If let's say gift copy gave full contribution, people would choose that even if they had the game as a key. You can't rely on people being honest enough to not do that.
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It would also be a nightmare for support trying to police the system. People just need to accept that this happens, and suck it in.
Just because a game won't net you any CV is a pretty lame reason not to give it away. FFS. Remind me of the site's name...
Is it Steamgiftsor Steamobsessingandwhiningovercontributorvalue?
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Strange. A lot of people seem to be using this add-on, despite it coming with a mandatory -NOJOY command line switch...
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If you can figure out a program that would do it, then go right ahead, but as far as I know, there's no easy way to automate checking. And you can't have it rely on the honor of the giver and recipient for a number of reasons. there would need to be a third party checking.
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Very much so. There are a rump of Steamgifters have shown themselves to be about as honourable as a pack of jackals at a meat raffle, and any system has to be completely watertight. One in which a gifter can keep a tradeable copy in his/her inventory while passing off a succession of bundle keys as giftable copies would not pass muster.
The best solution is to simply give stuff because you want to give it, or aren't going to use it yourself. Wasn't that the original aim of the site, rather than becoming a tooth-and-nail battle to accumulate as much personal reward as possible, using giveaways as a primary means to scale up a greasy CV pole?
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well you have to activate it in your library so it makes no difference
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for the winner i don't think they care if its a code or gift as long as they get it.
and why did you reply to my 3 month old post xDD
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For the contributor it mean, at least they do paid more and hope to get more contributor value.
Gameminer had a system with handle Gifts as SteamGifts is the best among all, surely it can come out something.
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Bundled games can only contribute a maximum of 20% to your CV. Give away $80 of unbundled games, and $20 worth of bundled games count as $20. Give away $40 of unbundled, and $20 "worth" of bundled games count as only $10. (first $30 is exempt, which is why you see a lot of giveaways with a contributor requirement of $30.01).
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The problem is a lot of people judge you based on your CV ._.
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Yeah but really unless you go out of your way to buy a lot of non-bundle games most people are probably never going to get their non-bundle value anywhere near high enough to get the full value. If you give away a bundle game you just have to accept you will probably never really gain CV from it.
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Another issue is that when people attempt to register, bundle games aren't taken into consideration toward their account value. If someone created a bunch of alts with cheap, older bundles, and they were removed from the bundle list, they would then be able to register those accounts.
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hmm if I remember right my non bundle value was ~$35 when i registered(I believe my non bundles were portal, terraria, and one other game) .. I had the humble indie bundle 4 filling up my value then which barely pushed me high enough to join
was that change for registering fairly recent?
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Is there any way for registered users to see what the non-bundle value of their account is? I'm just curious. I've looked at some other Steam profile calculators and I'd like to know the difference. I know my little brother's account is stuck at about $29.
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I recently bought a gift copy of Magicka in preparation to give it to my giveaway group. However, when I was about to create the giveaway, it said it was listed as a bundle game.
I researched it, and found out it was from a bundle in January.
At what point are games no longer considered bundle games? At this point I would assume it's just people who purchased a gift copy for the purpose of giveaways, and CV should be proper for that.
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