second fake giveaway ive won now. this time the guy tried to give me a 75% off discount coupon, saying its not against the rules to give coupons instead of games. sucks that this guy will just get a couple of non-deliveries against his name, and thats the end of it.
People should know by now what the rules are, and even if not, just NOT do generally douchebag'ish stuff like this. Wish a harder line would be taken with people doing this stuff.

12 years ago*

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now thats just unlucky XD

12 years ago

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Meh twice out of 64 wins

12 years ago

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yea... wow... I would feel bad if he had won twice out of two or three, but a gazillion people in this website haven't even got the chance of winning once.

12 years ago

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yea... wow... I would feel bad if they had given away something, but a gazillion people in this website haven't even gifted once.

12 years ago

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its not about feeling bad or sorry for me, or even anyone else. this isnt a "whinge" thread, its about hoping that a harder line will be taken with fake giveaway makers, and people abusing the website and its users. why is that so difficult to understand?

12 years ago

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I don't know what kind of effect the whole "Didn't receive gift" thing has on people. But I'd hope theres something behind that other then red text...

12 years ago

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Well, after a certain amount of "not received" gifts you aren't able to make any giveaways anymore...

12 years ago

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Which is hardly a punishment for someone not giving things away in the first place. :-)

12 years ago

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Agree. Should be zero tolerance for fake giveaways.

12 years ago

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Someone already suggested a "competency test" that you must complete before doing anything on the site. The answers would only be known by reading the FAQ. That way, people can't plead ignorance.

12 years ago

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no, they'll just blame their 'brother' or 'friend' :(

12 years ago

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Suspend them until the gift is received. If they want, they can make their brother or friend pay for it. Or they can sell that cat who posted it.

12 years ago

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That cat remark was a nice touch, I gotta give you that :P

12 years ago

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Sounds to me more like a scam attempt than a fake giveaway :/

12 years ago

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So report him (that's why the shiny report button is on the user pages now) and he'll get banned.

12 years ago

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did that a day ago. reported person + giveaway. nothing happened yet, not that i expect anything to happen that quickly. my point is, that ive won a fake giveaway before, so i know from experience that usually nothing happens to these guys, and that was the point of this post. i know that at worst this guy will get a few 'not recieved' marked against his name, but it wont change anything. he'll still be on the site, and still free to enter giveaways, and make more BS ones...

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

12 years ago

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WTF, it is a different one?! I got the 1st one!

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

12 years ago

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Well sorry, I thought it meant we have to catch the alternatives as well.

Yeah, I didn't know you edited your thread. My bad i guess.

So now I have to start from zero again?!?!?!

12 years ago

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muffin in a glass

12 years ago

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Version 2

12 years ago

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I wont take that yatterman

12 years ago

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Sure I take that Yatterman.

12 years ago

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Kill them with fire !

12 years ago

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cg should really make so a window could pop up when you're creating a new giveaway saying 'Are you aware of this'?

rule 1
rule 2
rule 3

Then you get option to choose Yes or No.

If you choose yes and yet create a fake giveaway, then they can increase the penalties because fake giveaways will rise if they do not fix this issue

12 years ago

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Agreed. Rules should get more spotlight and attention.

12 years ago

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That is true. I know rules are on the top of the forums but not all people notice forums straight away, as myself when I joined it took me good month to finally find that there's actually forums.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by SHIV.