Do you blacklist games you won but haven't played yet?
They can know from the achievements if the game has them.
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Sure, but a lot of games if not all of them? have achievements that are tied to the story and will unlock no matter what if you're actually playing them. I don't know about offline playing time.
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Yeah, most of the games have got achievements for getting past tutorial or early stages of the game. Though I was able to beat whole Story about my uncle without getting single achievement. Same with Banished - you get achievment when your village has got more than 100 people and I have around 30 right now.
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Wow, beating a whole game without getting a single achievement? That's new to me. D:
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Yeah I know D:
Most of the time I don't care about "beat level using only x weapon, less than x moves, in less than x seconds" achievements and in this game pretty much every achievement is from category "use less than x gripples to complete level" or "don't die during whole level". So I missed them because I didn't care about this xD
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No, I don't blacklist it. If I participated in a giveaway - means I want to play the game (unless it's just massive developers giveaways, like overture), but if I have no time to play right now does not means cards can't be farmed.
I never thought that this can offend someone or considered as disrespect... If it is so, probably someone thinks I'm a jerk( Dunno what to do now(
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just be quiet when you think. we can't abide with all the noise ;)
I really like your nickname, so all in good faith i hope :)
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No, if I enter a game, I'm eventually going to play it. I only enter games I actually want and fully intend to play. So, it WILL be played...However i'm not going to blacklist a game because I haven't yet gotten around to playing it, or playing it long enough to get all the drops. I don't expect people to blacklist games they win from me.
The only way I would consider blacklisting a game from IdleMaster is if the GA creator specifically expressed that was his wishes in the GA description.
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I actually use idle master only for games that i will never play, games that i'm not interested etc. And i never enter for a giveaway if i'm not interested that game. So i use blacklist a lot. But sometimes i forget to put the game i freshly won.
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I don't use Idle Master ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Though I can imagine that in case of thousands of owned games and thousands of new coming it's the only way to get all cards.
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It feels strange not to play the game if I participated and won, was it bundled or unbundled =o I idle only the games I bought.
But I don't judge my winners if they are not going to play. In case of my unbundled GAs I would just get sad and grumpy =,(
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I haven't so far, but I can see how people might get the wrong idea. Also, since I'm now playing through my won games, I'm a bit sad that a few games show like 3 or 4 hours of gameplay more than I actually put in, but at the same time, if it's a good game, it doesn't make a difference if it's 30 hours or 33 hours, and I'll probably play some more at some point in the future ... maybe ... curse you, ever-growing backlog!
So in conlcusion, I might start blacklisting won games ... I just haven't won anything in a while ^^
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sometimes it is not about farm. it is about get cards in advance.
I really don't have time to play right away all games that I win, that's why I enter in just games that I really want to play.
I think this is respectful enough not leech, but play? it requires free time.
free time for someone who is a lawyer, have a girlfriend, have a family, a home to care and lots of other things is something very scarce.
manage someone else's life or demand play whenever gifter want is creepy and way more disrespectful.
if I enter in any giveaway, I can't guarantee that I'll play it in a near future, but I can guarantee that I entered because I plan to play it someday.
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I've yet to gain any interest in cards or achievements. I just like playing games ..
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Quite possibly - I guess I should really look into what cards are and what I can do with them ..
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A bit like games?
Until I built my gaming PC in August I had about a dozen games in my Steam collection .. :-)
Mind you I think I still only had about 50 games in my Steam library until I joined this site at the end of September ..
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Similar collection, yes. I don't buy games I just ell myself I'll play eventually, I keep a tight library instead and spend money on cards. At least with them I know they are useless anyway and don't need additional time invested in them. :)
As for achievements… I always want my games 100%, before achievements were even implemented in games. So it's just a good indicator for me that I did that. (Well, mostly. Some achievements are just dumb and I skip them. :))
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No blacklist for me. I still intend to play the game even if I initially just had idlemaster idle it for cards.
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I do for unbundled games, but not for bundled ones. I feel it would be disrespectful to giveaway creators if I farmed cards off games they paid their hard eared money for. I probably should do the same for bundled games, but don't feel anyone would really mind (I know I don't for my giveaways).
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