OK. I hope this makes sense in words like it does in my brain lol.

Users are allowed to "rate" the value of a game on a scale from 0 to 10, one vote per user per game.
Each game has an overall value rating, which is the average of what all the users have voted.
Every game starts out with a value rating of 10, which is the maximum a game can have.

When a game's rating is 10, you will get 100% contributor value from giving that game away.
When a game's rating is 8, you will get 80% contributor value from giving that game away.
When a game's rating is 1, you will get 10% contributor value from giving that game away.

This allows the users of the site to decide what the contributor value of each game is.

I know there will be people on both extremes for every game, some wanting it to be full value, some wanting it to be lowest value possible, but since this uses an average across all users of the site, the end CV for a game should end up as a fair compromise of the desires of all the site's users.

This does however mean that the CV of a game will constantly be changing. However after a while it should settle into its true value as there becomes fewer and fewer users remaining who haven't rated the game yet.

And you are allowed to change your rating for a game at any time, in case you feel a recent price drop or sale has changed your opinion of the value the game should be held at.

tl;dr - let the users decide the contributor value of the games in a way that is a fair compromise for everyone.

11 years ago*

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Wouldn't everyone's CV be in a constant flux due to the always-open voting system?

11 years ago

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Yes it would, initially. But after a while (provided there's no change in status of a game, like a huge price cut or being added into a cheap bundle or something) a game's CV would normalize and not fluctuate all that much.

11 years ago

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its good, however it can be exploited in some way for example, lets say the admin or mod from a giveaway group makes lots of giveaways from a exploited key and makes them all group only, then ask all of the members to enter and rate it 100%, then he gets full value for each one of them.

11 years ago

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Yeah but if they did that they would most likely get banned to hell and back. Noticing a game's CV shoot through the roof overnight would be a pretty big red flag.

Plus since the value rating of a game is site-wide, they would have to have like hundreds of users in on the scam to raise the value up any considerable amount.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

11 years ago

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"Yeah but if they did that they would most likely get banned to hell and back. Noticing a game's CV shoot through the roof overnight would be a pretty big red flag. "

But how could you tell apart the ones who are voting to boost the CV of a game, and those that are not but so happen to have voted in the same period as the other group?

11 years ago

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Kill them all, let god sort them out.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Sounds kinda good,even though it might need some polishing

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

11 years ago

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Bandwidth? Database? We don't need none of that fancy city talk round here. All I know is I move the little arrow around the magic screen and click on stuff and shit happens.

11 years ago

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No. Why? Bundle games. Most people will vote them at 10 to get as much value as possible. Most people have given bundle games away.
This would result in bundle games having the highest scores.

On the other hand, if this could be voted on with the users wishlist, so they can't give a good vote for something they already have. But it still wouldn't solve anything.

11 years ago

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No. Every system relying completely on its userbase will get exploited very hard.

11 years ago

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When the masses are allowed choice they always rip the pish out of it by exploiting it so for that reason alone I have to say no it's a bad idea.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by JoeyBeanz.