No point to grab it without workshop mods. Nearly all of these games better with mods but epic really raging on new methods, looks like timed exclusives not working to pull in actual buyers only free game finder invading store when new free games around, so now they trying to make games free on release day, let's see how it will work, perhaps they will soon understand that they need to add essential features to their DRM to make it good.
EDIT: I am curious how much need to pay SEGA for breaking steam agreement as now they cant create a store page without agreeing that they release the same time than on other PC platforms, or does EPIC pays valve the fee directly?
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Fortnite money pays all the fees that could possibly exist. It's a good thing in the long run perhaps. They'll operating at a loss and one day Fortnite money will run out . No way in hell is anyone,even the biggest Epic shills out there buying more games on the store then claiming freebies.
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What Steam agreement did they break? There is a store page up on Steam for the game and it says coming 2021. Don't see anything being broken here.
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I suppose it's about ?
I don't see that stuff in though (didn't search exhaustively).
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If the entire modding community is playing the Epic version, maybe mods will originate elsewhere like nexusmods.
I'll agree it's not as convenient as the one click workshop, but at a cost of 0 for the base game I'm sure a lot of modders won't bother buying the Steam version.
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Free to claim? Perhaps you could buy it as EPIC store exclusivity
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there is nothing of concrete in OP post, it`s just fanboysm
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No workshop so no mods, no guides, no reviews, no achievements, no forums, no nothing. If you want to play, just pirate it, don't support this anticonsumer company. Most likely game will be trash anyway as 90% of their exclusives, so it's no wonder why it's free. F*CK EPIC!
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Being exclusive means devs don't care about the quality, because they don't care about customers and sales. do you remember Rune 2? just released as pre-alpha version and devs run away. Paranoia was worse, also Predator, Bee simulator and many other games. they just don't care because no one can review on store page and most likely no one is buying them as well
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The devs of Control cared, the devs of Untitled Goose Game cared, the devs of Observation or Ashen or Satisfactory etc all cared. Exclusive deals usually happen when a game is already almost complete, so the deal has basically no influence on the game design.
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You're ignoring the actual argument. Distribution is seperate from development, and business decisions like releasing on EGS happen at the end of the cycle anyway. So, what you're saying is developers can make a brilliant game for 5 years, but because they decide (or it was decided for them) to release on EGS they retro-actively didn't care about the quality of their game for the last 5 years? Sure. ;)
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The quality of the game itself does not depend on the launcher it needs to start. By your logic a game can be a masterpiece on Steam - and then suddenly the exact same game can turn into complete garbage if they decide to swittch to Epic later on. Obviously doesn't make sense. But you're not interested in making sense, are you. Why not criticise stuff that is actually worthy of it? Exclusivity or lack of features is worthy of debate. Your statement is not. It's just plain false.
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In my example the dev decides to switch to Epic exclusively. Sorry if that was not clear enough. Brilliant game on Steam, leaves Steam and goes to Epic, suddenly the game is total garbage. That's your logic. If you didn't mean it that way - well, then don't say it that way.
Mario and other console exclusives are a completely different matter. Consoles are actual exclusivity. You need to buy a piece of hardware for hundreds of euros in order to be able to play those games. Launchers on PC are what I call soft exclusivity. You can absolutely play those games with your hardware. All you need to do is use another free launcher. Soft exclusivity really doesn't prevent you from playing the game. It's not nearly as bad of an issue as hardware exclusivity. Those two are so different, they can't even be compared in my opinion.
And if you wanted to compare them, then it wouldn't look good for consoles. Because both Nintendo and Sony (and most likely Microsoft as well, just can't think of an example right now) have actually paid for third-party exclusives numerous times! If you are so extremely against exclusivity, then I hope you never bought any of their consoles to support that.
The only other downside of soft exclusivity is that your choices of where to buy a game are a bit more limited. Not every webstore has Epic keys (yet). But let's be real, that was never a problem for you. I am sure you own a lot of games that are only available on Steam. And some of them might even be distributed only via Steam store. That was never a problem. You only have a problem with launcher exclusivity if it's a specific one.
