Answer it, in 3 hours i will decide if to put a giveaway for the premium edition,
Everyone will be able to enter.

2 years ago*

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Would you like me to giveaway the premium edition?

View Results

This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago*

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what is this question xD?

btw: lmao at pricing, 99,99€ xD

2 years ago

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36 peoples decide not to do that, so it’s questionable haha

2 years ago

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there were 'in 3 years' sentence xD

2 years ago

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It was a mistake hehe,
It’s 3 HOURS, but if we reach the 250 votes of “yes”
I immediately running the Giveaway

2 years ago

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The game has rather provocative setting and some questionable NPCs.
I can understand some ppl from West can have ideologic issues according to it.

But you can be sure most of ppl fro RU/CIS will gladly want to join, since the game for our region is distributed via local trash store, instead Steam

2 years ago

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Wow. I didn't even know about that vk shit

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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3 Hoursss i did a mistake not 3 years !!!

2 years ago

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I was thinking 3 years sounded odd. XD

2 years ago

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3 years i might die haha😂

2 years ago

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Not a game i personally feel like supporting considering the PR nightmare surrounding it :p

2 years ago

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Everybody will be able to enter and it will be the cheapest PR :)
But if you want :)

2 years ago

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PR nightmare brought to you by the "People will DIE if you play Hogwarts Legacy!" crowd.
Both here and there nobody will be harmed playing vidya games...

2 years ago

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The Game PR team have been massive douchebags on social media too tbh .

I dont really listen to w/e the crowd that was staging the Hogwarts Boycot have to say at all ... its honestly waste of internet space .
Its the dev (or whoever is handling their social media) taking valid criticism and saying its all cause the game is Russia based which is complete Bs :p

2 years ago

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I have seen people on social media saying people that play the game support the war in Ukraine.

So, I am not aware much of any PR nightmare, but it seems the usual crowd it's messing things up.

2 years ago

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I dont really care much about what the People had to say , its just whoever is handling the social media For the game was absolute asshat so i lost all interest i had in the game cause of their attitude :)

2 years ago

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Gonna be at least some hate due to Russia. Which is likely to gain the usual haters and trolls, so for a time there will be a perceived grassroots movement against the game.

Gotta assume this obvious pattern, whenever heavy government propaganda is involved with serious things, such as war.

2 years ago

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You have to learn to seperate the art from the artist, otherwise you can consume null anymore.

2 years ago

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If you get it for free, you will not support Russia personally.
I am planning to get USED PS5 copy, that way I will not give money to Russia

2 years ago

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I would like it but it is not a lot of money 🤔 ?

2 years ago

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Got two copies, pre-ordered them 3 years ago hehe
One for me, one for giveaway, just now I received the keys, so yeah, thinking to giveaway ;)

2 years ago

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I see now I just need to avoid the bots xD

2 years ago

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Don’t worry about the keys, they are leggit and every giveaway i done they got delivered :)

2 years ago

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he talks about bots which enter giveaways a lot

2 years ago

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advice me, what to do? Which level to put or what

2 years ago

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lvl 3/4 at least+maybe link in some code?

lvl 3 is sooo easy toreach rn with those bots using fake games
link in code i mean like 234X234 x=1+1

its premium edition so its good to make giveaway for ppl who really are contributing/not abuse cv system by giving fake games

2 years ago

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I’m giving the game myself by gift
And i didn’t understood “link in code” please explain further
And i will put level 3 you’re right, i don’t want a bot on a “huge” giveaway, not everyday you see these kinds of giveaway

2 years ago

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yes, but you want to make a giveaway here, am i right?
if yes-a lot of users called 'bots' will enter

by linik in code i mean you are posting a link BUT you replace some numbers/letters with X/Y(+you tell ppl what to change to enter ofc xD) so bots cant easily enter

so the giveaway link wil be
and u tell ppl to replace X=D Y=2+2

so the real link is

2 years ago

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Hmmc and how i will manage the link?

2 years ago

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Just make PRIVATE giveaway, then give link in thread using something like this:

'giveaway for game xxx
link/ofXYQ/fallout-76(ofc use your link)


and ppl will enter

2 years ago

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The best practice would be

  • invite only (so only people reading the thread can enter)
  • level restricted (so only people who at least contributed a certain amount can enter)
  • obfuscate the link (so bots have a harder time entering).

