Yea.. had a feeling that game would eventually go f2p at some point.
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What's gonna happen to the active Forge giveaways?
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Well, Forge keys and gifts can be still redeemed probably.
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Treat it as the starter pack, think its the same price as the game was?
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And wait, those who bought the game get nothing? -__-
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I got some friends that bought it last week, you are not alone.
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I bought TF2 not too long before they decided to go F2P. I did get something out of it, a bigger inventory and one or two other things (like the ugly and hardly ever worn by the community proof of purchase hat). But yeah..not really anything big. I still enjoy the heck out of it though ;)
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Hell, I even still have 1 gift from the 4pack I bought.
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They can take that starter pack and shove it up their @$$.
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What are you talking about... we get this fantastic looking skin!
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I wonder what happens to people who bought the game. They get all the stuff that was accessible before with the full game, or now they also have to "buy the game" bit by bit again?
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i think i read somewhere that ppl who bought the game get the Forge - Starter Pack for free
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Yeah, I had Forge before and now it says I own the Starter Pack
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Starter Pack is added to people who bought Forge before going f2p
9 seconds late, i hate my life
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I wonder what people who purchased game before it went F2P get.
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We get the cheapest starter pack they offer which really isn't anything I suppose lolz.
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I need to stop buying games :P
Just bundles only and I'll be fine haha!
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Those who already had Forge now have the starter pack. I'm guessing it's the same for those copies.
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From what I read, it sounds like it has an in-game store that sells cosmetic items for cheaper. I am installing the game now to verify this.
(Edit: As expected, this is the case. Various cosmetic items priced as low as $1.99, with, what I assume are "prettier" skins selling for more)
Compare it to LoL, which is free to play with small in-game purchases as well as very expensive bundles that don't give you everything.
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On one side I am a bit mad that people who bought it get shafted a bit, but on the bright side this games had an average player base of like 10-30 people on at all times so....nice population boost right? Might wanna try it out again.
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Lol, i understand them going F2P, i think is logical, but the shittiest Starter pack for the ones that ought it before? That sucks, i am goint to rant on the Steam forums and get flaked :P
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Look at that surge of players! let's see if forge can sustain the player base after going f2p.
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Honestly compared to other F2P games(Well most), this ones above most of them, its a well made game, just wasn't enough players so I kinda stopped(Yay I am part of the problem :-D)
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Not sure, it seemed like it took a bit of skill to get good at and you know how little indie games like that go in the multiplayer department, usually dies. For some reason it reminded me of a mix between Guild Wars 1 PVP and Unreal Tournament, I will probably play again since the population just went way up...well once I finish the games I am currently playing.
Give it a try, I feel like the DLC addons for this are pointless, even in the original release you had to unlock everything I believe, they seem almost like pay to spend less time playing then anything else, unless I am missing something.
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That's pretty spot on. It's essentially an MMORPG with ONLY the PVP parts. I think it flopped because what's the point? They severely overestimated the amount of people that would go, "Hey, you know what I want? I want an MMORPG, but without all the item getting, levelling, character building and plot. In fact, take everything but the PVP out. I wish WoW was PVP only!"
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Thats kinda what I want from an MMO actually...but I guess everyones different, I hate grinding, most plots in MMO's, and pretty much the whole deal.
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Sounds like Guildwars (first one anyway, never tried the 2nd.) You can either play the MMO, or just start with a max level character and go right into the PVP area.
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So, I just looked at what was actually in the packs, and it's even worse than I thought. The more expensive packs don't contain ANYTHING from the cheaper packs, so if you want everything, that's 130 USD (one pack, at least, is a carbon copy of another with the added beenfit of powerlevelling your characters) for what was originally a 15 dollar game. With the most expensive pack you're paying 80 dollars for one set of cosmetic armor. Scarlet Blade isn't even that bad, and literally the entire point of that game was looking at sexy armor.
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Aaaaaand the last giveaway I won was a Forge giveaway, just a few days ago :P
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I don't think they give a gift copy. I think it just automatically adds it to your account, so the only giftable copies out there would be ones people bought in the store. Extra Forge copies stay as Forge, if the rage (And people who don't realize how valuable it's going to be) is to be believed.
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Like I said, everyone complaining on the forum is complaining that they have a now useless copy of Forge in their inventory, not an extra copy of the starter pack. This means that existing Forge copies aren't magically transformed into the starter pack. No one has once mentioned getting a copy of the starter pack anywhere, and I have been looking on both these forums and the Steam community forums. This means that people who owned Forge didn't get an extra starter pack copy in their inventory, and it's logical to assume from that that the starter pack is added directly to your account. So please don't just assume I didn't do any fact checking. Thank you for making me regret trying to help you by giving you information, especially since so many other people were clamoring to give it to you. Do you always try to be such a pain in the ass to talk to or does it just come naturally?
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Stupidity is a huge annoyance to me and when I have to interact or reply to something that has extraordinary levels of stupidity, I tend to come off as an ass.
Everyone who is complaining is incorrect, plain and simple. If you know how to read SteamDB, then you can confirm this yourself and if you don't know how, just admit it rather than trying to argue when the proof is sitting in the open. You've mentioned "getting a copy" in both replies which has nothing to do with what I asked, so there is clearly a misunderstanding on your end.
I appreciate that you were trying to help, but in reality, you've only wasted my time by forcing me to reply and explain this all to you.
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And I think you're both an idiot and you have no idea what the bundle list is for. Why should the Starter pack be added to the bundle list if no new copies are being generated aside from the ones bought at full price from the store? It doesn't matter if activating Forge gives you the starter pack as well, if you make a giveaway for the Starter pack and then give Forge since it gives you the starter pack, you're making a misleading giveaway, which is against the rules in and of itself. It makes absolutely no sense to me to add the starter pack to the bundle list for a number of reasons, the biggest of which is what my original post is about. If you still somehow manage to fail at grasping this simple concept, I think you're well beyond my help.
You are quite literally the only user on this entire site who I dread talking to. I don't know why I even tried to help in the first place, and I'm so glad you see fit to react with such hostility to someone trying to help a lost cause. Glad I'm going to bed now so I don't have to speak with you any more.
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It would be no different than having a combined key from a bundle that you give away as one of the games from the key. If you refer to wbarton's post here, you'll see he even suggests this to a member so I do not believe it would be against the rules.
The reason the Starter Pack could be on the bundle is the fact that it's been combined with something that was already bundled. This would be similar to when you get a game that is on Greenlight and makes it through after the bundle has ended. The Greenlight game is still added to the bundle list, so why wouldn't the Starter Pack be as well?
Night night though, sweet dreams!
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also Forge - Divine Starter Pack is 74€ lol
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