Hey guys, this is different to the usual forum thread but I just wanted to see what people thought, or if they felt my frustration.

I play drums, in real life, and I like to think that I have a pretty good sense of rhythm. I'm actually pretty damn good at Guitar Hero too. I can complete most songs on Expert using the guitar :) The problem comes with the drumset. Of course it's possible that the drum set is faulty, even though I'm pretty sure it isn't. Basically, whenever I played guitar hero on the drumkit, it's very unpleasant, as I get into the groove, play to the beat, and then suddenly I start losing notes. Yeah, the game isn't in sync with the rhythm, so I presume that going to the main menu and calibrating would fix it. That sh*t is complicated xD Anyway, I've spent so much time on it, and the calibration never seems to be perfect. Am I doing something obviously wrong? Any recommendations? Does the calibration have to be on a specific xbox profile or something?

Let me know if this happens to you in GH, and if you know how to possibly fix it, please let me know :D


12 years ago*

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Wireless drums? The signals can be interrupted

12 years ago

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Yeah, that's definitely a possibility, though there are no obstructions or anything :/

12 years ago

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I've heard some LCD/plasma TVs can make calibration difficult.

12 years ago

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I've heard this as well. Haven't played on a CRT in a long time though so can't really say from experience.

12 years ago

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Try to set the tv into gaming mode or something

12 years ago

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Yeah I've read that somewhere. I can't seem to find that for my tv, so I may have to configure the settings manually :/

12 years ago

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Just wait for the el. drum compatibility (fingers crossed) for Rocksmith :3

12 years ago

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Drums in rocksmith? Haha, if I could connect my acoustic drums to it xD That would be cool

12 years ago

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What drumkit are you using? I have the one from GH:WoR and that happens to me too.
You are 100% sure you played correctly and still you miss.
Not sure if it's a calibration issue, on the guitar I can play fine without problems. And that happens while using the same kit on RockBand too...

12 years ago

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WoR drums too :) I'm certain that it's a calibration issue

12 years ago

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Calibration is the only way.
In Rock Band it's simple, not sure about Guitar Hero since RB>GH. :p

12 years ago

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I haven't played a RB game so I can't say :P They seem like the exact same thing to me xD The only difference is I haven't liked the selection of songs I've seen in some rock band games, too poppy :D

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by MrWoodenSheep.