The main part to obfuscate is the 5-character code, so for example something like this:

or some other sort of puzzle or similar.

Another security layer could be using SGTools with custom rules, so only people meeting certain criteria can enter:

and then obfuscating the resulting SGTools giveaway link.

2 years ago*

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Or maybe make a thread about it and temporarily whitelist everybody who would like to enter.

I mean it's a big release (although somewhat controversial) so it would definitely warrant a thread.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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maybe do the whitelist giveaway 🧐

2 years ago

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I don’t know how to do thattttt i need help😂

2 years ago

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you can whitelist by opening people's profile
and under you can see/remove people in whitelist already

2 years ago

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Yeah and get a whole crapload of people getting blacklisted for whoever just dares to enter, because it's so controversial and people being toxic here, just look at the other controversial Hogwarts Legacy thread..Oh waaait i had to close that. Because then it automatically makes you "not a responsible person".

2 years ago*

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From the looks of it OP doesn't enter giveaways so just like me they don't have to give a shit about potential blacklists.

2 years ago

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You probably ment to reply to this comment, I assume?

Yeah, ok I take it back then.
I was gonna point out they at least did a sucessful GTA V giveaway several years ago but the winner has a private profile so we can't know for sure.

2 years ago

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Yep, I replied to the wrong corgi post :)

2 years ago

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I updated my comment accordingly 😉

2 years ago

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The winner's Steam account was actually deleted, so who knows if that was a con as well.

2 years ago

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Did i say that? I said anyone dares to mention yes add me to your whitelist, i want to enter...

And then people still voiceing in their opinions, which could as usual lead to political discussions going out of hand..

2 years ago

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Lugum, if you weren't already in my whitelist (for years already) I would add you to my whitelist for all your contributions to this community

2 years ago

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Thank you, appreciated.

2 years ago

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And op has over 50 hours on Hogswarts with a positive review. So he may get double slammed for both Hogswarts and Atomic Heart.

2 years ago

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no level 3 is not so easy to reach :(

2 years ago

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if its possible to know, where did you pre order 3 years ago?
that seems like a long time

2 years ago

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What a legend. Been waiting for this game for years. One of the most original I ever seen...

2 years ago

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Times to times trying to make at least one person happy :)

2 years ago

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I only voted "no" because I'm not a friend of that kind of "attention seeking/advertising".

I'm a simple man on that front...either put up a giveaway for it or don't.
There is no need for asking yay or nay.
If there were a choice between different games...thats a whole other thing.

2 years ago

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Happy to announce you that i’m not related to ATOMIC HEART in any kind and i’m not seeking for attention,
I’m asking the community if to run it, that’s all.
Because i want to, but I want to make sure people wants to,
You got it :)
Well, be sure not to enter either, that will be hypocritical from you. If you’ll win also.
But it’s my thoughts only

2 years ago

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There are hundreds of giveaways made daily and if everyone made a thread asking whether people are interested we'd not see anything else.

Also this is not what the "Deals" section is for lol

2 years ago

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I never thought and/or implied you have anything todo with Atomic Heart.

And yes, I wouldn't have entered anyways. No need for you to say it.

As patch22 said it too. There is no need to ask to make a giveway.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Nice, that's quite generous of you - thank you for the giveaway.

Also, yeech. What's with all the whining in this thread? I get the point, but how about y'all show some gratitude for the giveaway instead of being so negative. At the end of the day, this is a very generous act regardless of any so-called "attention-seeking" and shouldn't be the focus, just enjoy the damn giveaway. :P

2 years ago

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ppl barking because they can bark, theres nothiung wrong with guy asking if ppl want gibaway...

ahhh, if only ppl would be more kind to each other :(

2 years ago

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I wonder how and for what we will thank him for the merged points or for deception in the created topic?

2 years ago*

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What a shame. For once I try to be optimistic instead of cynical, and that's what I get. :P

2 years ago

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Edit: In the light of new information I retract my previous comment.

