Code is shifted to X, that you can get from encoded piece of famous Latin text.

Vybow szcew nyvyb csd kwod, myxcomdodeb knszscmsxq ovsd. Xevvk wkqxk ybms, mebcec kd ovsd ed, kmmewckx dowzec ckzsox. Zbkocoxd qbkfsnk wkhswec fkbsec. Zovvoxdocaeo rklsdkxd wybls dbscdsaeo coxomdec od xodec od wkvoceknk pkwoc km debzsc oqocdkc. Sxdoqob swzobnsod wkebsc xom povsc dowzyb wkddsc. Aescaeo evdbsmsoc kmmewckx kbme, sn zyceobo ybms vkmsxsk od. Koxokx xexm kxdo, swzobnsod csd kwod keqeo con, zovvoxdocaeo fkbsec wkcck. Aescaeo xyx vemdec ovsd, fov fevzedkdo zebec. Zovvoxdocaeo myxcomdodeb ws fsdko ocd lvkxnsd, con nsqxsccsw cow fkbsec. Xevvkw ovospoxn foxoxkdsc oxsw sn myxcoaekd. Fsfkwec lsloxnew mywwyny ovsd, con pkemslec xoaeo poeqskd csd kwod. Zbysx fov nskw xevvk. Fsfkwec pkemslec nyvyb ed ckzsox myxqeo swzobnsod.

Kvsaekw cyvvsmsdensx cowzob vsloby kd bedbew. Pecmo skmevsc vybow ebxk, fov dsxmsnexd xscs pkemslec oqod. Xevvkw vylybdsc wyvvsc dsxmsnexd. Sxdoqob dsxmsnexd evdbsmoc obyc, fsdko zyceobo debzsc foxoxkdsc sx. Mebklsdeb kd fsfobbk keqeo. Xexm od povsc cynkvoc, wkhswec xscs con, nkzslec wkebsc. Mbkc fovsd ckzsox, pkemslec ed obyc xyx, vylybdsc myxqeo cow. Wybls xscv obkd, evdbsmsoc fov ocd xom, pkemslec vylybdsc ocd. Mebklsdeb xyx cow lsloxnew, qbkfsnk vomdec k, nsqxsccsw ovsd. Xexm oe wkqxk szcew. Xexm zovvoxdocaeo, aekw xyx sxdobnew wkddsc, wkebsc szcew foxoxkdsc xscv, od cyvvsmsdensx voy ynsy con nyvyb. Mebklsdeb xom mebcec xscv. Nyxom zyceobo zrkbodbk psxslec. Wybls aesc ocd od xevvk zybddsdyb pkmsvscsc. Con ybxkbo cow csd kwod poeqskd lsloxnew.

Koxokx nes dybdyb, vemdec od wkebsc k, pkemslec wkhswec szcew. Focdslevew povsc obkd, dbscdsaeo k ynsy od, pkmsvscsc zybdk ybms. Ed swzobnsod zrkbodbk nskw sn zbodsew. Xevvk cecmszsd nsmdew xoaeo k pkemslec. Zovvoxdocaeo aesc focdslevew vomdec, k lsloxnew szcew. Zbysx foxoxkdsc fovsd wkqxk, k dsxmsnexd oh cynkvoc km. Wybls evdbsmoc vsloby xyx kbme zrkbodbk, cyvvsmsdensx nsmdew xscv zevfsxkb. Zrkcovvec fov xoaeo vkmsxsk wodec wkddsc fyvedzkd zybddsdyb xyx xscs. Ed wkvoceknk zvkmobkd vomdec roxnbobsd skmevsc. Kvsaekw fsdko evvkwmybzob xslr. Nyxom oe voy csd kwod xscs pkmsvscsc kvsaekw con fov xexm. Kvsaekw fkbsec pkemslec ybms. Zbkocoxd zybdk ynsy oe nskw wyvocdso dsxmsnexd.

Mbkc dsxmsnexd xscv myxcoaekd ovsd zybddsdyb dsxmsnexd xom sn dovvec. Nyxom myxcoaekd nsqxsccsw ckzsox sx kemdyb. Con swzobnsod obkd aesc cowzob poeqskd. Zbkocoxd vylybdsc oe wkcck ed myxcomdodeb. Xexm myxfkvvsc od cow csd kwod myxfkvvsc. Sx pbsxqsvvk zebec ovowoxdew vybow ybxkbo, od pkmsvscsc nyvyb cynkvoc. Sxdoqob con zvkmobkd vsqevk, km fyvedzkd wkebsc. Aescaeo fyvedzkd bryxmec evdbsmsoc. Mebklsdeb pobwoxdew, ybms od roxnbobsd dsxmsnexd, obkd aekw cecmszsd povsc, km ovowoxdew ynsy xexm con nyvyb. Xevvk ed dovvec ybms. Mvkcc kzdoxd dkmsds cymsycae kn vsdybk dybaeoxd zob myxelsk xycdbk, zob sxmozdyc rswoxkoyc. Wkomoxkc sxdobnew zyceobo kbme, oe zbodsew nes myxqeo k. Xevvk ybms oxsw, skmevsc pbsxqsvvk nes oe, wkddsc ybxkbo xoaeo. Con xom oxsw oqod povsc bedbew fsfobbk oqod aesc vsloby.

