So, basically I'm a noob at crafting, yes.
I was selling my cards in order to get some wallet funds for the upcoming sales and I realized that I have 100+ of them that won't sell for more than 0.03€ (2 cents for steam, 1 cent for me) and I would feel scammed selling those, so I want to craft some badges with them. Now, here comes the thing, I'm pretty sure I saw here on the discussions some talks about places to see which of those badges were cheaper to craft according to the cards you already owned, and some places/bost/whatever where you can trade 1:1 cards as long as they have the same value. I've ben searching in the discusions but I'm unable to find them, so can anybody please help me with a small introduction to the matter?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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As I know there is no place trade 1:1 same value, only 1:1 same set. its here:
Not sure about that price thing you mentioned, maybe here and there, never use them before.

8 years ago*

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Are you short on friend slots? If not, why bother crafting badges?

8 years ago

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Cause those cards give me 1 cent per unit, so I can for example sell 3 of them for 3 cents, or exchange those 3 for another 3 that serve me to complete a set, get a winter sale card and sell it for more than 6 cents.

8 years ago

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Pretty sure there is no card set with just 6 card that is available on the market for only 18 cents.
CSGO tends to be the cheapest set, and that also costs just under 30 cents. At least it used to, unless something changed.

8 years ago

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But if you have already half of the set, you can either "earn" 1 cent each for the 3/4 cards you have, or trade some other cards you have (that could give you also 1 cent each) for the 3/4 cards you need. So I think its more "profitable" to not earn those 3-4 cents and get a sale card instead.

8 years ago

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Unless one enjoys crafting, I think the extra cents are not worth the time and effort.

8 years ago

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Long time no see Yirg ( ゜ヮ゜)ノ maybe one want looks more trustable, into trading or simply looks more fancy.. I think there many reasons to level up.

8 years ago

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When it comes to trading, I trust reviews more than XP level, and I think many others do too. I don't trade very frequently, but still, I've never had a trade proposal turned down before because of my low XP (I never crafted a badge, so I assume it's relatively low).

8 years ago

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Yes you're right, but I think when some one new to trading, has low rep for example, then high level will become an advantage. This happens when you are new and make a trade topic contain some big trades, with low rep, people will start looking at the profile, level, game library before decide should they make it or not. At least thats what I do.
But hey, seem like we go too far from the topic :D Not sure I have any chance talk with you like this later, so happy holiday to you, wishing you all the best with your family.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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yeah basically that's what I meant. But I thought there were bots or people who would exchange pretty automatically those cards for some of other chear/crap sets, which is apparently wrong.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Since last year's summer sale, event cards now start at around 10 cents and rarely sell for more than that, ever. Probably due to an increase of supply in cards and more people knowing to wait until the events to start. For reasonable calculations, assume 10 cents of return value per badge. 20 is no longer realistic at all. You might be able to get 12-15 cents if you are incredibly lucky.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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When I'm left with cards that I can't Instant Sell (using Steam Inventory Helper) for 6 cent or more, I just bulk sell them all for 5 cent each, regardless of their going rate. My only interest is to unclutter my inventory, so if they never sell, so be it. it's not like it matters in any way, so I'd rather not waste real time on this. If If there's a way to get some value with similar (preferably lower) level of effort I'd be interested, but otherwise it's not worth my time.

I also don't care about backgrounds. in fact, if there was a way to further unclutter my profile (e.g. remove XP, or badges I never asked for), I'd be happy to do it.

8 years ago

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Yep, agreed. When people are talking about profits in "pennies", there are better ways to make that time profitable IMHO.

I bulk sell them on the market low enough that I never have to mess with them.
Time is money.

8 years ago

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Use the more loosely-configured 1:1 exchange bots/accounts to mix and match the cards to get badges without spending anything.
Archi has started to auto-generate a list of such accounts:
Or you can rummage through my alt account: It accepts any 1:1 trade from anyone, including offers from different sets. (Just read the description. Some people don't, and it is sad.)

8 years ago

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I sent an offer 1:1 from different sets. I read the description cause I don't want anyone to be sad and I think the cards are the same value, but take a look whenever you have time and tell me anything you want about it. I have like 100 spare cards and I don't care a lot which ones to trade.

8 years ago

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i'll trade with you if you send me a friend request

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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So, basically I'm a noob at crafting, yes.

noob, definition: pejorative; someone who is unwilling or unable to learn. Synonym: Idiot
newb, definition: Short form of newbie; A novice or beginner.


8 years ago

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I wondered when we stopped saying "newbie" and started saying n00b, early 2000's, newbie wasn't even an insult.

8 years ago

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I first saw it used in that manner back in the mid-90s, actually. I didn't really see it become a mainstream insult in the manner that it is now, until modern online gaming took off, however. Keep in mind that the first Halo game had already released back in 2001 [with Counter-Strike preceding it by a year (technically two, if you go by its mod release), and Everquest (an originator/propagator of many modern internet slang terms) being released back in '99], and the insult was already being regularly used in online PC games before those games and others gave such behaviors and terms fandom notoriety. Then online multiplayer gaming became more streamlined on consoles, and the scale of multiplayer games on PC started to expanded, and gaming became more widely embraced by the general population..

So, to answer your question: Gamers had certainly already started using it regularly by the turn of the century (as Counter-Strike and Halo communities were well known for its use), but I'd assume it didn't become entirely mainstream until sometime in the mid 2000s. :X

Further Reading >>

8 years ago

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Shit its been that long? I don't remember saying it in the 90's at all....I was too busy having fun with life, everything seemed better in the 90's....I miss the 90's!

Thanks for the further reading though.

Here's Saved by the Bell

8 years ago

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ok I just learnt the meaning for that word :/

8 years ago

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