Stay optimistic.
OP clearly pointed out they're not familiar with SteamGifts and feature like Invite Only giveaways or Whitelists at all.

Just because they deleted their first, probably public, giveaway doesn't mean there won't be a giveaway later.

They are not asking for YouTube subscribes or anything similar and have done sucessful giveaways in the past. Even GTA V 😎

2 years ago*

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Go for it my guy

2 years ago

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I would highly suggest not making it level 0 or 1 (I'd say minimum level 3 but preferably more). Also make it invite only as others suggested. Also would use SGTools.

2 years ago

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So nice!

2 years ago

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Game seems pretty average, but I definitely want to play it solely because of this trailer.

2 years ago*

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Jensen Ackles? They need to have an option to put him in as an optional skin. Dean is back!

2 years ago

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Some would say Soldier Boy is back 😏

2 years ago

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I've only just started watching Season 3, so he hasn't been introduced yet.

2 years ago

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lol a shot at hogwarts legacy
But a shame, Jensen isnt in the game. That would have been so cool!!

2 years ago

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.... he isn't in the game?!?

Easy "No" vote now I've been told.

2 years ago

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Hehe same here. Love me some Dean Winchester or Soldier Boy.

Also with regards to this post. Its a attention seeking one, as OP is known to do this fake GA announcements before. See other comment for details.

2 years ago

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Of course

2 years ago

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Thank you!

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Financially supporting Gazprom-sponsored Russian devs who don't comment on the war yet made a game filled with Soviet propaganda is not something a responsible person should do.

2 years ago

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Says a person with a 16-year-old account, on Steam, a platform made by a USA-based company...
Just stop. Clean your own backyard first before you start lecturing others on what a responsible person should do.
Unless you are only preaching what is convenient for you? Because all these boycotts seem to follow the same pattern — preach about something I'm against but only if it's convenient for me. Why are you still using a platform made by a USA-based company and continued to do so all these years, basically funding their fun "special operations"? Is that something a "responsible person" does? Fund wars that kill civilians?

2 years ago

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Dude I totally agree

2 years ago

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Great example of whataboutism pal.

2 years ago

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Nah, just using your ridiculous thought process that buying this game will fund and support the Russian war, pal.

2 years ago

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Sure, sure. Supporting nazi is good, because someone sometimes broke your favorite cup, and nobody did anything, so now everything is allowed. I can't agree with you more.

2 years ago

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Let's see what we have here:
A person with a 11-year-old Steam account talking about how buying a game supports Russia.
We also have a very fun US military air strike attack which killed dozens of people in Syria on 18 March 2019.
So, by your logic, you supported the US military actions by giving your money to Valve who is a USA-based company.
How nice of you.

2 years ago

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Sure, sure pal, just don't get nervous. I told you, you are absolutely right, this is totally not whataboutism, and it's totally right to compare conflict in Syria and war in Ukraine, too. Oh, and Hitler was just a nice guy who just wanted to be an artist. Sure pal, you are right about everything. Totally no logic fallacies.

2 years ago

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It's totally right to compare. You simply do this "Don't support X (item) because of Y (country)." So, you put Atomic Heart and Russia. I put Steam and USA. Seems you just don't like your own faulty logic used against you and can't counter it because it would make your own silly argument invalid. Have fun supporting all the nice things China and USA are doing by giving your money to companies that operate in those countries or use cheap labour there. Nice to know you guys, the cherry picking moralists, are fighting the good fight.

2 years ago

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How many times I need to agree with you for you to stop spreading your wisdom (that is totally not whataboutism)? You are the wisest man alive clearly, arguing with you would be outright stupid.

2 years ago

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Expected, as you don't really have any other argument why people shouldn't play Atomic Heart besides "it will support Russia" while you support other bad things other countries did and do with your own purchases. Amazing hypocrisy on display. But hey, as long as the thing you are boycotting is convenient for you, then you are completely in the right. Keep on boycotting my dude. But only when it suits you. Don't want to make your life less comfortable by fully sticking to your morals and values.

2 years ago

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Sure, sure pal. You are very smart. Just calm down.

