well I don't want to be rude or anything... buuuut.... you guys DID start a massive genocide... <.< I'm just sayin', better safe than sorry u.u (joke btw << , I am not accusing anyone of being nazi, just a little, joke, k? move along please >>)
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And somebody is a afraid they'll revert back to Nazi Germany if they see some blood or gore. Strange laws.
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every nation or area in the world has a geneocide. you have them in SA NA europe Asia etc. just they are not well known as the nazis. The US supplied arms in Guatemala allowing genocide to occur. you have the Khmer rouge etc etc the list goes on
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never take a joke to far hitler learn that the hard way
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Germany laws. Australia has this kind of restriction too. Those cut versions of yours too. Japan has something too, i reckon...or is trying to have.
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You kinda forgot France helped a lot at the time, and also that any country in the world at any time of existence is possibly also an offender. You also forgot that this was a really stupid answer.
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Because your government sucks and thinks that everything must be censored.
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World war would be a reason, but the other heavy reason is all those fucking purists who think that massacres are videogame's fault (columbine, Anders Breivik, etc). We all know that games aren't guilty of making people go insane, but they insist on that, fuck logic.
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What's even more ridiculous is that people actually buy all those dlc. Only one worth it is the season pass which I luckily won here.
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Well I'm sure there are bureaucratic, governmental reasons for that.
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The Dead Rising 1 caused quite some trouble here.
It wasn't officially released in Germany to begin with. This means it was neither allowed to advertise it nor were you permitted to make it available for children. Later it actually got banned, because it "glorified violence", and all the copies in the stores were confiscated. So selling the game is illegal, owning and playing it, is not.
I think it is 100% understandable why Capcom wouldn't wanna sell their game in Germany and most likely go through this trouble again. Totally disabling the game in Germany, as far as banning the ips, however, is unnecessary and I don't know why they did it. After all a lot of Germans would've imported the game.
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Its because of the ratings, they don't want to cut it etc.
Americans actually censor just as much, but they uncut more.. Germany don't cut they just ban, its like that in australia aswell well far worse :D
But as I said, you can get another european to buy dead rising for you and it will work for you if traded ^^
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Du kannst indizierte Spiel kaufen und auch spielen. Und zwar legal.
Das verbietet dir keiner, außer du bist Minderjährig.
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"The world really is a shit place to be"
Achievement Unlocked: First World Entitled Teenager
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Germany also banned Origin, now that was epic !
Enforcing them to remove the spyware.
Also your EULAs are the bestest in the world.
I'd not complain that much just for a game :P
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I was wondering why they had that on the Dead Rising thing
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Germany is very heavily censored. a friend of mine has the game, but requires a VPN every time he wants to play. By german law (i believe) it's illegal for capcom to sell that game to you. So they make it as hard as they can to not let you have it. though there are easy means. the previously mentioned VPN is one method
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»By german law (i believe) it's illegal for capcom to sell that game to you.«
That’s exactly what Capcom thinks.
But that is wrong. That game is on "Index List B". Meaning, it is forbidden to sell that game to underaged persons.
And advertisements for that game - in any form - are also forbidden.
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Blame it on Schröder instead :D
The reason some of the games are not availible in Germany. Is because of the ratings, they don't cut the games etc digital, take dead rising as an example :) its to bloody for the young audience.
As far as I know you can still buy them in stores uncut however.
But you could just get another person to buy the game for you (it works perfectly fine)
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Germany and Australia: Enemies of your gaming addiction.
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Check out Dawn of Discovery. They use that game to taunt the entire world.
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"As you are probably aware the first Dead Rising was banned in Germany and as we are still awaiting a verdict from the USK for Dead Rising 2 it would be remiss of us to promote the sequel to consumers in Germany"
Here you can see that USK actually banned it:
* ACB: MA15+
* BBFC: 18
* PEGI: 18
* USK: Banned
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I think it is a measure by Capcom to "penalize" Germany because the countries marks such games as violence propaganda. Or it might be because zombies don't like Germany.
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