Pecmo dsxmsnexd sxdobnew ybms fov pkmsvscsc. Mbkc oqocdkc kd nes fsdko evvkwmybzob. Wybls fyvedzkd dbscdsaeo roxnbobsd. Zrkcovvec con vsqevk xom obyc cecmszsd vylybdsc. Pecmo vylybdsc wkqxk km vkmsxsk roxnbobsd. Nesc vkybood cmovobscaeo ovsd, kd wkvoceknk kxdo roxnbobsd vkmsxsk. Ceczoxnscco dowzyb zybdk obyc ed vkybood. Wkomoxkc szcew szcew, nsqxsccsw xyx vkmsxsk xyx, wkddsc kd oh. Pecmo km cmovobscaeo cow. Wkomoxkc oqod lsloxnew dybdyb. Mbkc vkmsxsk cow vkmec, sx fevzedkdo ocd bedbew sn. Focdslevew xyx xscv nskw.

Hint 1: text encoded via ROT x (You have 26 options 😀 )
Hint 2: ascii table is your friend
Hint 3
Hint 4 for last 23 hours: Numbers are decimal. Didn't see it? see previous hint

1) text is Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..., you will get it if decrypt using X=10
2) if you open source code (hint 3 about it), you will see <a href="ESGST-96-93-68-77-60"></a> Code is shifted to <strong>X</strong> GA code located near word Code
3) Now you have five numbers 96 93 68 77 60, and you know that are decimal (hint 4). You are shifting it to 10 and get 106 103 78 87 70
4) You open any ascii converter or table (hint 2) and convert it to j g N W F

PS: if you use EGST, you see star about post and it says "there is hidden code from five numbers"

7 years ago*

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Are there any solvers yet? I get the famous Latin text, but I don't see any code in it.

Anyway: Bump! :)

7 years ago

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There seems to be one solver (at least if all the hidden giveaways from DeKaN are in the idea though what to do with the text myself :D

7 years ago*

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Thought it was polish, then saw "Puzzles"

7 years ago

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Loool just my thoughts

7 years ago

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me too, haha

7 years ago

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It's not even latin =P

7 years ago

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Got the latin text but not sure how to proceed with Ascii xD

7 years ago

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me too...

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Yeah no, I'm a dummy so doesn't help at all.

I fail to see the relation between the latin text and an ascii table.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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New hint for last 4 hours

7 years ago

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Solution added

7 years ago

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I'm no dummy, I think (I've done quite a few puzzles here), but that guide is so large it hardly qualifies as a hint.

My problem isn't knowing to look at ASCII tables for the numbers, but the fact that I can't seem to get a result of 5 characters that are all alphanumeric.

7 years ago

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Same, so far from that text I get hundreds of characters and however I convert them they would just come back as the text, not like a 5 character and digit giveaway link. A little confused since the hint doesn't tell you how to do things but rather that they are done. I've tried to cut from the text and convert just part from it but what's the point, once you convert that you get the text back again, or if you add numbers together you get values like 500 which are smiley faces which would never make it as giveaway links so I don't know where I'm going wrong and where the hint is but hopefully after they all end someone will let us know since I'm curious how this was done.

7 years ago

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To clarify, I do have five numeric values to work with. It sounds like you're missing those. I just don't know how to modify them to result in (ascii codes for) alphanumeric values leading to the GA.

7 years ago

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I do have the same things that you do..I meant to say I can get the hexadecimal numbers however what I'm supposed to do with those I don't get it, because there's too many and even if you convert them to chars converting text to hex and then lets say just 5 of them to char would give you a word from that text because char values make up the text. How you're supposed to convert a big amount of hex to just 5 hex that I don't get because there's no hint on why you would do that and how in this thread or the other thread. I'm not sure if you're supposed to rotate the text again but in the hint he said that's only for translating and I don't know if I should be reading the hex down or up but thats basically what rotx does so I don't get what I'm supposed to do.

I think the hint he was pointing us to was simply that base 16 can be converted to char using the ascii table , which is true, but you don't even need to use the ascii table since you have converter which can convert a hex to text which is a char in the ascii table, also because we don't start with numbers and adding them up, we start with letters so converting letters to numbers and back to letters changes nothing. So I'm here wondering why do you need to use an ascii table for.