2 years ago

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Thanks. You should probably calm down too. We can drink rakija then. Votka just has zero taste and is no fun.

2 years ago

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It isn't whataboutism, he isnt bringing up a different issue, he is bringing up the same issue just about funding a different country.

2 years ago

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Different country that does different things in different time. Sure, totally not different issue. Nothing to do with whataboutism. You're very smart to notice that.

2 years ago

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The claimed issue is Russia does bad things so cant buy videogame cuz pennies will go to them when other countries like america also does bad things but its 100 percent ok to support them.

2 years ago

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His argument doesn't even work as a whataboutism because the "bad things" the US does don't even begin to compare with the atrocities Russia is doing now. He's comparing an attack against the terrorists that resulted in deaths of a dozen civilians due to incorrect safety assessment to a terrorist state committing freaking genocide and deliberately attacking civilian targets. Only a madman will put an equal sign between those, but propaganda makes people believe the weirdest crap.

2 years ago*

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Literally not putting an equal sign to two different wars. My point was simple, you preach about boycotting X product because Y did something bad, but use a product made by people from a country that also did terrible things without any issue. So, I'm just pointing out your hypocrisy. The difference between my example and the current war is that the one I said didn't affect you, so you didn't care. If you did, you wouldn't be using Steam or any American product because you would surely boycott them in protest of the atrocities they committed. But you do use them and will continue to use them because since what America did doesn't affect you, and you are a hypocrite who is perfectly ok with using their products despite what they did. So, in that same way, people who this Russia/Ukraine war doesn't affect should be free to pay for a game made by Russian developers and enjoy it without being told they are bad people.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

2 years ago

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Explains what? That I don't like hypocrites? Then sure. I never praised what Russia does, but I also don't like seeing people like this who grandstand yet they don't even keep to their values unless it's convenient for them. If that is bad, then guess I'm a bad person :)

2 years ago

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Cool facts, shame they have nothing to do with my point ;)
Nothing you wrote disproved the fact these people I called out for being hypocrites are hypocrites. I wager you are the same, but I can't be arsed to look at your account now. I don't think what Russia is doing is good, but I also don't think people who are hypocrites can lecture others on what is and isn't ok to buy. So, take that as you will.

2 years ago

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And also the serb hypocrite talking about warcrimes

2 years ago

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Dunno what a war when I was 3 has to do with me pointing out you are a hypocrite by proving you only boycott stuff that is convenient to you, not what is morally wrong to support is me being a hypocrite. But I know the truth isn't nice to hear when you want to grandstand and preach to others how what they do isn't right yet you don't even keep to your own values you preach here ;)

2 years ago

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Of course you don't know, it would be inconvenient for you to know because it would be hypocritical of you to comment on other countries doing warcrimes while you're the most famous Balkan warcriminals :)

2 years ago

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I don't know what the war crimes of my country in a war which ended in 1997 when I was 2 (born in 1995) have to do with me pointing out, today, that you are a hypocrite if you bash people for buying this game despite the current war in Ukraine, yet own like thousands of games on Steam and basically gave your support to a nation that is known to do wars for fun. But you know, they didn't make your life inconvenient with their bad stuff, so it's not important. No need to boycott stuff from a country that does bad things as long as those bad things don't affect your life or make it inconvenient, am I right? :)
Now that is someone of high moral integrity who can lecture others on what is right and wrong.

Also, interesting take that I'm a hypocrite because I commented on other countries doing war crimes with my example of you lot supporting America through Steam and the games you buy from it. Yet, to be a hypocrite in this case I would actually have to probably either commit war crimes myself (like me, as a person) or worse, support them (which I don't, and would love for you to find an example of it without Photoshop) and then preach how they are bad. So, yeah. Quite a reach by you there my dude.

