So, I bought a bunch of Assassins Creed Director's Cut Edition copies and if you've missed the sale or couldn't buy the games for some reason but would still like to try the franchise, here's your chance!
I'm planning to make five 2/3 entries giveaway and a last one for those unlucky ones that didn't won the first time and hoping this is funny (:

So, what do you need to join?

1) Have never played AC before (please, respect this, I really would like to introduce some people to a franchise they might like);
2)Be creative in any way you want and maybe I will choose you.

Here's the selected battles:

JackRaider vs VST
WilliamShakespeare vs Nixanikaas(w)
Sparklepop vs crazyseeder
Kicksaw(w)vs PPG113

Five of you guys will be the lucky ones, lets have some fun! I will be adding you on steam and get this going!

11 years ago*

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I have honestly never played it nor watched lets plays/detailed videos of it, I just assumed its like prince of Persia style jumping and killing, that being in a fight was bad and something about apples and time ( wtf is up with that storyline). I thought this would be a perfect time to try it out and really get into it like any game with an intriguing story. I wanted to get it myself but my friends tell me it's not that great so i'd love to get a copy to try and get into the series.

11 years ago

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hallo carizcoiso, i actually tried to play assassins creed some years ago; as a mac gamer it was (and is) not available to my platform, but some crazy guy out there prepared an unofficial port of the game by means of a cider container (in case you don't know it is a kind of wrapper that translates directx to opengl). well, i managed to make it run on my mbp, but it crawled so much that i barely could watch a bit of the intro and reach the movement training. It was so bad that i uninstalled it. Since then i never tried again. lately i put up a gaming pc, nothing really special since i mainly play indies and some shooter not at full res and detail; it would be able to run ac and i would love to try it at last!! Thanks anyway for the chance:))

11 years ago

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Never played any AC game too. Watched a lot of gameplay videos of it and I'd love to get my hands on one. I even played Skyrim imitating AC, joined The Dark Brotherhood. Would love to try the real thing. :)

11 years ago

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I never played an AC game, but the first one seems a little I pass.

11 years ago

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Never played any of the series. I caught some of the adverts for the latest one set in the US and it caught my interest. I wasn't even aware there was a sale. Anyway, have a bear.

11 years ago

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I've never tried the assassin's creed games. Yet, the role of the assassin is my favorite in almost any game from MOBAs to RPGs. (Just as an example, in League of Legends, I love playing all of the assassin-based characters). It would really be great to get a chance to try out the franchise!

11 years ago

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I've never played Assassin's Creed, and don't particularly want to play it, but I do want to check out the fighting system and other aspects. I have a lost a bit of respect for AC because of Ubisoft, but there's always a first time.

11 years ago

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ive played a bit of assassins creed 2 at a mates house on his XBOX, really enjoyed it. Heard the whole story was pretty cool, wouldnt mind giving it a go for myself.

11 years ago

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I have not played any of the Assassins Creed games. I have heard they are about some guy who is abducted and held captive and information is extracted. I myself was abducted and forced to perform various unsavory tasks. Unfortunately, I developed Stockholm syndrome and I now long for the days of my captivity. Because of my new personality disorders I am unable to find work, thus cannot afford to by this "game" which sounds more like a simulation of the activities I yearn for.

11 years ago

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I have never played an AC game. Which really makes things awkward when my friends wander around making references to it. I noramlly over indulge in games that have a semi-historical setting, so AC seems up my alley, Ive jsut never had the chance to get a copy

11 years ago

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I've owned Assassin's Creed 3 for 3 months, and still haven't played it yet. o3o

11 years ago

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Well I have never played assasins creed and my friends always keep telling me that I should play it (specially since I like Ubisoft games) it would be nice to start playing them in an appripiate order.

