Are the FAQ too vague the way they are?
I feel like trying to specify everything exactly would just make it way longer, and most people don't want to read all that as is.
But at the same time i don't really care either way.
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Unless there really are several noteworthy rules that are just kept hidden, it wouldn't be that much longer. Besided, the FAQ are for the express purpose of providing information; I'm assuming people who visit them to find out how the site works would want to learn that information, and people who aren't interested in reading it won't visit the FAQ in the first place.
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The FAQ and Guidelines are important and any user joining and or continuing to use this site should read these things so they don't run into problems when using the site.
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I don't know if i understand you correct but you can ask for more slot if you really need (Never tried but it's working i guess if not, correct me) . Just ask the moderators and yes there are some missing things that you may learn along the way. I think that's more fun and force you to communicate with the community just like this.
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It's not my point that I want to receive more slots for nothing - although I'll keep that possibility in mind, in case I don't have enough slots by the time I want to create the train. Thank you for the idea!
I suppose I see the idea of finding out the different quirks and details as fun, but I would prefer practicality in this case. There are enough incentives to engage with the community, and "ask questions that likely have been asked many times before because they aren't officially documented" should not be one of them in my opinion.
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The example you used literally explains why it's done. So if that partipcular example is done for the reasons listed isn't it obvious that there's a reason it's vague?
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I don't quite understand what you mean. Is it the part "for security purposes"? Because I don't see the security benefit of omitting how many GAs are needed to receive an additional slot. If someone somehow wanted to cheat the site after aquiring a large amount of slots, not knowing exactly how many GAs to make beforehand likely won't stop them. And if it really is important information for them, it wouldn't be too difficult to find out. (Besides it being openly mentioned in the forum.)
Or are you referring to something else?
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In general there are things that are sometimes left vague to prevent abuse.
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I still don't see how that would help prevent abuse, at least with that specific example. So a hypothetical malicious user plans to somehow abuse, cheat, troll the site and needs more GA slots for that to work. The information on how to gain more slots is already freely accessible to them, how would not knowing the exact ratio prevent them from executing whatever diabolical plan they have in mind? Besides the fact that, if that information is truly crucial for them, it won't be hard to figure out.
If you insist on these rules being vague and unclear as important for site security, I'll accept that. However, I fail to see the real benefit of obscuring trivial details for potential scammers at the price of making the site less intuitive to use for regular users.
In any case, thank you for your time!
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People learn the hard way that deleting giveaways removes a slot... I feel like that part should be made clearer in general.
Other than that, I don't see any problem.
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i think going into too much details will just make it hard if there are changes later on. and it might be fine for this particular point, but for rules, it is better to keep them vague so people won't find ways to get around them easily.
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The FAQ are, in my eyes, more vague than they should be. As an example, this is what they say about the number of GA slots one has available:
I just learned in another thread that specifically every three successful GAs provide one additional GA slot; I also vaguely remember that, before any GAs, one starts with three slots. Neither information is mentioned there.
I also found out that deleted GAs still take up a slot; while the FAQ does have a paragraph regarding how a GA can be deleted, that information is missing completely.
These details may not be vital for using the site, but I don't see why they explain that you can receive more GA slots, but omit how many GAs you need to do so. It also makes me wonder what other "hidden rules" there are that aren't mentioned anywhere (or at least anywhere that's easy to look up). One reason I'm curious about that is that I'm planning a GA train (hopefully this year), and I need more slots for it - now that I know how exactly getting slots works, I can better plan out how many GAs to create. It might not matter the everyone, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who would appreciate more insight into how using this site works.
Also added a poll because, why not.
(Oh, and should all that information be available already and I just completely missed it, feel free to relentlessly ridicule me about it.)
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