So if almost no-one finds a hidden giveaway, do you add hints to get past the magical 7 entries, or do you accept no CV and let the best man/woman win?

There isn't any hidden giveaway in this post, so you can stop looking. Seriously.

8 years ago

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What is the lowest number of entries you had in a hidden giveaway and did you add hints?

View Results
0 entries, no added hints
0 entries, despite adding hints
1-6 entries (just missed CV), no added hints
1-6 entries (just missed CV), despite adding hints
7 or more entries, no added hints
7 or more entries, added hints
Dan Quayle

7? isn't it 5?

8 years ago

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I thought so too, just checked FAQ and "If a giveaway is invite only, or for a whitelist or Steam group, it will only add value towards your level if it receives 5 or more entries."

So maybe the 7 is part of that hidden giveaway that doesn't exist... :p

8 years ago

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Oh shucks. How do I edit the poll?

8 years ago

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You can't ^^

8 years ago

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this needs a super secret bump.

8 years ago

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2 entries minimum in an old puzzle I made some years ago. No hints.

8 years ago

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I am too busy looking for hidden giveaways to create any... :D

8 years ago

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I usually just leave it as is. I've added hints if people diligently try to solve a puzzle but are having trouble. But if a handful get in I like to leave it as is to be fair to them.

Also, if cv matters to you, I believe you only need 5 entrants for it, not 7. :)

8 years ago

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I've done puzzles only a couple times, neither were given hints but both achieved the required participants for CV (while not exactly overflowing with participants either)

But yeah, I've seen people do a hidden post in comments, or drop the GA code in SG chat, just to get to that magic number with minutes on the clock.

8 years ago

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0 entries in my old puzzle with hints. Everyone who found it already had the game.

8 years ago

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That puzzle tho

View attached image.
8 years ago

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thats a very nice one :)

i had this one running a year ago with only a few entries.
forum thread

fibonacci gives great puzzles :)

8 years ago

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Well, the lowest number I ever got was one (at a time where you "only" needed number of gifted copies+1 entries to get CV) and I was a bit upset about it. And if I remember correctly I added numerous hints but the puzzle was probably too abstract for most people.

And then after the 5 people for CV change I had a whitelist giveaway with 4 entries. All I wanted was for the people to perform a simple action to get a spot on the whitelist and it failed miserably. I then decided that I will do such thing never again. And before that I decided to not add people to my black- and whitelist at all -_-

Since most of my giveaways are forum giveaways and often with a puzzle I don't need a blacklist anyway since puzzles seem to work as a good filter for some people.

But yes, important part: 1 entry despite hints.

8 years ago

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The lowest I had were 5 and 6 entries (they were both 2 hours long) and I didn't add hints. But even if they were to have less than 5 entries, they were bundled anyway so it wouldn't make a big difference.

But I did add hints to other giveaways 'cause their CV were like $30 and $60, so you can't let that go to waste.

8 years ago

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The lowest successful giveaway I had wasn't a hidden giveaway, it was a group giveaway to people who haven't won anything, and are apparently wanted to win something better than Bioshock. I got one entry. That was before SG2 days thought (but it didn't count for CV even then).

The lowest I had for a hidden giveaway (which was just a hidden link in someone else's thread) was 3 entries. I think that was also a little before SG2 (it was 7 months ago). I never said there was a giveaway there, but I did bump the thread.

8 years ago

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No hidden giveaway but a puzzle giveaway. 1 entry 2 weeks ago. No bundle game. 3 small hints. My first no bundle giveaway had 3 entries (another puzzle) and I lost 50 CV so who cares about CV after that?

8 years ago*

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I've had two giveaways end with 4 entries each in the past. Both were for puzzles which were either very hard, or weren't obvious to find/solve.
The first one had hints added, as usual. The other didn't, for the purpose was to test the "detective" skills of the SG forum users.

I don't care about CV, but as a rule of thumbs, I always make sure a giveaway has at least a little over five or seven entries.

8 years ago

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1 entry. No hints.
Anyone could have gotten to it though, with enough persistence. And actually three people did, but the other two were a little too late. They sang songs on the way though, so it was still a good time. (Basically, they all mastered the ability to scroll up. A lot. Like... for probably a solid hour of just scrolling up.)

For an actual puzzle giveaway, 7 entries, with one added correction after seven people had already solved it.
Also, CV-shmeevee.

8 years ago*

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this is a test :3

View attached image.
8 years ago

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this topic is a puzzle. bump for solved.

8 years ago

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more bumps because 5 entries is too low :3

8 years ago

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Ok, I can now vote. I just had this hidden giveaway finished with only 3 entries (though 5 managed to find it). No CV, but it's a low value bundle game so no issue. Maybe if the value was higher I would have left some hints. I thought that as it is, the link is almost hidden in plain sight. I'm a bit surprised so few people noticed it.

8 years ago

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secondary emergency bump.

8 years ago

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I'm not really surprised, it's a whitelist thread, so except if you are the OP there isn't much interest in reading through the thread ^^

8 years ago

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I guess you're right. I tend to read these threads to find good users to add to my own whitelist, but it's probably not a common thing to do...

8 years ago

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3 in my Blade Symphony GA, the puzzle was about myself and because none here knows me i just didnt put it here and did it in another social network.

8 years ago

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3 in my Interstellar Marines giveway with hints in every question, it was before it was bundled ;_;

8 years ago

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Currently 5, because I screwed this one up on multiple levels (speaking of levels, it is 5+).
Not even a puzzle. Just well-hidden. And uninteresting. ^^'

8 years ago

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Make that 6

8 years ago

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And I just notice now that the link is right here too. I actually went looking for it and found it.
Time to go to sleep I guess.

8 years ago

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i make my puzzles . . way too easy it seems ;p

8 years ago

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I remember the bat rats one! I had so much trouble finding the right answer to Q1. I was thinking 'spam' but it seems like I was making things waaay more complicated than they actually were :D

8 years ago

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Hmm, I remember making a Dark Souls 2 giveaway puzzle that only 1 person solved... Oh no, my precious CV... :)


8 years ago

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ah..chour solved it. he also was one of the few solving my math puzzle a year or so ago

8 years ago

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Sometimes I just want to give away games to forum lurkers. I've done a few flash GA's which only last an hour. Lowest entries I've gotten is 13 for my GA of The Original Strife: Veteran Edition

8 years ago

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One :U

8 years ago

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I do not get the Dan Quayle entry?

8 years ago

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I do not get SteamGifts' Potatoe fetish

8 years ago

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I had a Hunter giveaway that only garnered 1 entry, but that was way back when before there was ever a minimum for CV.

I haven't done a Hunter giveaway in a long while. I should do another.

8 years ago

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I've just created one kinda hidden GA 2 months ago in that train.
It was a Pillars of Eternity GA and had 36 entrys. Yeah wasn't that great hidden but I'm sure a lot of people haven't found it, cause other GAs in that train had up to 199 entries.

But you don't even had to hide stuff, even if you put the link in the description of an GA the most people won't find it xD

8 years ago

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