Unless I've used or given away the keys, all of my keys haven't been revealed yet. I don't think my indiegala account has been hacked since everything seems to be how I've always left it. I might research a few games to see if any devs have revoked some old keys, though. Thanks for the info.
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I've run into only one revoked key (actually I recall a second one too now on a well known issue with a particular game and getting a lot of bad keys given through a bundle site itself, rather than a lapse in time, which they didn't actually replace with the real game but something I already owned and didn't want to trade...) in an actual trade out of a few hundred given out. Steam said something about it being invalid according to who(m) I was trading with, and not a duplicate. I owned the game when I tried it on my own account as well, so the key was most likely revoked, or it probably would have said that I already had the game in my library, even if the key was used.
I've had worse times with bundle sites giving me keys that were duplicates over them being revoked, so it's probably not a very common thing. I have rarely heard of it being an issue. I'd just google a particular game if I were really concerned, and if nothing comes up about bad keys or anything, then it should be fine.
Very low percentage chance. More likely to get a mixed up key or duplicate than anything else, in my experiences with things. Still, it can happen.
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Thanks for the info, I think I will look into sites or games that had duplicate keys being revoked. I've actually had a key get revoked from me once (and I'm almost positive it was an indiegala key) and I had to contest to get the game back to my account. Its good to know that its rare, but I'll still post a fair warning that the keys are a bit aged lol.
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You are welcome. Good luck, and hopefully no problems with any keys. Usually if it's been revoked at some point, some other unlucky people would've probably complained about it, given it's been a while since some of the older keys were bundled. Probably fine if your searches don't turn up anything (here is a great resource to find info on that kinda stuff archived somewhere, for instance).
I've agreed to delete several of my own I won, or came to another kind of agreement, like another game instead that they didn't have, since I have a list of stuff I'm trading, though I do not keep up with it well at all. I have also had a few blunders, and uh... had to find a way to acquire a new key or gift.
Maybe you have some extra resources available. Since I am a hoarder of games, I have some hanging around, that way works for me in a pinch, but I have a little experience with steamtrades, so some of those people I've traded with will a lot of times try to help me. Early on especially nerve-racking, with low rep and stuff. I've met some awesome people that route though! People I message on Steam at least once a week. Not many, but a few...
I am blabbing. Again, I wish you luck, and feel free to send me a message here or on Steam if you run into any issues with anything. Here to help!
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Thanks a lot! The info has been really helpful. I probably will do some sort of mass giveaway and just research each game before I plan on trying to give it away on here. Most of the indiegala games aren't like, super great games anyway so I'm sure most people would be fine agreeing to deleting the giveaway if they end up being old? But who knows. I probably could come up with replacements but they most likely wouldn't be the same game.
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Has anyone had issues redeeming Indiegala keys older than 60 days?
IndieGala closed (and eventually deleted) my account when I contacted them about an overcharge on a bundle purchase, and I've heard from over a score of others who had their accounts similarly closed (and for each of us, IG refused to provide any response to our extensive attempts to communicate on the matter).
So while I can't address your specific issue ( though from what I've heard from others and seen from my own interactions prior to my account closure, getting key replacements is nearly impossible, and the only thing IG staff is good about (and surprisingly so) is offering replacements for Happy Hour glitches [which, unfortunately, appear to be relatively common] ), I can say that you should always make sure all your IG keys are backed up off-site, especially prior to contacting their support team.
Y'know- not because it's likely, given how small the overall percentage of affected IG users seems to be, but because it's possible [and really shitty when it does happen to you].
Past that, I don't believe IG keys really have a reputation for "going bad", but they do in rare occasions release dead keys that they- at least in the past- have refused to replace. So there's always a small risk, though I've not really heard of dead keys from IG for a while now, outside of those relating to issues with specific developers.
In short, you're unlikely to have problems with the keys.
As far as how to approach it with SG- they should be fine, but you're generally out on a limb by SG rules if they aren't. While simply mentioning in the description that you'd like to be able to delete if the key doesn't work can convince some non-bot-entrants to be considerate, it's generally more reliable to do an invite/group giveaway where you invite people who are aware of the circumstances beforehand. The best option is likely to offer your giveaways to an established group, with strict in-group rules about abiding by GA creator sentiments on such matters. The members of those groups aren't likely to want to burn their bridges over a giveaway they can't get a game from anyway- and generally, the members of such groups are selected for better-than-average demeanors toward the site, to begin with.
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Thanks for the information on this, even if its not directly related to keys going bad, its telling of their customer service. I'd plan on doing a giveaway train behind an invite link. I'd use a jigidi puzzle or something similar so people would have to at least put in some effort to be able to enter the giveaways. I'm not active in giveaway groups so this is the route I'd most likely take. I'll just hope if any keys aren't valid anymore (and of course I'd explain this prior) the people who have entered at that point would be understanding.
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You can join Ninja Retreat Group. The Group is especially for those kind of keys. If a key won't work the winner will let you delete the GA or he gets kicked out of the group.
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Just gift one of the keys to a friend and see if they are still work. You will lose one key but you will know the other works fine.
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I keydropped some IG keys recently, those were over a year old - each and every single one of them was working, so there shouldn't really be a problem. Maybe search up the game's name on SG forums, just in case to avoid giving away mass revoked keys.
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If it's not revealed yet and you can obtain/retrieve the key, mostly will be okay.
From my old bundles, I found some keys that invalid (maybe dev revoke unused keys) but not much, maybe only 1 or 2 keys from 15 bundles.
You can read this thread for recent Indiegala problems that faced by SG people
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On their support page it says that they should be activated within 60 days. Although they don't expire, its just difficult for them to get replacement keys if there are any issues. Has anyone had issues redeeming Indiegala keys older than 60 days? I have several older keys from different sites just sitting around and, I figured I should make a train or something. I also checked other bundle sites and they don't seem to mention keys expiring. Some of my keys are probably 2 - 3 years old. I just don't want to make several giveaways and they all end up being defunct keys. Thanks for any info.
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