Not trying to sound pro, but I actually don't suck as much on Multiplayer games. I guess that's because I play too much of them.
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I can easily adjust to different games and I tend to like all genres. I'm a well rounded person.
It's like Mario's stats when you play Mario Kart they're all average but some might be a tad better.
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Anyone can be good at these games, you just need to man up and beat the learning curve, there is much fun to be had in "online multiplayer" games, so if you are avoiding them because you suck at them... i feel bad for you. You are missing out a ton of fun.
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Thats not true, you either have it or you dont. It's a skill. I will never paint a mona lisa no matter how hard i try i dont have the artistic skill.
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So what you are saying is that to play online with some success you have to be a talented/gifted individual. Sorry but thats just bullshit. I would even argue that these things aren't necessary (but does help) in e-sports.
Skills aren't some sort of things that you either have or don't, they are developed.
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I have to agree with Skvid here. Above all determination and practice is what it is all about. I would however have to say that in most of the games what one needs is a lot of gameplay hours spent on MP. And just as was said above once the learning curve has been dealt with and the basics have sunk you're in a much better position to advance in skills and understandig of the game's mechanisms. Practice, practice, practice I say!!
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Depends on the game, really. But I tend to do alright. Old screenshot in APB, I am in the gold ranks now, and I do have scores that are a bit better than that one. And League of Legends . However, I do tend to fail when it comes to games like Starcraft 2, even though I like RTS games, I seem to not do well against those who play them more often than I.
One large factor in those games is who I am teamed with, and how well we communicate. In the APB one, you will notice my teammate with 0 assists, in small matches like that, I still do fairly well with a bad teammate, but if they get to 3v3 or more, having at least one or two others you can coordinate with helps a lot. Though we often goof off more and tk eachother, but matches still usually end up with wins. lol
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I sucked at FPS due to crappy computer + crappy skill
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if im unhappy im sucks as hell.
If im happy im playing well. :o
Its about fps. Ill say nothing about HoN and LoL, HoN i can play only casual, otherwise its hard. Lol - is casual game in my opinion, and its easy. Very rare i having bad score, only when unhappy :D
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I play a lot of games, and tend to me a jack of all trades guy. I do better than average on pretty much every game. If I was to dedicate time into a specific game I could probably master it. I just get bored easily.
LoL/HoN are different because its not about your individual skill, its a team based game. Same with a lot of tactical fps games.
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Human players have skill, AI players (or bots) have patterns. After seeing them in action a couple of times you can master the patterns of bots and crush them. When playing against humans, you always meet with players with different skill levels and the number of patterns they act are immensely bigger. So it takes much, much more time to master a game against human opponents than AI ones. I don't have this much patience, so I prefer co op games instead of competitive ones.
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Very much depends on the game. Most shooters I'm useless, RTS I'm useless. I've been highly enjoying World of Tanks for the past couple months though and TF2 isn't too bad. Also Mount and Blade: Warband with the cRPG mod where I usually play ranged.
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It definitely depends on the game. In games like SWBFII, TF2 and BF2, I used to be able to top the score-board fairly regularly. However, some games like CS (which I've been playing for 5+ years) and Red Orchestra (only a couple months) are still hard for me. Also CS has an enormously high skill ceiling, so while I can pwn noobs-intermediates, pros still kick my ass.
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i can't say i suck, well depends the game itself i suck at cod's for example but at battlefield (bf2,bc2,etc) its very much the inverse.
nice score Kaitlyn, perhaps a match in bc2 someday? :p
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I am rarely terrible at online multiplayer, but also lack the time to invest to be higher on the curve. I also, and this might be specific to people with certain psychological disorders, become completely spastic when I know I'm in competition with a human opponent online. It doesn't bother me in actual sports, or live one-on-one games, but for some strange reason it does online.
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I'm not that bad at FPS games. I'm all right at racing games. Anything else I don't really play.
The problem I have is if I stop playing a game for even a week I seem to lose any skill that I had had when I was playing. Take Team Fortress 2 for example. I stopped playing for a week because I have started a new Borderlands game. I tried playing today and my aim is way off. I just need to play for a little bit and get back in the groove I guess.
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Just curious if anyone else sucks at Online Multiplayer? I do fairly well on single player games, but when I go online I get annihilated.
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