2 years ago

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Again, of course you don't know :)
And why you're a hypocrite we've already discussed in the other thread, you conveniently provided a definition for yourself, you can pat yourself on the back for that :)


my example of you lot supporting America through Steam and the games you buy from
I dont bash people for buying games because X country did/does something bad, you lot do that ;)

Bruh moment, once again 🥱

2 years ago*

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If you say so bruz. You are still just showing me providing an example of why you are a hypocrite. Don't see any insults or even said you should boycott games from USA based devs or stop use Steam, since I do that and don't have an issue with it. I just provided you with an example, using your logic, to show you you're a hypocrite when this whole boycott discussion is brought up :)

Also, still waiting to hear why you aren't a hypocrite, which is my whole point in this discussion with you lot. If you do find the time to actually write your answer, please know, I'm not into fiction that much :)

2 years ago

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Open your eyes then :D
Sure you don't have an issue with it that's why you keep repeating it in every single message, riiiiiiiight :D

I'm not into fiction that much :)

Good joke, I like it :)

2 years ago

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Ok bruz. Nice talking to you, but you really don't seem to be interested in a discussion and are chewing the same old gum. First, it was "whataboutism" now it's "hypocrite". Yet, the only examples of it are you using my words out of context to fit your narrative. I didn't do that when I spoke about you. All of the stuff I said - the age of your Steam account and the number of games can't be taken out of context. But it does help me make my example that uses your logic of why someone is bad if they buy X from a Y country that is doing bad stuff. And you may not like it, but can't help you there. Still haven't provided me with a counterargument to why I'm wrong in my claim tho.

And I'm kinda sounding like a broken record :) but providing an example of your hypocrisy isn't the same as actually being a hypocrite. Hope you learn this someday. I didn't bash you or your pals for using Steam and buying games there, as I use the platform and buy games from it. I used it to illustrate my point about you being a hypocrite and used your logic of why you're bad if you don't boycott products from X country because they are doing Y. But you're not interested in morals or ethics when it's inconvenient, as you clearly demonstrated throughout this whole interaction. No hypocrite will uphold their values 100% of the time. That would mean making their lives less convenient at times, and you don't want now, do you? :)

2 years ago

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First, it was "whataboutism"

What do you mean "was" ? It still is, we just established it already, even provided you with a "let me google it for you" link which seems that you can't access and a definition which apparently you can't read. :(

are chewing the same old gum
And I'm kinda sounding like a broken record :)

you are ;)

I didn't bash you or your pals for using Steam and buying games there, as I use the platform and buy games from it.

Go back to me quoting you ;)

2 years ago

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All you did was use a part of my example and tried to frame it to fit your narrative. Shame that example shows how flawed your boycott logic is. But ok. Do you my bruz, do you. Hypocrites gonna hypocrite, it seems. At least you lot are fun when you get presented with an example that proves you're hypocrites for grandstanding as you do and can only muster lame childish insults and splice up words, so they fit your bizzaro narrative.

But, whatever you do, you will always be hypocrites that only do what is convenient and won't uphold those same values if it causes them inconvenience in life ;)

2 years ago

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Ironic 🤣

2 years ago

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Indeed bruz, indeed.

2 years ago

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Glad you got some self-criticism "bruz" ;)

2 years ago

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Indeed bruz, indeed ;)

2 years ago

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Stop spamming me, ok? :)

2 years ago

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Will do bruz, will do.

2 years ago

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Don't be surprised if he can't keep himself under control. He already failed spectacularly in a dialogue about something as simple as the history of bundles.

2 years ago

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Literally the man didn't answer my question xD and got offended after I called it out
But you do you

2 years ago

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They're right.
A russian dev has as much influence on what their government does as an american (or western) dev has.
Namely close to zilch.
Also, Toff has over 3600 games. Which means they usually don't care where or how a game dev operates.

2 years ago

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I see you love whataboutism too, dear? So, if Hitler started word war, we should never boycott any other country production anymore, right? Brilliant logic. You probably as wise as SvProlivije himself!

2 years ago

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Lay off the insults etc. like in your previous posts, not just to me.
They just make you look bad.

2 years ago

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You didn't bother reading the article, did you?

2 years ago

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Says a person with a 16-year-old account, on Steam, a platform made by a USA-based company...

You say it like it's a bad thing

Why are you still using a platform made by a USA-based company and continued to do so all these years, basically funding their fun "special operations"?

I could've been dead by now without the US military help. Murdered by the Russians. Looks like I couldn't have made a better investment then, eh? But go ahead and tell me more about the US killing civilians or some other excuse to continue funding a terrorist state.

