protect.
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I have tried this thing too. I've tried to become the target in order to protect others, but I used sometimes so harsh language that they got afraid of me, so they didn't bully me. ;P It's not nice that you started bullying though. You became a cog in the bullying machine and you helped it to keep running. :/ Anyway, I hope you're not getting bullied anymore.
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Hey, hey, hey! :D How are you, people? I hope you're all fine. Even if you aren't fine, things can and will get better.
Today, we're going to talk about bullying. Bullying is a serious problem. We've all been bullied at some point in our life and maybe it didn't even affect us or it had a very small duration or we don't even remember it, but still, we've all been bullied. And we've also seen many people getting bullied, but did we react? Did we protect the victim from being bullied? I was never a bully and I always hated bullies, but I've seen a lot of people getting bullied in the school, in the university, in the navy, and in some jobs, and even though sometimes I tried to protect them, some other times I didn't even react. And you know, this makes me really angry......with myself. So, to stop my compunction, I would like to talk about this "plague" widely known as bullying.
Here are some facts about bullying (about American students only - sorry, I couldn't find any worldwide facts):
1) Over 3,2 million students are victims of bullying each year.
2) Approximately 160000 teens skip school every day because of bullying.
3) 17% of American students report being bullied 2 to 3 times a month or more within a school semester.
4) 1 in 4 teachers see nothing wrong with bullying and will only intervene 4% of the time.
5) By age 14, less than 30% of boys and 40% of girls will talk to their peers about bullying.
6) Over 67% of students believe that schools respond poorly to bullying, with a high percentage of students believing that adult help is infrequent and ineffective.
7) 71% of students report incidents of bullying as a problem at their school.
8) 90% of 4th through 8th graders report being victims of bullying.
9) 1 in 10 students drop out of school because of repeated bullying.
10) As boys age, they are less and less likely to feel sympathy for victims of bullying. In fact, they are more likely to add to the problem than solve it.
11) Physical bullying increases in elementary school, peaks in middle school, and declines in high school. Verbal abuse, on the other hand, remains constant.
Feeling Down? Talk to a trained crisis counselor. Text “DS” TO 741-741. Free, 24/7, Confidential. (source: www.dosomething.org)
Also, check out: http://www.stopbullying.gov/
You're not alone, guys and girls. Have you seen all those percentages above? Bullied people are a lot more than the bullies, so you can make a group and take a stand.
You're getting bullied? Then react. Bullies will usually keep bullying people that never react to their bullying . You're afraid to react? Then ask for help. There are a lot of people that would gladly help you. Myself included.
You're seeing other people getting bullied? Protect them and that will make you a real hero in the eyes of the people around you. Protect other people and then other people will also protect you. If you don't protect them, then who will protect you if the bullies will come for you?
And here's a very powerful song about bullying: Rise Against - Make It Stop (September's Children). It's mostly about the LGBT community, but you know, it's still against bullying in general. 5 young people (Tyler Clementi, age 18 - Billy Lucas, age 15 - Harrison Chase Brown, age 15 - Cody J. Barker, age 17 - Seth Walsh, age 13), as read aloud during the song, were driven to suicide because bullies were mocking them because they were different. It's awesome being different. Don't let some stupid bullies, that will probably end up doing NOTHING in their life, tell you what you are. YOU choose what you are. Do NOT choose to let them break you. Be PROUD of what you are.
Here's a group, if you ever want to talk about being bullied or support people that are getting bullied. I can make you an admin too, if you want to.
And here's a giveaway for you. Keep strong! Peace! ;)
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