That's no a good answer because for his lazyness that game is not value in 100p. Learn how to respond to a question.
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Yes but with my answer i dont meant what you think, I mean you are being a little impolite with that person, you could just help him or something else, because if he is asking for something is not for annoying people, its just because he wants some help. Many people think are perfect but they didnt realize are being worst than people that supposedly commit a mistake :)
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if you're referring to me by many people, i never said i'm perfect. learn to read. you don't need to be perfect or a genious to figure out the function of the search bar. in every forums i saw, it's like this. you gotta search before ask. nobody likes spammers. also as you can see, op still got an answer from someone else. every time someone asks a question here, are they entitled to get the exact answer they were expecting from EVERYONE in the thread? and if they won't get it, it justifies cursing and provoking for no reason?
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you dont need that attitude because he didnt do this topic with bad intentions, maybe he didnt think in that solution and nobdy can punish him for that. If we thought is a mistake we are here to correct that and no for other reason that figure out a solution even if he could get it for himself, we could just advice him or something better, because being shocking you only make others feel bad and making the situation worst than at the beginning.
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"shocking"? maybe if op didn't overreact and you didn't make things so dramatic, situtation wouldn't be worse than how it was at the beginning -if it is. i don't know if op had good or bad intentions. what i know is he is lazy and has a bad attitude. definitely worse than mine. please keep this pointless discussion on, will ya?
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Yes, I'm a lazy nerd! And You banana? Thanks for explanation adam!
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what does being lazy have anything to do with being nerd? fyi i'm not actually a banana, i'm a person sick of this spam. seriously, use the bloody search bar. it's there for a reason. and next time you want to reply to someone, click at Reply first.
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It IS spam though, there are a huge number of these topics every time there's a price issue because people are too lazy to scroll down the page
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if you ask the same thing which was asked billion times, it is spam.
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Everytime i see someone calling an other person banana it makes me smile. Because in the french versions of "Back to the future" that's how Bif Tannen curse at the people he's poking the top of the head :D
" Allô! Y'a quelqu'un la-dedans?! BANANE! "
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I wonder if that hurts to answer the people wisely? Please, understand that someone may be little less smart than you, banana. And if you want to hate then FU.
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Hey banana! If you are sick of this spam, just don't read it. But let to speak other people.
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Relax, nobody wants to kil anybody. I just wanted to people be little more helpfull and have little more good manners.
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Imagine getting death threats because you accidentally mark a game as being Early Access when it's supposed to be finished...
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There is nothing wrong with asking questions.
People do get tired of seeing people ask the same thing.
When the answer is just a scroll down the page or a topic search away.
So, sorry.
But people will do people things.
Deponia is CV bugged, has been since this Bundle went on sale.
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seems like he doesn't like to be called lazy. also i like how i just called him lazy, he says FU to me, another dude calls me asshole and i'm the one with no manners. logic, yo.
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sounds like you're bored (warning: might be NSFW-ish for some folks.). cheer up.
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This happens all the time. SteamGifts is rather buggy and likes to think singular games are actually bundles and 4-packs, so it takes the highest priced item that contains the one thing being given away.
Wish it would get fixed.
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Why would you want it fixed o.o.
(Making 20 giveaways for the games that are glitched to hit super high CV ;p) (Just Joking btw)
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Cause then fewer people can enter, or want to enter, because of the point cost barrier.
That also affects the gifter since with less traffic they can't advertise whatever else in the description.
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It happens when the bundle is cheaper than the single game. Steam will lead you to the bundle rather than the game. Then, SG take the price as the points cost. I just lost 100P because I forgot to check it. lol
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