Well that explains all those 75-80% sales it has been having the past couple of months :P.
I do hope they fix the game because I truly love the concept. Best of luck to them :D.
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You're defusing the mob mentality, dickhead. Less grace. More pitchfork. RAWR!!!
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Never really got into it. Maybe because of the price. I'd gladly pay for a nice gameplay experience, but that amount of money for a basic 4vs1 game, no storyline, sounded a bit lame to me. Maybe I'll give it a try when it gets re-released as F2P.
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This happens with mobile games all too often. Probably worse there, since F2P games are also often riddled with ads. Since this reflects a fundamental change in the game, I hope those who purchased Evolve (and are unhappy with this change) can get a refund.
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I read that. But I'm sure a number of people who bought the game didn't want a F2P experience, where (presumably) people can pay to win. Isn't that a big reason why people have fallen out of love with Payday 2?
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That would be great for previous owners, but I seriously doubt it'll happen. The game flopped heavy. I don't see where the refund money would come from.
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Get a crate, but cannot use it unless you buy a key for 2.50 USD. A real tease.
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Actually I never played TF2. But I can see a huge difference in terms of experience between those 2 titles.
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TF2 is a different type of game and an entirely different case too. TF2 became free for one reason only, after 4 years the sales were going down and people were already spending a lot on micro-transactions for the hats. So Valve decided, lets go F2P, increase the fanbase and milk them for all it is worth XD End story.
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I was massively disappointed by the release of the game. Had a ton more fun in the closed beta than I did the full version... and a lot of that comes down to the terrible unlock system and DLC. People didn't have time to unlock stuff in the betas and the game was better for it.
Had the game been like Overwatch, with everything but cosmetic unlocks available from the start, then it would have been a fantastic title. I really like the core game that's buried underneath the poor marketing/business decisions they made... but sadly I can't see how going F2P would make any of that better. Then again I guess it doesn't hurt for them to try though since the game is all but dead now.
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" I can't see how going F2P would make any of that better."
Developers crying over a dead game and comes with the great idea : "No one's buying the game, so let's give it for free and hope someone buys those DLC."
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Yeah, I get it from the devs perspective it all makes sense. Just saying that if they wanted to "fix" the game, at least in my opinion, they would have to completely go back to the drawing board and be much more generous with their unlocks and stuff.
With it going F2P, they'll probably end up doing the opposite sadly.
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which is actually funny given the name of the game.
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Didn't follow Evolve enough to know / remember / care what the deal was other than a rapidly dwindling player base early on, so reading the Post-release section of the Wikipedia page on Evolve helped clue me in and make more sense of the linked article.
It's funny reading through that page how many of the "professionals" (marketing, development, publishing, and review "journalists") appear to have mostly loved the game, but when it came to paying customers it seemed like it was an entirely different mindset. Moreso than usual, anyway.
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It makes sense. Professionals see huge numbers of games as part of their job, so they get deathly bored with "generic" stuff. Anything that seems new and different is naturally going to attract their attention. Whereas it's much easier for fans to be attracted to a game that looks very similar to a previous game they liked.
I don't think it's a bad thing for journalists to focus heavily on new and different things they like, either. Ratatouille put it best; digging up new and different things is part of what we have critics for in the first place.
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Well, this was expected and everyone saw it coming after that ridiculous pricing at launch and all the DLC crap. Though I suppose the guy who was trying to giveaway a copy of the game (not sure if it is still up, saw it a few days back) will not be too pleased to see this.
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try to imagine all those people who bought it at 80% hoping to get a good trade.
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Yup and imagine all those people who bought the game at 60 quids on launch. This announcement is like flipping the bird after you stomp on the poor bugger's balls XD
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That's what I don't get. I waited one year to buy GTA V, and even if it's not the greatest game in the world, at least it have a great story and possibilities. I can see people buying it at launch. But a 4vs1? I'd pay 5 bucks tops, no matter how well crafted the game is.