2 years ago

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Good to know that the deaths of other people at the hands of the US were worth your investment 😊

2 years ago

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Fully agree

edit: Insert a laugh track for the serbian guy doing the whataboutism.

2 years ago*

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If only it was whataboutism. I'm not defending what Russia is doing, because what sane person would? I'm simply calling out the hypocrisy these people, like the ones I replied to, clearly exude. He was present on Steam during America's Syria shit, yet continued to fund Valve, an American-based company, and probably bought many games from US-based devs. Why didn't he boycott their games and platform? It's because what America did, didn't matter to him since it wasn't affecting him. But this war is. So, now we boycott. Nah, my dude. That's just cherry-picking and hypocrisy clear as day. If he was able to pay and play games that came from America because he didn't care what America did since it didn't affect him, why is it bad that people who this war doesn't affect pay and play the game made by Russian devs?

2 years ago

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Yeah, it is whataboutism :)
Since you must be banned from google :)

2 years ago

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Pointing our clear hypocrisy is whataboutism now. Lol. Very interesting.
In the end, I proved my point - yours and the others who spouted whataboutism clear hypocrisy. I wasn't trying to deflect the original argument of is purchasing X because of Y is morally sound. I just wanted to point out how hypocritical you lot are and only boycott stuff when it suits you, and not when it (which would mean, no cherry-picking ;) )

2 years ago*

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Hypocrisy? You're the biggest hypocrite here :)
whining everyone's ears off (or better said eyes, thank god I don't have to hear you) all about "BUT USA IS SO BAD 😭😭😭 WHY DO YOU USE IT" while you're the one having the biggest problem with it and still using it and owning like 1k games.
Anyway, seems like you really are banned from google, it's okay I will post it here, if you can't even understand it then...

Whataboutism: the act or practice of responding to an accusation of wrongdoing by claiming that an offense committed by another is similar or worse

But sure, go on Hypocrite :)

2 years ago

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Sure bruz ;) You are not a hypocrite at all for bashing others for doing what you do. That is totally not what a hypocrite does.

Also, a quick note since you took the time to check my cool Steam profile out - I dont bash people for buying games because X country did/does something bad, you lot do that ;) I'm simply pointing out your hypocrisy in action as you boycott only when it's convenient to you. I buy games no matter where they come from ;) and will continue to do so. I'm not gonna grandstand or preach to others how they shouldn't do X when I am doing it. But I guess you can't understand that and can only respond with "mUh WhAtAbOuTiSm".

And Google told me this about the word hypocrite (since you like it soo much ;) ):

a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings

Def describes you lot 😊

2 years ago

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He was present on Steam during America's Syria shit, yet continued to fund Valve, an American-based company, and probably bought many games from US-based devs.
I dont bash people for buying games because X country did/does something bad, you lot do that ;)

You're a walking "bruh moment". Are you sure you read the definition you sent? Seems like you barely understand it🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

2 years ago

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If only my bruz. If only. Sadly, I don't go around bashing others for buying games from countries that do bad stuff, but only if that bad stuff is something that affects me. It would be hypocritical of me to do so since I already use Steam myself and have plenty of games on it that are from these "bad" countries. Pointing out your hypocrisy with an example is not the same as being a hypocrite by bashing and insulting others for doing what you yourself are also guilty of doing.

Please, continue to not provide any counterpoints to my claim about your (and your friends) hypocrisy for bashing others for buying a game made by people from X because that country is doing Y, while you do the same thing, as long as it doesn't personally affect you or make life inconvenient for you. Or in other words, your moral values have a price and that is comfort :)

2 years ago

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That's literally what you've been doing the whole thread "bruz", even got you an example in the previous message, but sure keep denying :)

2 years ago

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If only bruz, if only. As I said, providing an example of your hypocrisy by using an example is not the same as actually going out insulting others and preaching while being a hypocrite myself. I'm not preaching how to boycott X that is made by Y because it's wrong since they are currently occupying another country's land. You are. Yet, you also buy and bought games from a company based in a country that has wars for fun and doesn't seem to care about this issue in that case. Why? Probably convince. Too many cool things come from the US. So... I don't know how you can't see it, but eh, keep being a hypocrite I guess. Keep telling others how they shouldn't do this or that, yet you do those exact things and don't even follow your own rules. Again, that is not what a hypocrite would do :) Not at all bruz

2 years ago

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I dont bash people for buying games because X country did/does something bad, you lot do that ;)
Yet, you also buy and bought games from a company based in a country that has wars for fun and doesn't seem to care about this issue in that case.


