I found 3 versions for one of the churches and 2 for the other. I put all 6 combinations in the quiz as possible answers, so hopefully I've done it right! (-.-;)
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There is a wikipedia page for the names of the saints but not for t he churches themselves as far as I can see, I haven't included some of the variations from the saints pages as searches lead to a lot of other churches in different countries. I have added two more spelling variations of one church that were pointed out to me and corrected a mistake with the punctuation in one version of the name.
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more possible spelling variations for Q4 have been added and I corrected one of the possible formats (probably the most common!) for Q6
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Question 5 - here's a clue - it's something that is the same colour as the buildings and represents the country, it has stripes on it.
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another landmark solved, though, yet again, after some serious problems with formatting... but it looks like an interesting and beautiful place to visit... thanks for the puzzle and giveaway...
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Okay, I still have two questions to solve but I am fairly sure that the answer Question 7 is wrong. The name you accept as answer is the recipient not the "creator".
Also usually in formatting there is a space between a number and a unit.
And the two churches are not accepted as answer.
Also there are different things which have not been allowed during the Ottoman Rule yet none of it is accepted o.O How shall we know which one you mean?
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Question 7 - I've had no other messages suggesting this is wrong and if I google the name of the island and "clod of earth" the answers that come up list my answer as the person who threw it and created the island.
Question 6 - One of the 6 possible answers I listed had a space missing, it has been added now.
Question 4 - There is a wikipedia page for the names of the saints but not for t he churches themselves as far as I can see, I haven't included some of the variations from the saints pages as searches lead to a lot of other churches in different countries. I have added two more spelling variations of one church that were pointed out to me and corrected a mistake with the punctuation in one version of the name.
Question 5 - here's a clue - it's something that is the same colour as the buildings and represents the country, it has stripes on it.
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Well I got Q4 now on the first try and send you another message regarding question 7. Will look for Question 5 now. Thanks for the help so far. Pretty sure I know what you are hinting at but don't know how a noun will help me with a question that needs a verb as answer.
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I provided combinations with about 5 different different spellings, but if you're still stuck when the hints appear on the quiz there's a link that should help.
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I provided combinations with about 5 different different spellings, but if you're still stuck when the hints appear on the quiz there's a link that should help.
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Thanks for bringing back nice memories about this island. We were young and beautiful...
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Bump for I have no clue which answer did you pick for 6 and how did you format it also, and for the most prominent number for Q3 is not correct.
will come back tomorrow
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6 - the answer is a whole number and the unit of measurement. If you google the two places and what the question asks for it's pretty prominent in the first two answers that appear. There are 6 possible answers taking into account formatting. These include digits or written numbers, as well US and international spellings of the unit of measurement and the abbreviation. So the formatting should be pretty easy once you have the number.
3 - similarly, I googled the name of the island and the words in the question and used one of the first answers. Technically, any number under the exact answer would be correct (over 1, over 2, over 3...) and there are a lot of different answers which is why I chose the top answer and gave the hint in ITH of 'google is your friend'. I've added two other common answers to help, so you can try what you think was the most prominent number again.
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Yes, the number is two digits. A whole number. The measurement would be...
-- km
-- kilometers
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There are a few different ways of phrasing it and I have multiple possible answers, here's a hint to one of them.
'fly the ---- ----'
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Now I need help... because I tried this (before seeing the hint). I know the answer but no matter way I put it it doesn't get through
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I'm stuck on Q5... I've tried the 3 or 4 things that were forbidden - none of them was correct. ...how about a formatting tip? Maybe even another hint on top?
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Sorry, the giveaway has ended.
There was a hint earlier int he thread - 'fly the ---- ----'
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I'm facing the same issue with Q5 as Eiion...
ITH tells me "fly the ----- ----" is wrong. I also tried "fly a ----- ----" and simply "----- ----", but nothing worked.
I know the GA is over, but I would like to get the solution for the Nov week and month trains!
Thank you!
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Thanks a lot! Landmark finally solved.
But I'm confused that the solution is different from the information given on Wikipedia and another website.
Both mention a specific color for the third word.
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Quiz time, and my small section of the Landmarks event.
Not much information on the landmark itself and the area it's in as that's what the quiz is for!
It's a fairly short puzzle. I've included multiple spelling options when I found them and names when more than one exists.
All answers are Google-able, so shouldn't be too hard.
Hopefully everything works correctly.
Entrance to the quiz here
Schedule for complete event and access to weekly trains here
My giveaway has ended, only try the quiz for the weekly codes
Question 3 - added more possible answers
Question 4 - There is a wikipedia page for the names of the saints but not for the churches themselves as far as I can see, I haven't included some of the variations from the saints pages as searches lead to a lot of other churches in different countries. I have added two more spelling variations of one church that were pointed out to me and corrected a mistake with the punctuation in one version of the name. Also added a link to the clue in ITH with some of the possible spellings as a lot of people seemed to be having trouble.
Question 6 - One of the 6 possible answers I listed had a space missing, it has been added now.
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