11 years ago

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I never got a chance to play AC before, but my friends had always been ranting on about how I was missing out and all that cool stuff the game has to offer. Particularly because of my preference in characters, both in tabletop and MMO's alike. You know, cloak and dagger types (Thief/Rogue/Assassins) that get in and get the job done, then get out without the enemy ever noticing they were there. Nevermind that I've seen so many different miniseries and parodies (first on Loading Ready Run) that I'm way too curious to pass it up. Been wanting it, just haven't had a chance to get it.

11 years ago

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Well, I've played the Thief series and I don't know how much its similar to AC but it always reminded me of it. Besides that, I've always been behind the times on playing video games due to backlog, pricing, life and such. For example, I finally got the first Borderlands last year with all the DLC and loved it. Anxious to try the sequel but not in any rush yet. I finished Oblivion in the past year but yet to try Skyrim.
If I don't win AC in any giveaways, I think I'll eventually get it at some point - just don't know when that will be. Too many games, not enough time is the creed for lots of gamesrs I'm sure.

11 years ago

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I have never played AC... But I hear it's similar to parkour, right? It can't be that different.
Well, except for the killing. Because you just don't randomly kill your parkour mates, ya'll know.
But I do enjoy this sort of action. Occasionally :P

Seriously now... The AC franchise has set up new standards for the genre, and as many people here, I have yet to experience it's unique blend of elements. You, sir, will potentially addict a number of people with your actions haha.

11 years ago

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Never played it. Or owned it D:

11 years ago

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Assassin's creed, yeah, never played any of the franchise, i've read a book of it, though.
always wanted to try it, but i'm short on cash, so I kept shoving it for later
this might just be the chance for me to try it.
why should you choose me? dude, look at me, i'm a cactus with a guitar!

11 years ago

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Always wanted to play them. Only played one for about 2 minutes at a friends' once. He was one of those "no no, let me show you how to do it" types that never let others play. And we had to leave for a party, so not time to play then. Haven't properly played any of them yet, and am dying to do so.. LOOK AT MY NICKNAME for frigs' sake. It's japanese for assassin! :D

11 years ago

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I would kill to have that AC's pack! I missed the sale 'cause I was too busy with college and now I wish I never applied to it.. :c

11 years ago

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I've never played Assassin's Creed before...

And I made a dumb turn to read a review, because it was so full of spoilers! The problem is that story seemed interesting for me and I'm curious on were these spoilers true or not. Thanks to you, now I terribly want to play a game, which I thought didn't worth it. Want, want, want. =/

---------------------------CHECK THIS-------------------------------
I've never played AC before
---------------------------CHECK THIS-------------------------------

11 years ago

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So, I was all like "Yeah, I'm the person that's been the most creative so far!"

And then you came along. And out creative'd me.


11 years ago

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That last line is so amazing! Aha, awesome stuff!

11 years ago

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Yo man,
i have AC in my room.
yeah i always turns it on every night.
u know what is AC? yeah it's Air Conditioner. if you mean this AC then i'm not on you criteria.
cuz i plays AC everyday

but if you mean some others AC , then count me in :D

11 years ago

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i never played ac but the trailers looks realy cool

11 years ago

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I never played the games, they always looked interesting to me but never had the 50, or 30$ around to buy them, i would like to play them actually

11 years ago

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I've never played Assassins Creed other than once playing ACR multiplayer at a friends house for like five minutes, I've always wanted to play, just never had the money or wasn't allowed at the time... These are my style of games though (stealth assassinations).

11 years ago

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When AC first came out, I went to a small, local convention. Had a ton of fun, although there was almost nothing there. Anyways, the convention was ending and everyone was leaving. So, they were giving away the leftovers. I grabbed some Fallout 3 badges and keychains (which have all been stolen) and when I got to the ubisoft booth, they were giving away boxed AC 1 copies. I waited in line, but when it was my turn, they had just given away the last copy.

I've been interested in AC for a while. I hear a ton of mixed opinions, but it still looks cool, so I'm definitely interested.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by carizcoiso.