Either way I spent too much time trying to figure out a puzzle, and I'm not here trying to solve Cicada's 3301 puzzle. It would be fun but for me at least the directions are just not on point. Thanks anyways OP.

7 years ago

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Hint: numbers are dec, not hex :)

7 years ago

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I have the numbers, I have the number from shift, I know they are of certain type, I used ASCII table = nothing useful.

Do the letters found with the numbers factor in in any way?

7 years ago*

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no, these letters are useless. Shift is add or subtract numbers.

7 years ago

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I just don't get it then. Any way I try to spin the numbers I get non-alphanumerical charactes in the result, which can't be right.

View attached image.
7 years ago

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I understand what you mean by that, on the website I'm looking at the char/dec section but the issue is there's 14 numbers on each line and 100 lines of numbers and if I convert each character back I just get the text back, and if I add them up until each break then some characters will have a value of 200 - 700 which is something like boxes, hearts, smiley faces in the ascii code, so how would I get the 5 characters that give the start of the train from that is what confuses me. I know it's over now but I would appreciate if you had a minute to tell me what I was supposed to actually do with those numbers to get the start of the train I would really appreciate it. Thanks.

7 years ago

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Read solution :)

7 years ago

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I wish I had checked this thread yesterday. I had everything except I was stuck on those numbers being hex, not decimal. I would have easily solved it if I had checked for this hint.

7 years ago

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I have to be honest, I would've never gotten this. I suppose with enough luck I could've found the 5 numbers, but to then shift them up 10 numbers, that wouldn't ever cross my mind because I don't understand why I would've known they were decimal. I just knew they were numbers. I suppose for someone like me it was a lot of trial and error but this was basically a no chance. I was trying to solve a puzzle I didn't understand. Thank you for the explanation.

7 years ago

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Well, step 1 done, but now stuck on ASCII table.

7 years ago

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Bump for solved.

7 years ago

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Bump for solved, going through it now! :D

7 years ago

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I am pretty sure you give us 3 hints... still i dont know how to use it.

7 years ago

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I'm here too. I miss the connection between all three hints.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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One section from here will help you :)

7 years ago

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Thank you for the help but i cant seem to grasp it...
Welp i can live without this train. XD

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Bump for solved ;)

7 years ago

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Got the latin text but can't make a connection to ascii

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Hmm, step 1 and 3 were easy, but step 2 doesn't give me your intended result...

7 years ago

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Found the "Latin" text, the numerical values, shift - but 20 % of it aren't usable (in any direction).

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Will we get hints about games, or just blindfoldly solve puzzle to know? 😰
EDIT: Glad I didnt waste my time with it 😆 but im sure winners enjoyed it

7 years ago*

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Do we have to use the ESGST plugin?

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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Code is shifted

Я так понял, тут речь не про текст, иначе ты так и написал бы - текст, речь про 7 символов, из которых нужно получить ссылку. Но я не понимаю, как их «сместить».

7 years ago

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код из 5 символов. по поводу "сместить" - это обычный сдвиг, допустим х=3, тогда см.картинку: из буквы M получаем J или P в зависимости от направления

View attached image.
7 years ago

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У меня был текст латинский, полученный из этого всего текст ascii, а этим своим комментом про сдвиги ты меня окончательно запутал, это что надо было в латинском тексте ещё что то сдвигать перед переделыванием в ascii? о_О

7 years ago

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латинский текст даст только Х. больше ничего. он очень известный, поэтому вычислить Х просто

7 years ago

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очень известный.....вижу его в первый раз

7 years ago

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когда это всё закончиться расскажи пожалуйста что за число такое и от какого текста делать эти самые сдвиги, если латинский текст просто ради числа добавлен, а то я выходит с самого начала по не той дороге пошел

7 years ago

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через 15ч выложу решение

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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у меня этот ипсум был на коде ROT-16........

7 years ago

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ты пытался зашифровать, а не расшифровать текст))

7 years ago

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В коде скрытой раздачи у меня 7 символов.

7 years ago

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полторы раздачи за одно задание :D

7 years ago

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bump for solved

7 years ago

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Bump for solved!

7 years ago

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я сдаюсь, всё время просто огромный набор цифр, либо буквы и сломанные символы. Слишком запутано с этими всеми таблицами и сдвигами

7 years ago

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Bump for solved!

7 years ago

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Bump for solved =D

7 years ago

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Bump for solved!!

7 years ago

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Doh! The ROT decoding led to ROT16, so I shifted with 16 instead of 10. Nonetheless thank you for the puzzle, DeKaN!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Yeah, rot-10 is how it was encoded, but to decode it you need to use rot-16 (16+10 = 26 letters in alphabet).

This is why rot-13 is usually the one that is used, because 13 + 13 = 26 so it does not matter if you are encoding or decoding you use the same value.

7 years ago

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Oh man, never even crossed my mind to try something else than 16...

7 years ago

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