Raptr is giving away coupons for SS3 on Steam, valid 19th June 2012 through 1st August 2012. Assuming it's valid during Summer Sale, it'll make the deal unavoidable.

1 decade ago*

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Thanks for info!

Coupons didn't work with sale discounts during the Winter Sale 2011. Only gold coupons counted so I guess 75% is the best we can get! :)

1 decade ago

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Coupons didnt work because they wouldnt activate until after the sale ends. you can use coupons on sales.

1 decade ago

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so u can use ur 75% coupon + the % discount steam allready will make to BFE¿

1 decade ago

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I hope so, got 75% off and want to use it in the sale :P

1 decade ago

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75% off + 66/75% off already = $2.50 or $3.40

For a AAA almost new game :O

Steam is awesome.

1 decade ago

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Thanks for the heads up.

1 decade ago

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Thanks! I picked one up.

EDIT: Also, it appears that this code puts a tradable coupon into your inventory!!

1 decade ago

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What? Seriously

1 decade ago

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Thanks, this seems like a nice application to me, I dont hate it like I thought I would.

So this brings it down to 10 regularly...would this coupon during lets say a 75% off sale bring it to 2.50? I am terrible at math, I might be way off...

1 decade ago

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2.50 is spot on. If it's gonna have a 75% discount during the sale, it'll be a 93.75% discount when combined with the coupon.

Hell, I'd practically lose money by not taking that deal.

1 decade ago

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Nice, totally gonna get it then.

1 decade ago

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Or better, get a 150% promo with math application seen during winter sale.

1 decade ago

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hmmm is this safe? u gotta put ur steamm acc passwd to run it :/

1 decade ago

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Inputting your Steam password anywhere isn't safe and these Raptr guys are retarded for asking for it.

I doubt they're gonna use it maliciously though. It's not required, either. I did give them my ID, but not my full log-in, and they just synced my info after I made my account public for a bit.

1 decade ago

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yep i just saw that once in my profile, but when u install it, they ask u the steam id and passwd XD

well nvm , ty for answer

1 decade ago

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You don't need to put your steam pass to get the coupon

1 decade ago

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I put my password in i feel violated D:

1 decade ago

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putting your password in lets you use steamchat

1 decade ago

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all my games are 0 secs played so i got no reward :/

1 decade ago

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Enter your steam ID and click check again; worked for me :)

Edit: Just the ID, doesn't need password. Set your profile to public as someone said before...

1 decade ago

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Thanks for the info, got the coupon, finally get something good from Raptr haha

1 decade ago

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Damned regional restrictions!

1 decade ago

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Thanks for the heads-up!

1 decade ago

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Thanks for this my only question is should i wait with this coupon until the summer sale and get it for even cheaper or does it not work like that?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Pity they don't have Faerie Solitaire on the qualification list. :) I do like Serious Sam and have the first two HD but I don't think I'll qualify.

1 decade ago

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It seems that you don't need to be a progamer and play hours in Serious Sam or Team Fortress to qualify. I love Serious Sam, however I've played it so many times before I got it on steam, that when I finally DID get a copy of SS on steam, I could play for an hour, not more. And it was enough for me now to get this 75% discount coupon.

1 decade ago

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awesome. just grabbed a coupon for meself, pretty much it's going to be applicable during the sales

1 decade ago

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Grabbed one, thank you very much for the heads up. :)

1 decade ago

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Damn regional restrictions

1 decade ago

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Thanks for sharing this info, hope it'll work on the 4-pack :D

1 decade ago

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Damn regional restrictions

1 decade ago

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Odd that Double D is not acceptable.

1 decade ago

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lol. we have 6:24 am in czech republic, someone would guess that everyone is sleeping here, but no codes left:D

1 decade ago

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All gone

1 decade ago

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country restrictions, why :(

1 decade ago

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You live in WRONG country, that's why. Show us how much you want that game.

1 decade ago

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I deserve the code because I meet their requirements, nuff said.
And you don't even know which country is right & wrong, so don't judge fool.

1 decade ago

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Learn what a joke is.

1 decade ago

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Already got Deluxe Edition for $10 a few weeks ago from Get Games ^_^

1 decade ago

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i will give tf2 items for a coupon its region restricted :L

1 decade ago

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What will you offer?

1 decade ago

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Honestly, your TF2 items aren't worth shit.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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0 remaining..

1 decade ago

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I'm still annoyed I couldn't get one. Stupid region restrictions! I've had this game on my wishlist for many moons. Hopefully it'll make the Steam sale...

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Azgrel.