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This just in:essential PC gaming features B L O A T
back to sucking off tim sweeney vermin
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Can buy you the no mods part. Achievements are on their way for the launcher but, why do you consider esential reviews, forums and guides? You can literally google them and find all the info you need. Not gona lie, Steam Workshop is like one of the best features Steam has.
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why do you consider esential reviews, forums and guides?
Where are you going to post your useless meme-reviews and how are you going to review-bomb the game when the devs says on twitter that your favorite youtuber isn't awesome xD ?
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Butthurt much. It's a free game. Achievements are coming soon, mod support is coming soon and you can still use nexus if it has mods for the game, reviews can be found all over the internet and they do show open critic scores, and you'll probably be able to find a guide somewhere on the internet.
Also why pirate when the damn game is going to be free. This is just a stupid comment. Oh, I forgot Epic bad cause they hurt my feelings.
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Well, these features was on their roadmap for first 1-3 month when store launched 1,5 years ago, so "Soon" pretty subjective when we talking about Epic. Just like as Tim said, if you want reviews check other sites, if you want forum use reddit, if you want to configure your controller/VR use Steam, who cares about remote play or achievements? or any of these features other stores have? Epic is still "new" so they can't even add shopping cart yet, but indie stores have it on day one. Honestly this is just embarrassing,they force people to use barebone launcher just because they can use Tencent money and bribe publishers to release game only on their "store". 3rd party exclusives on PC? What's next, paid multiplayer maybe? why should I support Epic?
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Most likely game will be trash anyway as 90% of their exclusives
Why do the EGS-haters always have to do this. You can criticise them for several things (and even I think at least some of that is absolutely justified), but why do you have to go over the top here? This is obviously nonsense. Most of those games would have (and in some cases already have) very positive reviews on Steam. People like them. They are obviously high quality (which is the reason why they got offered a deal in the first place). I am sure you would like some of those games that you call trash now if they were on Steam. Criticise, sure, but be honest about it.
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Both things. Free to claim for 24 hours, exclusivity for one year. It's a legit bussiness model, but c'mon...
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Usually that's the kind of deal I miss... I'll bookmark this and hope I notice it. Or maybe someone will ping me, who knows? (yes, you, if you read this while the deal is active, you know what to do 👀👀)
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This would be good but wouldn't it bring epic servers down like that time when they announced GTA 5 for free ?
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No I don't think so, people who are interested in gta are way more than those who are interested in total war series
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It was like counter meassuring if some player doesn't like the game they refund it, so they give it free in 1 day
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I have so many free games from Epic but they didn't get $0.01 from me yet. So.... lets keep that ball rolling. I might actually play something from their launcher one day?
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Your link is german.
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Your link is English...
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The right way is to paste the url without the language part and you'll get it in your local language automatically:
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Next game which I will play on Epic :). Currently play "Into The Breach". This was surprising. Important not to forgot about this date:)).
Wait it is 13/08 not 13/06 :)? Entered wrong day in my phone calendar:). All the time I read it on many portals, I wrongly read 13/06/2020 ;)
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So i suppose you have enough time to find your other next game to play:)
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Ok but we all know deep down that Medieval II Total war is the best one...
with Divide and Conquer submod
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3,759 Comments - Last post 17 minutes ago by Chris76de
Ok, I know this is quite awhile from now but maybe it's something to look forward to for some of you :)
Total War Saga: TROY will be free to claim for 24h on 13/08/2020.
edit: you can get the Amazon DLC for free aswell. Thanks to Agilni for the Instructions & InquisitorDruss for the reminder!
"The Amazons DLC arrives in September and will be FREE with Total War Access. To claim this offer, you’ll need to link your Access and Epic Games Store accounts which you can do now if you like! To link your account, follow these steps:
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