2 years ago

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I want to play it, but I will not give a cent to the devs.
Used physical copy on Playstation solves the problem.

2 years ago

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You have over 3600 games on your account.
And now ethics or morals influence your purchasing decisions?

2 years ago

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Wow, you got me. 3600 games on Steam prove my absolute lack of morality and ethics.

2 years ago

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Lmao, rusnya and their "logic" 🤣🤣

2 years ago

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Sure, make the giveaway, I'll be glad to participate.

2 years ago

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The developers describe the content like this:
“Blood and Gore Intense Violence Language Nudity”
never heard of Gore Intense Violence Language Nudity
sexy violent zombies?

2 years ago

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Thirsty sentient sado-maso fridges actually.

2 years ago

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never heard of Gore Intense Violence Language Nudity

Clearly you've never been to Ibiza.


2 years ago

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Blood and Gore Intense Violence Language Nudity

Like this?

2 years ago

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Now I want to see sexy violent zombies?

2 years ago

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Btw., this guy is a serial troll. Just look at their past discussions and check their actually finished giveaways.

2 years ago

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Curious behaviour. At least they did actually giveaway Grand Theft Auto V - probably a first for this site.

2 years ago

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It was a long con 😅

2 years ago

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The winner's Steam account was actually deleted, so who knows if that was a con as well.

2 years ago

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Really weird behavior. Why would anyone lie on the Internet?...

2 years ago

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Ah, a fellow user of an Electric Monk.

2 years ago

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They did make a Cyberpunk 2077 giveaway but it was deleted by a moderator for "inappropriate behavior" which is pretty bizarre, I would like to know more

2 years ago

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page 52 of his steam comments he has a picture of him having multiple accounts

2 years ago

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Note that he himself shared that link

I find weird, that there is written Permanenent, yet user continous to exist this day

2 years ago

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I vote to ban this person unless a giveaway is presented very soon

2 years ago

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That is the only thing I dislike about SteamGifts ... I brought this up in another thread once and was told that users can appeal a ban ... including Permanent ones ... go figure.

2 years ago

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well I'm for appeals, but if he used second account to enter then that should be instaban without any reconsideration

2 years ago

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Yeah, that happens from time to time.
I have quite a few users in my BL who at some point where "permantantly suspended", but aren't anymore. Only "Banned" accounts can't be un-banned, but I think there are only a couple of those in all.

2 years ago

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The sad part is that it's a grown ass man behind it.
Not a Child
Not a Teenager
But an Adult with nothing better to do then to seek attention on a website lol?

I don't really understand the motive here 😂???
If you're reading this, what do you even get from doing this over and over my man 😂

2 years ago

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I would love to play it, thanks

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Either that, or since that Cyberpunk 2077 'giveaway'. He figured there wasn't an GA slots available for atomic heart. I find it hard to believe GTA 5 is rigged, the winner is chosen at random, no?
If legit he will update about the issue today or tomorrow

2 years ago

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Well, he definitely had a slot 6 hours ago ^^

2 years ago

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uh oh

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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I'm fairly curious, so a yes from me, haha.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

2 years ago

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what an attention seeking fellow we have here XD

This giveaway was created by accident and has been removed

2 years ago

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I would think that should warrant a 5 day suspension under the category of "Fake giveaway".

2 years ago

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not really, that's for ended giveaways and winner doesn't received advertised product

2 years ago

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Then people could create fake giveaways for really good games to try and get on peoples whitelists and just delete the giveaway before it ends. Thousands of people would enter and some will probably whitelist the giveaway creator, then you delete the giveaway and almost nobody would notice that it was deleted, so you would probably stay on most of those whitelists.

2 years ago

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I understand that point of view as well

2 years ago

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