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Aye. I always found it silly to pay 60 quid for a multiplayer only game. At least in the case of Overwatch, all the content other than the cosmetics are bundled with the game for that price ( Even then, I'm waiting for the price to drop before I get it XD )
But in the case of Evolve, they tried to sell the game at full price and then tried selling content like Maps and Monsters etc ( I'm not sure here because I haven't followed the game after the first month after its release and I can't recall if my info is correct) I think most of the shitstorm was about them trying to sell small bits of the game in different DLC bundle packs after asking customers to pay $60 for the basic game.
Honestly their entire payment model was screwed at launch and I don't think that going F2P is going to salvage it in any way.
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They should have looked at TES Online instead. Even if it's not a proper TES experience, the game is still alive and well. I'm really looking forward to check the community discussions when (and if) it gets re-released. Shitstorm is coming.
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I imagine they'll give something a little extra or cut something out the free2play version to try & keep their paying customers happy
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If someone bought Evolve recently to trade it, then they deserve the loss of money. It is a rather openly known fact that the game was practically deemed dead.
Or, if you mean a good deal, then they'll get one of the P2W packages instantly, at least according to that article.
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I love you for that gif. I haven't seen it in a really long time. XD
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Good for them. I wasn't following this game to buy but I heard that game and DLCs are very expensive (at least for Turkish market). Dunno if I should blame local game stores (because they communicate with game publishers to change the price of games) but they deserved. Every dick company deserves this.
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It was expensive everywhere. I remember discussing in BR's Kotaku when people were all over the game during the free beta and then it got released at a extremely nonsense price tag.
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They can just focus on the SP/co-op part and admit it that it is Borderlands with a different skin. They just thought they can go against Overwatch with a Dota clone, and never expected to fall face flat for both intended audience (it's not an arena shooter to compete with OW and the MOBA players are simply not used to control the battlefield from first-person perspective).
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more like they're desperate to get some cash back before going bankrupt or something.
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I'd reckon they will break those DLC bundles into smaller bits and try selling them as micro transactions to the base free game. I think they will be wary of marking up the prices but you never know :P
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I bought Victory: The Age of Racing while in Early Access. Paid full price. Now it's F2P, but at least the devs gave me Racecraft for free.
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Tried evolve at a local lan a few weeks ago, the game was sort of nice. Free to play might help it abit. (they probably will flood it with micro transactions though)
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haha, remember the launch..overpriced and day-one dlc. will give it a try if its F2P.
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It took them some time to decide this.
IIRC Evolve at the start was planned as F2P game but then suits decided to charge full price for it. I probably gonna give it a whirl to see the F2P model they picked though I doubt it will change much.
At least Titanfall (the other meh full price for MP-only game) made only the DLCs free which was more than enough to make me buy it.
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IMHO, if they released the game as F2P from day one, it would have crashed and burned in day 2. If they were less greedy and released the game at least some 30% cheaper it would be still alive and (kinda) well. The money would still be incoming. But even so, what killed it was the stupid strategy to release a capped game and charge for DLCs that should be part of the original game.
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Yea agreed. When evolve was announced, many people thought it was going to be the next l4d2. (and thought it would be around the same price point of $15/$20). But when the game was release at $60, excluding dlcs, tons of people were disappointed.
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Oh wow a founders pack? I guess thanks for playing me like an idiot. And no, free to play shit won't raise a player base for a long time. this game is dead, give it a year and they will close the servers. Fuck turtle rock, never gonna buy a game from them again.
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Yesterday it had 81 people playing (with a peak of like 100) not has over 400 people playing.
A little better in players, people might be downloading still.
It's a BIG download/update.
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The update only happened like an hour or 2 ago?
Some people don't have super fast internet.
Also isn't it bigger? I thought the base game was like 30 or 50gig.
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Just shot up to 3519 people. :o
Haven't seen that many since the first month.
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Left 4 Dead with aliens, and the only horde in there was the DLC.
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