Don't get your hopes up though, my tickets have been open for over 6 months, and not just mine.
Bugzilla is right though, it used to be that an SG ticket would get it removed within a months time but nowadays even SG isn't even properly moderated (beg threads being open for hours/days etc) let alone ST which only has 1 person handling the tickets.
don't worry about it's effects btw, 1 -rep is nothing when you have over 100+ rep and even if it does raise some suspicion for some traders they'll know it's fake rep once they see his ST account.
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God only knows man (well and CG I guess), it's frustrating as hell seeing one of the best game/trading communities going to shit while being told for almost a year now that it'll be better once it all moves to SGv2, in the meantime the bulk of good/active users have already left the site and the begging and scamming is at an all time high, hell I've even got 2 open tickets for 2 guys who are known & marked scammers yet still active on ST.
Back when I joined SG/ST both forums didn't date back further then 1-5 minutes on the 1th page that's how active the community was,now the last entry on the 1th page dates back hours, sometimes even days since so many people just gave up and left, ST now is just a place guys like you and me use, it's wayyyy to risky for new guys to use and when they do they mostly end up getting scammed.
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It sounds like ST is a sort of ghost-town now, I guess I hadn't realised it yet. What are the alternatives then for people, since you need to show a rep somewhere. But it seems like the trading market is dying slowly, also with the Steam region locks recently. All that's left is card trades in the future then, a bit dull :)
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I'm expecting trading to become something else completely, the way it's heading now it looks like all we'll have in the future is a few dozen high rep traders from each region selling games they purchased during sales for a slight profit as opposed to the game trading that we used to have, and a group of buyers that have ST accounts but only use the site to purchase games they missed on sale.
As for alternatives, there aren't any really with the exception of reddit and about a dozen TF2/Dota2/CSGO related trading sites like TF2outpost, but those all kinda require you to be an active player of that game or they'll just assume you're a scammer.
The thing that used to be so great about ST was that you could trade bundle games, a mature userbase, +rep isn't really an requirement if you're active on SG and at the same time there where no real requirements and there was no way to be "more visible" unlike sites like tf2outpost where you can autobump your threads if you pay a set fee each month.
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That sound about right indeed. But the question is, who will survive. It will become pretty messed up if only a couple of traders are available. In other words, if you're stuck with a game, there's not really a way to trade it quickly.
Makes me a bit cynical (a bit of a hyperbole), since before we had this great community of trading people, and now we're just rowing against the tide. Scammers popping up everywhere, good websites are slowly becoming more empty, and trans-regional trading has been shut down by Steam.
It does pose a new challenge in a positive way. I like trading also due to having to research and contacting people (I don't work yet as I'm too young for that). If indeed there will only be a couple of big traders in the future, hypothetically including me, they'll have to form networks and such. Would be fun to see groups AKA stores pop up, where the administrator is the seller, and members being potential buyers.
But who knows, only time will tell.
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Lol, it shows you have 7 reviews from the same guy?
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Scammers gonna scam. Unfortunately, you will have to go to the ends of the earth to fix this problem (probably literally if things keep going as they are).
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I've had someone who typoed his e-mail address in a PayPal Steam exchange. He reported me for "scamming", as I hadn't received anything but claimed to have paid already. We resolved the misunderstanding as him making a typo. I think the report is still "pending review" now, four months later, though. I've been asked about it thrice or so, but if you explain the circumstances most people are cool with it.
Wouldn't worry too hard over one negative.
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Your profile is totally clean for me.
You haven't to worry in my opinion of a blatant stupid -1 in your Steamtrades profile.
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The person I'm talking about can be found here: My profile on the 4th page, the negative review
I recently got engaged by a trader interested in my Doom 3 Gift. We talked about the trade, yadeyadeya. I must not forget to remind you that his Steam profile had a trade ban already, so it smelled fishy already. But when he didn't want to go first with trading, although he had no rep whatsoever and a trade ban, I logically cancelled the deal. And guess what, on there are 5 reports about him, so luckily no scam for me today.
But now he made a steamtrades profile just to write a bad review on my profile, can anything be done about this? Can he be banned from steamtrades, or does that require more negative reviews on his profile? And once he is banned, will that remove all his profile reviews. It's not a disaster that he -rep'ed me, but it's just nicer to have a clean profile.
All input is welcome, thanks!
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