thanks. BTW(I did not enter)
I am at odds., I like messi but I also like the german team as a whole
I also admire germany for the beat down they gave brazil
To bad the USA didn't make it past 16 (They should have,, the game came down to one lucky break)
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I´m not gonna fight with your comment :P , but maybe europeans or another people of the world thinks different :P
First of all : thanks for the giveaway.
Second : Germany (or Alemania named here lol) played okay in some matches but in some others like with Ghana and Algeria, they are really close to lose the match than win it , so... Germany just playing okay sometimes and bad other times, it´s not like the people say, Brasil is really easy to play right now , Netherlands won in the match of today , really easy... Do you think that Germany will win that easy with Argentina? No way, if they win maybe they win for really less difference...
And Third of that: The Manager of Argentina not only tells messi what to do, maybe from other side of the world the people hear rumors that are not true and say that :P, he is a good manager like others of this world cup , and it´s better than maradona and others of the last managers.
I just hope i´m not make a fight of that for not liking the team of Germany (the one that most of the people adore...)
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"It's a pretty easy puzzle, even if you're not a football fan."
Uh, not so easy actually. Anyway, thank you :)
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He lost his balance, making his body unstable and falling on top of his opponent
He lost his balance, making his body unstable and falling on top of Chiellini
Suarez lost his balance, making his body unstable and falling on top of his opponent
He fell into his shoulder
He fell into Giorgio Chiellini's shoulder
He lost balance and hit his teeth against Chiellini
He fell into Chiellini's shoulder
Suarez fell into his shoulder
Suarez fell into Giorgio Chiellini's shoulder
Suarez fell into Chiellini's shoulder
His teeth fell onto his shoulder
Suarez's teeth fell onto his shoulder
These were all the potential answers.
The first one is a direct quote put into second person (which I said it would be in the OP), which can be found in many sources including:
And Here:
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And what a world cup it has been. It has been the best world cup in terms of entertainment, but also one of the worst with regards to what happened outside of the world cup with the people of Brazil.
But alas this thread is to mark the end of the 2014 World Cup and the great football that was on show, and what better way to do so than with a puzzle!
Some rules:
30.01 CV
If you get past the puzzle, you must comment on the giveaway page saying which team you supported, and how well they did. If you didn't support a team, then comment saying so. No comment, or saying something like 'Thanks' will just make me reroll
No sharing of answers or hints. It's a pretty easy puzzle, even if you're not a football fan.
I made this quiz at 3am my time and about to go to bed. Therefore if there any mistakes (which tend to be quite common with my puzzles), then I will deal them with in the morning.
Also, who do you guys think will win?! What has been your favourite moment from the competition
Even though I'm Englsih I'm supporting Germany, they've worked so hard to get to where they are now and they've played the best football. Argentina on the other hand have been very dry and I heard that their manager just asks Messi on what to do...
Favourite moment has to be Robin Van Persie header and Spain getting raped as a team
Good luck all!
P.S. Please bump once completed. The puzzle ends tonight at 10:50pm GMT
EDIT: OK it seems that everyone is struggling with 2 and 6 so here are my hints:
Q2: Here are the highlights Watch the video, what happened just before they show the boy crying?
Q6: The answer can be either in third or second person e.g. Suarez likes biting Chiellini's shoulder; or He likes biting Chiellini's shoulder. A simple google search will help you find your answer
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