I just installed this today on chrome...it's awesome, thanks!
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Drag and drop into the extensions folder etc...the info is here somewhere, thats where I got it from. Sorry I can't remember if there was anything extra I had to do, short term memory loss strikes again =/
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Would it be possible to add a custom wishlist for this plug-in? Just a button next to "ignore" that would make that game appear green without having to be on my actual Steam wishlist. I've tried sorting my Steam wishlist to keep things I want most at the top, but some games have tons of DLC and eat up big chunks of the top 25. (Looking at you, Dungeon Defenders and Magicka...)
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I'd like to point out that the method for Chrome is outdated. These instructions are much easier:
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im still having problems :/ 'Only extensions from the Chrome Store can be installed'
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I didn't have problems with that, and neither did the people I helped install it on another forum. I didn't have to add the parameters when I launched Chrome. Are you starting with Administrator privileges? I'm Admin, so maybe that's why.
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To many posts to check, but if you enter the addons manager on Chrome
and then drag and drop the script into it you can install it
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Great extension, but can't find out how to filter out games from the sync library???
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Can't seem to get this working in Firefox. I downloaded the .js file but when I go to open it, I get a Microsoft JScript runtime error that the 'window' is undefined. Win7x64 for reference.
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GreaseMonkey is installed, then I click to download the script, save it to my desktop, and try to open it when I encounter the error.
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can someone help me? i cant make it work on Chrome D:
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found it, drag the file that you downloaded into the extensions part of chrome and it gets installed
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I would love this option, would also love for the addon to properly save settings so they don't get wiped when i clear browser cache. Hate having to re-ignore everything every time i run ccleaner.
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it is a problem that started when the new big pages appeared.
are you using chrome?
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I'm not and it's happening to me too.
Edit: It seems to be only happening with the very last giveaways in the entire list of giveaways. Also, it seems to only happen with endless scroll on.
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How come yours are so much closer together? I want mine to look like that. :(
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Holy crap, never realized what that little scroll bar was for. Thanks for the info.
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Getting the same problem and the funny thing is, is that it is always happening with that hitman giveaway with by that one guy. It is like steamgifts is trying to tell us to join that guy's giveaway.
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It is stickied.....
Learn to look in the only stickied thread in the forums.
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I know, what I meant was this one should be stickied separately, to highlight it. Clearly nobody reads the rules in the first place, and half the complaints/suggestions in the forums are things this add-on fixes. If it were separately stickied, perhaps more people would use it and fewer people would go crazy from The Shipstorm of DOTA2 giveaways.
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90% of people never read posts in general and certainly do not read stickied topics.
What should happen is, if you click on the new topic button, a popup appears asking if you've a) searched (either the forums or Google) b) read the stickies or c) read the rules. Force the user to tick boxes next to each point and only then will they be able to close the popup and post a new topic.
It's long winded, but deliberately so. You could make this a one off action, meaning they'll only have to do this the very first time. However, I doubt they'll ever implement such a system.
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I can't filter out the games I own. If I check both Filter and Wishlist, no games appears. At first I thought it was because there is no giveaway for the games I own, but I have checked now, and I do.
If I only ckeck the Filtered box, nothing changes at all.
It's truly a great add-on in everything that works, but the actual reason I downloaded it was to get rid of all the the Ship and Dota 2 giveaways.
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On the front page, click on [Giveaway Filter Settings] and a popup will appear. Tick the Ignore games in my sync library checkbox at the bottom.
Otherwise, you can either manually enter certain game names in the filter box or on the main page with all the games, click the Ignore link underneath each game (to the right of the number of comments) and that will automatically add games to the filter list.
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Oh derp, forgot I did that myself. That's most likely the issue here then.
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Yeah, that option is well hidden away, bizarrely.
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Yeah, that's the button. I think I believed it was some kind of search sestting, as it was so close, and in the same font and color as the search button. Thanks, it works better now, exept that SG don't know what games I've got (I usually force updates and have done so now as well, but the list is incomplete). Luckilly, I can personally filter by the list.
Also, the forums is broken for me with the add-on, as even with endless scrolling turned off, the forums tries to load them all, but just loads the same comments all the time. I'll try tweaking a bit, it doesn't seem to be a that common error, so I'm probably doing something wrong.
EDIT: I just turned the add-on off and on again, and it now works.
