That's exactly the difference. FPS were born on PC to a hardcore gaming crowd with kb, and eventually mice for control.
Things had to be seperated greatly for the console gaming masses with only gamepads for control, so publishes could grab some of that easy casusl gamer bucks.
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Well of course. They needed your quarters. Contemporary games need your quarters too, but only up front.
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Sure. Either business model makes sense, though. It appeals to different audiences.
Then again, some appeal to neither... I'd never shell out cash for one of those "pay $1 to get all weapons and one million virtual dollars in the game" DLCs, but I've never been interested in losing quarters on arcade machines either. Good thing modern arcade games have abandoned that model. :-)
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;) this is a good one regarding dlc. all it takes is for people to stop supporting these kind of practices by not buying them to make it stop.. but it will never happen. I think consoles are partly to blame and then kids growing up with it since its the only way they've known it to be so they just accept it.
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haha I forgot about that one. I joke around with it but it really is a shame what its become
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earlier this year i went back and played half life. was amazed at how used to handholding i had become.. i blame consoles. theyve made gaming so accessible, and with that, has come an entire massive generation of lazy gamers who want nothing more than to be told what to do...
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I actually had a similar experience with Serious Sam a few months back. I had to reprogram my brain.
I'm truly done with the majority of new games now, at least "AAA" titles. Pretty much every game I look forward to just turns out to be a massive disappointment when its actually released or at best a mediocre experience.
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Those were the days.
I remember seeing an image a while ago, I can't find it now, but it basically said:
"Then: Make the best game possible and if you make a lot of money, even better!"
"Today: Make as much money as possible and if you make a good game, even better!"
It's sad but nowadays AAA titles for the most part, are all just cookie cutters. Stick with a standard, boring formula, don't bother trying something new and innovative, don't care about your image, don't care what people think about your practices, just make money.
For the most part when it comes to newer games, I stick to indie games for that reason. They want to actually make fun games, they take pride in their work and it shows.
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Yeah, because they actually need to make really entertaining games or their indie games won't stick.
While AAA titles are like "Okay guys, let's do the same thing again, but with extra DLC and add a little change!"
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TotalBiscuit discussed about it before.
Yes, games are going backwards...
Also a similar image that someone posted above.
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I didn;t wanna play Infinite that much because of the E3 difference...but now...I want to play even less.
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Well, there are still modern shooters that don't have this ridiculous bullshit - for example, CS:GO gets rid of all the nonsensical bullshit that Battlefield and Medal of Honor and Call of Duty have by basically stripping the game down. TF2 is kind of like this if you actually play and stop caring about hats for a moment. And Unreal Tournament 99 is still active online...
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Modern shooters don't innovate, they lazy out on map design because the game naturally restricts you by killing you if you don't follow the course it sets. That's bullshit. I don't want the game to hold my hand, i just want to bhop around and discover secrets on my own and have fun. It's a first person shooter not a railroad ride. It seems that the game could play itself and you'll have as much fun watching it as playing it.
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Of course not all modern shooters are like that, but most of the AAA titles are. I never understood what people liked about the often praised CoD:MW stealth/sniper mission for example. I thought it was super boring tough guy macho shit. You do exactly what the guy tells you to do with absolutely no possibility to fail and the soldiers are so cool it's feels like a b-action movie. And that's what it is, a slightly interactive b-movie with tough guy soldiers. Just played MoH recently after I got it from the Humble Bundle and it was the same crap. Super cool tough guy soldiers and no challenge, no tactics, no exploration. You just do exactly what they tell you to do. You can't even open doors unless the scripted sequences allow it...ridiculous.
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Old but gold. Sadly, this is like most games are done today, not only shooters. And consoles are the ones to blame, they made gaming a casual thing. I miss the old days when us gamers were considered "freaks". Nowadays, every idiot who owns a console with GTA, FIFA or any CoD title they call themselves gamers, and all the pathetic changes the industry made, are aimed to this kind of idiots, that's why everything is so fucked up.
True gamers will remember this gen, as the launch patch and dlc generation.
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I can live with that. Someone who reads is a reader. Someone who games is a gamer. For most people, it's not a profession, so how exactly you go about it doesn't matter.
Maybe I just find it easier because I remember the time when there were no gamers at all, just people who used computers and occasionally used them to play games. Back then, the first people who'd now call themselves gamers were the casuals.
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Does it make you a race pilot to drive a car as fast as you can on the highway? Nope. Same goes for videogames.
I do not consider gamers people who buy CoD, FIFA, and PES every single year. Those are just spoiled kids whose parents buy them everything they want. Consoles are meant for this kind of people.
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That's why I added "profession". Racing can be a job. Gaming can be a job. But for most people gaming is not a job, and those people have no business looking down on other people for whom it's also not a job. Or rather, they're free to look down on them of course, but saying they're "not gamers" is just arguing about true Scotsmen.
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its just a crappy "casual" one. even this was a game when I was a kid ;)
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The doom one gets much better in part 2 and 3 too. part 3 only came out this month.
I love the ending of the Quake one too, I'm not bad but I can officially never call myself good at FPS's ever again ;) People's 100% completion speed runs are insane.
Quake 100% Completion speedrun (nightmare)
nowadays its like "oo wow 360 noscope!" -_-
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The games were great if people wanted to play them through over and over again. The one that feels the same now is Deadlight for me and it's 2.5D platformer. I wouldn't bother replaying other games I'm afraid.
And I enjoyed Quake Done Quick demos in my childhood as well :)
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If Doom Was Done Today
If Quake Was Done Today
How do you feel about what First person shooters have become today? Do you think they're advancing, or going backwards?
Personally I think the majority absolutely suck and have gone backwards. Now every game treats you like a dumb shit and holds your hand through the entire game, over simplifying everything. Only thing I see improving are graphics but if you polish a turd... its still a turd at the end of the day.
Ps. if you don't know what Doom and Quake are... click here
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