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This is what my settings look like, and it filters out all The Ship and Dota 2 giveaways for me. If it still doesn't work for you, there's always the ignore button that you can click on the giveaways. Also, if you had just recently added The Ship and Dota 2 to your library you'll have to force sync before they'll be filtered out on the front page.
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The fastest way I know of to install this on Chrome in windows is to first close Chrome entirely, and then paste the following into your Run box in the start menu (Search box on Windows 7):
chrome --enable-easy-off-store-extension-install http://steamgifts-giveaway-filter.googlecode.com/files/sg_enhancement_init.user.js
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You might wanna consider writing that IE part in code (with tildes around the bookmark), since the underscores disappear and italicize text instead and ends up confusing most/all IE users.
Edit: Sxcnn and I have found that there are ridiculously stupid formatting issues involving the coded text (but I managed to work my way around them), so instead of bothering with showing you use this instead. But if you insist on adding it into the thread as coded text use this, just copy and paste it exactly.
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First of all, thanks for great extension.
It works great since my first day on SG, but lately I've discovered that wishlist highlighting disappeared on my Firefox (both the effect and the option) and using "Wishlist" checkbox filter doesn't work (without "Filtered" there are no items and with "Filtered" everything is shown). Is there any way to fix this?
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Wishlist = highlighting
This means that every game in your wishlist will be greenlighted, if you have put a check in wishlist
When checked:
All = shows all giveaways, no filter no nothing
Filtered = Shows all giveaways, that are left after removing games you own and game you've ignored
Wishlist = Shows+greenlights wishlish giveways, they wont be shown if this is unchecked :)
Make sure you have synced your account, might want to clear you cookies once.
Finally, if you want to manually greenlight games, add them in the filter box. Format: 0. Gamename
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Hello all, the addon has been moved to github! Fork away! :)
Also, RE-DOWNOAD it so you get the latest updates, as the current version will no longer be updated. Thanks
Make sure you allow/trust raw.github.com if you are running any blocking scripts
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i did that not working.
dunno if helps
[NoScript] Blocking nosniff Javascript served from https://raw.github.com/rossengeorgiev/sg-enhancement-addon/master/sg_enhancement_addon_base.js with wrong type info text/plain, inline and included by http://www.steamgifts.com/forum/ba6uc/sg-enhancement-addon-github/page/12
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raw.github.com is whitelisted. It doesn't work - the website runs as if the script was disabled. I'm on Firefox. I don't have time to debug at the moment, but I plan to do so soon to figure out where this issue is coming from. I'll update you after I do so.
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Update: The script code is being appended as it should be, but the file https://raw.github.com/rossengeorgiev/sg-enhancement-addon/master/sg_enhancement_addon_base.js isn't loading correctly. It loads as such (quote):
Reload the page to get source for: https://raw.github.com/rossengeorgiev/sg-enhancement-addon/master/sg_enhancement_addon_base.js
Reloading doesn't make it load. I'm looking further into this.
Edit: FYI, the ugly BBCode-esque script this forum uses is screwing up a couple of the underscores.
Edit2: The actual quote I gave you is from Firebug. Still, there appears to be an issue loading the script.
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Do note that github and github staff have said on more than one occasions that raw.github.com assets should not be hotlinked. Ex. https://twitter.com/joshpeek/status/120901974530072577
After some brief research into this, it looks like others have had issues hotlinking raw.github.com assets as well, which may mean there is some sort of hotlinking protection (that may not work for everybody, thus why some are unable to reproduce this problem).
Please update your script to link to somewhere other than raw.github.com, as to further comply with github and more than likely fix this issue. Thanks!
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From the Github forums:
I asked girhub support if this behaviour is a bug or feature.
Here's what I've got:
"That's a feature, sorta. Please do not abuse the raw URLs like that, they are a very expensive operation for our servers. You should host files like that on pages.github.com instead."
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it works (kind of) if you use this url in the script:
I think it is the previous version
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Features @ over 50,000 downloads so far! Now on github!
Install for Firefox
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Install for Chrome
Press WinKey+R
chrome --enable-easy-off-store-extension-install https://github.com/downloads/rossengeorgiev/sg-enhancement-addon/sg_enhancement_init.user.js
Press enter, confirm installation at the bottom
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Install for IE
Create a bookmark with:
_javascript:(function(){var script = document.createElement("script"); script.type = "text/javascript";script.src = "https://github.com/downloads/rossengeorgiev/sg-enhancement-addon/sg_enhancement_init.user.js"; document.body.appendChild(script);})()_
Open steamgifts, click bookmark, win.
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